Gelmar instructed a couple of the city guards to inform Adhara's call to the important parties.

It's a matter of importance, the attack might come at any time.

Similar to the Supernatural Elders that have awakened due to the World Awakening, the weaker ones were also starting to wake up and were shoved into the modern era, blinded with nothing more than anger and hatred.

Knowing that they were sealed, it's obvious that they are going to be mad.

Adhara expected those older generations of Supernaturals would instantly bore their hatred straight to the humans, it was the humans that sealed them after all. But it seems that is not entirely the case.

During the day of their sealing, there must be a big war that was happening.

In the cruelty of the situations that were shifting against the Supernaturals, there must be some drama amongst them, betrayal, backstabbing, and treason definitely happened which left a nasty bad blood between them.

Just like what the envoy stated, some of the Undeads hated the Dark Elves.

'We detached ourselves from humans with a newfound goal, but hatred didn't pick sides and haunted everyone. It'll be great if the high-rank Supernaturals directed their wrath at humans and eventually the Executor, why would they need to do something like this?' Adhara pondered in trouble, this is going to be the initial stage of the World Awakening.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm Due to this, she blamed the Supernatural Elders for not being able to control their vassals.

But then again, everyone has their own mind and story.

Even if the leader is well-respected and said instructed specifically to not do anything, there will be those that are too motivated to be afraid of the punishment. Similar to the act that Adhara and Evelyn did to Rex earlier.

Rex told them to not interfere, but they did it anyway and this happens.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Adhara quickly went over to the town square, giving a smile at the people that were greeting her before she quickly enters the town hall. The town hall is a big Gothic-style building that takes up a huge space of the town square, one of the biggest buildings in the whole city.

It was built with white and light blue stones and marbles, reaching way up to the sky.

Entering the town hall, she was faced with a surprising sight.

Adhara marveled at the intricate interior designs of the town hall, made by a master artisan. She stepped into a wide and huge hallway with pillars and big entrances leading to different parts of the town hall.

Beautiful tapestries, torches hung on the wall, and wolf-like statues adorned the sides.

Gazing up at the dome roof while walking through the wide hallway in search of the meeting room, she finds that it was quite high and had a moon symbol carved on it. The entire building reeks of the imperious standing and authority of the previous Lycan King.

A moment later, Adhara is now sitting in a room that stands out against the building style.

The interior of this room looks like a luxurious lounge that comes from the modern era, adopting a masculine retreat theme, this place is dominated by leather black furniture, minimal embellishments, and earthy tones.

Inside the room, there are three other people aside from Adhara.

Queen Shanaela, Daniel, and Lauren were present as these three represent the strongest available parties inside Dargena City. If Adhara wanted to deal with the current problem, then she would need their help.

While sitting on the leather black sofa silently, Adhara seems to be in deep thought.

'Okay, if I were Rex, what would I do in this situation...?' She thought, trying to clear her head and arrange a plan to tackle the situation. 'Since Rex hasn't told the Dark Elves, Dwarves, and the Tigermen to move into Dargena City, then he must want to keep our combined territory spread. If all of them gathered here, then if Dargena City falls, everything falls'

'Yes, aside from sending reinforcement, I should also take care of that' She nodded her head.

Reaffirming her gaze back to the three people that were waiting for her to inform them about the situation, Adhara then opens her mouth, "Let's cut to the chase, we have an urgent problem right now that needed to be taken care of. It's regarding the high-rank Supernaturals"

"It's starting, isn't it? The others must be worried" Queen Shanaela mused with a frown.

Adhara nodded her head before she decided to fill in Daniel and Lauren that doesn't know too much about the situation thanks to the condition of Ratmawati City, "At this current moment, the Silverstar Pack is allied with the Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, and Tigerman. Since the older generations are waking up due to the World Awakening, there will be some attack from the high-rank Supernaturals that has a problem with the allied races"

Upon hearing this, Daniel and Lauren were quite surprised.

Both of them missed Rex's speech so they are not aware of the objective of Dargena City.

In addition, the two couldn't believe that in such a short time span, the Silverstar Pack has gained this much influence. But it should be natural, considering Rex's power, there will be many forces that wanted to side with him.

Such as the two of them that decided to believe more in Rex than Sebrof.

"Due to that, I want the three of you to separate the fighting people under you into two groups. One group should contain those who are confident in their combat skill while the other one is those that rely more on spells" Adhara raised two fingers and instructed.

Listening to this, Daniel couldn't help but asks, "Why do we need to separate them?"

"Forgive me, but I'm going to be frank" Adhara glanced at Queen Shanaela and apologized. "Elves and Dark Elves are worst in close-quarter tenacity, their natural builds are similar to humans. So the reason I want you to separate them is that the group who is good at close quarter will reinforce the Elves and Dark Elves, while the ones good with magic will be sent to help the Tigermen and Dwarves"

Adhara's way of thinking is reasonable, it's an undeniable fact that is the blatant truth.

Providing this separation will maximize their combination might.

While the three were thinking, Lauren then decided to tell her thoughts, "I'm fine with that, but don't you think it will be dangerous to spread our forces like this? If one of them loses, then we'll be in trouble"

"Yes, you are right. Which is why we need to move fast" Adhara replied, her eyes flickered.

Surely spreading the force like this has a high risk since if one of them loses, then the losses will be unbearable. But Adhara already thought of this, "Since the attack will come from different parties, we should strengthen the connection between our territories. Creating a teleportation formation will be the best possible way, and we need to do that as soon as possible"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"If the attack would come at different times, then we can allocate the reinforcement to the place that got attacked first. That's a good idea" Daniel nodded his head in affirmation, it seems the constant pressure of death made every single Silverstar Pack member critical.

Even though she was doubting herself earlier, it seems the plan would work.

Queen Shanaela then smiled and intervenes, "We can help with that, I have some experts"

Elves are known for their strength in magic, their mana is way higher compared to the other races, so there are bound to be experts in their ranks that could create a teleportation formation easily.

With that, the meeting come to an end and the four started to carry the plan out.

Meanwhile, on the other part of Dargena City.

"Hoo... I was going to keep an eye on Adhara the most, judging from what Gistella told me. I thought she was the weakest link, but I think she's handling the scent well" Flunra who was sitting on top of a roof mused to himself.

Currently, he was looking at Adhara who is walking through the street.

Shrugging his shoulders, Flunra then leaped away and landed back onto the castle's wall. In silence, he looks through the window that viewed Rex's bed chamber and finds Evelyn's Luna energy is still filling the entire room.

But this makes him feel uneasy for some reason, "Hmm... she's not affected too?"

"That scent should be luring the weakest link, he must want to know the location of Dargena City and also finds out the current state. I know that the people were not suspicious even though Rex hasn't come out in a week, but there are probably some that are already suspicious of his condition" He added, pondering deeply inside his own head.

It was then, he gazes at the far distance as he thought of something.

'Weakest link... weakest link... wait!'

Upon realizing something, Flunra's eyes jolted wide and his pupils dilated in response.

Like a shadow in the night, he dashes away quickly and heads back into the city. It only takes him a moment before he reaches the hospital which is packed. Elves and people that knew medicines are treating the injured Awakend that participates in the fight in Emham Forest.

Flunra pushes through and quickly went to the fourth floor, knowing where he was going.

Soon enough he reaches in front of the door before he opens it, he finds Prof. K lying on the bed weakly and was surprised when Flunra suddenly barged in, "Did I do something wrong? Is there something you need to tell me?"

"Where's that woman, Giana?" Flunra ignored his remarks and asked.

Albeit he was surprised to find Flunra searching for Giana, Prof. K didn't idle along and pointed at the