Chapter 170

<Wei Lingyun> was so anxious that she jumped down directly from the second floor, giving quite a fright to the couple. She grabbed <Wei Lingyun> and anxiously asked, "Lingyun, is it really you?"

However, <Wei Lingyun> looked at her blankly, "Who are you? Do I know you? Have you got the wrong person?"

The scholar was also anxious as he came over to pull her away, "Let go of my wife!"

<Jiang Yuqing> held on to <Wei Lingyun>'s hand and said, "I would not recognize the wrong person. You are my friend <Wei Lingyun>. I recognize the birthmark on your tiger's mouth."

<Wei Lingyun> was still confused, but her eyes were fixed on the red lotus between <Jiang Yuqing>'s eyebrows, as she felt it was familiar.

The scholar then realized and said, "Miss, this is not the place to talk. If you really recognize my wife, shall we find a place to talk in detail?"

<Jiang Yuqing> also realized something was wrong with <Wei Lingyun>, so she said "Alright!".

The scholar packed up his stall. Afterwards, the couple followed <Jiang Yuqing> to the outer coat room on the upstairs of the inn where she was staying temporarily, and also asked the waiter to deliver some food.

The scholar then asked, "Did the young lady just now say she recognizes my wife?"

<Jiang Yuqing> nodded and smiled bitterly, "Yes. Can you tell me about her situation first? She seems to not recognize me now."

The scholar looked at <Wei Lingyun> and said, "I won't hide it from the young lady, I fished my wife out of the river..."

It turned out that the scholar was called <Xiao Ming>. His family lived nearby.

The family used to have some assets, but later as his parents passed away one after another, the family declined. Now there was only a small courtyard left, and a few acres of thin fields to live on. The days were very difficult.

In order to make ends meet, he had to set up a stall to write letters for people when he was not studying, to subsidize the family’s expenses.

<Wei Lingyun> was saved by him from the river 10 years ago when he was on his way back from taking the imperial examination in the capital city.

After saving her, he found that the girl did not remember anything. The doctor said she had hit her head on a rock when she fell into the water, causing blood stasis in her brain, so she lost her memory.

It would be very difficult to cure this condition. The only way was to take her to a hospital in the capital city to try.

Back then the family was in financial difficulties. In order to raise money for his exam fees, his grandmother had sold the only valuable thing in the family. How could they afford to take her to the capital city for treatment? So they could only take her back home.

Later, the two young people fell in love over time, and the girl married him.

Because she could not remember her own name, <Xiao Ming> guessed that the character "Yun" embroidered on a handkerchief she carried might be part of her name, so he called her Yun Niang.

Now 10 years have passed, and the two have had two sons and one daughter.

After listening to <Xiao Ming>’s words, <Jiang Yuqing> was very complicated. She didn't know how to tell them the next part.

After thinking for a long time, she finally decided to tell the truth: “The General Who Pacifies the West, Grand General <Wei Qing> has a daughter named <Wei Lingyun>.

Ten years ago, <Wei Lingyun> disappeared on her way to her maternal grandfather's birthday celebration. She was kidnapped and killed by mountain bandits and has been missing ever since."

<Xiao Ming> was shocked and panicked: "Are you saying my wife is General Wei's daughter?"

<Jiang Yuqing> nodded, "Yes or no, the truth will be revealed after I drive away the blood stasis in your wife's brain." Then she took out her acupuncture kit.

Seeing the acupuncture kit, <Xiao Ming> was shocked and nervously shielded <Wei Lingyun> behind him, "Miss, don't mess around. Many doctors have seen her to no avail. You look so young, don't hurt her."

When <Jiang Yuqing> heard this, she laughed to herself that although the scholar looked weak, he loved his wife deeply.

So she reassured him, "Don't be afraid. She is my old friend, how could I harm her? Besides, I studied under the master physician Gu. I think I'm quite good at medicine."

Although <Wei Lingyun> was also a little scared, when she saw the warm and sincere eyes of <Jiang Yuqing>, she instinctively chose to trust her and said to <Xiao Ming>, "Husband, why don't you just let her take a look!"

Only then did <Xiao Ming> agree.

<Jiang Yuqing> settled down and took out a pulse cushion, signaling <Wei Lingyun> to put her hand on it.

Seeing that she even had professional equipment like a pulse cushion, <Xiao Ming> was a little more relieved.

<Jiang Yuqing> carefully diagnosed her pulse and confirmed that she had no physical problems. Then she expanded her spiritual perception and examined her brain, and found a large blood clot as expected.

It should be the blood clot pressing on the brain's functional areas that caused the memory loss.

<Jiang Yuqing> had her lie down on her own bed, signaled the start of acupuncture and moxibustion. While using the silver needles, she slowly resolved the blood clot with spiritual energy.

There was some discomfort in the process, and <Wei Lingyun> was sweating profusely from the pain. <Xiao Ming>'s face was full of distress as he stood by her side, wiping her sweat.

He wanted to tell <Jiang Yuqing> to stop several times, but he was afraid that interrupting the treatment halfway would cause greater damage to his wife, so he forcibly endured it.

<Jiang Yuqing> understood what he was thinking, and was very happy for <Wei Lingyun>. Although her experience was regrettable and her life was poor, she met a husband who loved her wholeheartedly.

In a way, <Jiang Yuqing> felt that she was much happier than Yuan Wuyang.

The treatment lasted a full hour before it stopped.

After the treatment, <Wei Lingyun> fell asleep. <Jiang Yuqing> simply let the couple use this room and booked another room for herself.

Unexpectedly, <Wei Lingyun> slept until nightfall. <Xiao Ming> was worried that there was no one to take care of their three children at home, and did not want to leave his wife here.

<Jiang Yuqing> had no choice but to hire a carriage to send them home, agreeing to come over again for a follow-up visit tomorrow morning.

Sure enough, the next morning, <Jiang Yuqing> was woken up by a knock on her door. When she opened it, it was <Wei Lingyun> and <Xiao Ming>.

<Wei Lingyun> excitedly hugged <Jiang Yuqing> and cried without saying a word, "Are you Little Treasure?"

<Jiang Yuqing> hugged her tightly too, patting her back and said softly, "It's me. I'm really happy to see you again!"

When she returned to the capital from Sucheng years ago and went to Wei's house to look for <Wei Lingyun>, she was shocked to hear that she had disappeared.

Later she also asked her master's escort service to help search the state she disappeared in, but nothing was found.

<Jiang Yuqing> told her about Wei's family’s situation: "Your father is now the General Who Pacifies the West, in charge of all troops and horses in <Su Prefecture>.

Your brother has also become a fourth-rank general.

Your mother is fine too, she just often misses you. They would be so happy if they knew you were still alive."

After listening, <Wei Lingyun> cried hard, and talked about what happened that year.

It turned out that when her mother took her to her maternal grandfather’s house to celebrate his birthday that year, she intended to marry her to a cousin.

She stayed at her grandfather's house for some time, and really disliked her weak cousin, so she took the opportunity to sneak away on the way back home. She was going to go to <Su Prefecture> to find her dad.

Unexpectedly, this young lady who was skilled in martial arts but had never traveled far alone, went in the completely wrong direction. She should have gone northwest, but she stubbornly went southwest instead.

The most deadly thing was that General Wei's residence had protected her too well that she did not know the dangers of Jianghu.

On the way she came across someone kidnapping a bride. She foolishly charged over to help fight them off with her whip.

As a result, she somehow got herself embroiled in a deadly gang fight as it turned out to be two Jianghu sects battling with each other.

Because when she fell into the water, her head hit a rock at the bottom of the river, she lost all her memory after being saved.

That’s how she was separated from her family for 10 years.

For 10 years, her mother had almost cried her eyes out.

After listening, a herd of 10,000 grass mud horses ran wildly through <Jiang Yuqing>'s heart. What does courting death look like? This is it!

If you don’t like someone then just say no. If you mom insists on the marriage, just beat up that cousin until he dares not marry you. What's the point of getting yourself into trouble! Isn't there anything more silly than this? She was so mad!

<Jiang Yuqing> endured over and over again, constantly telling herself not to get impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil. Better to let her family teach her a lesson when she gets home!

She still managed to restrain herself in the end.

<Jiang Yuqing> asked her, "What do you plan to do? Go home by yourself or wait for your family to come get you?"

She replied in tears, "I want to go find my mother."

"<Jiang Yuqing> said, "Alright! Bring your husband and kids too. Go home these two days to settle things. I’ll arrange escorts to take you to the capital city."

"Qingbao, thank you!" She hugged <Jiang Yuqing> again.

<Jiang Yuqing> hugged her back, "We are friends. With so much said, isn't it nothing for you to invite me to your home for a meal?"

"Not too much!"

On the road, as she talked about her life over the past few years, Jiang Yuqing listened. Her life was a little poor, but her husband really loved and cherished her, and her few children were also filial and sensible, but she was also happy.

For a person's happiness, the economic foundation may be very important, but it is not absolute.

You can see from her sincere smile on her face that Xiao Ming really took good care of her.

Her home was at the end of a small alley on the west side of the small town, a two-yard green brick courtyard.

Although it was some years old, the brick carvings on the walls showed that its owner had once been glorious too.

The yard was very spacious and clean and tidy. A girl about seven or eight years old was playing with two toddlers, who must be her and Xiao Ming's few children.

Sure enough, as soon as the couple arrived, the children immediately came up to greet their dad and mom sweetly.

The little girl stared at her for a while before shyly saying to her mother, "This sister is so beautiful!"

Wei Lingyun chuckled, "She's not a sister, she's her mother's friend, you have to call her auntie."

"It's fine to call me sister or auntie. Anyway I'm the one taking advantage." While taking things out of the big package she brought: "Come on, little cuties, come and see the gifts I brought you..."

Lunch was made by Xiao Ming himself. It was rare for a scholar like him to be able to cook so well, and he did not have the pretentious idea of keeping away from the kitchen. After eating, Xiao Ming went to clean up the bowls and chopsticks, and the two sisters sat together to chat. Wei Lingyun said, "Aren't you in Capital City? How did you get here?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "Where don't I go? I was originally going back to Qingzhou this time to attend the weddings of my two elder brothers.

My master saw that I was too free, so he asked me to come here to fetch two rare medicinal materials for him to take back.

When I came, unfortunately, my uncle had gone out to gather herbs and wouldn't be back for several days, so I could only find a place to stay and wait for him to come back before leaving. Who would have thought I would pick up this missing person like you." It must be fate.

Not having seen her family for ten years, Wei Lingyun was extremely eager to go back. Thinking that after this trip, she might never come back here again.

The couple discussed it and simply sold the house and fields to raise travel funds to prepare to go to the capital.

Jiang Yuqing hired the best local escort to escort their family of five to the capital, and made an appointment to meet in the capital.

After sending off Wei Lingyun's family, that uncle also came back from gathering herbs. Jiang Yuqing took the medicinal materials, rode her white horse Xiaoshi, and headed straight to Qingzhou.

It was smooth sailing all the way, and she arrived at Qingzhou County in less than half a day.

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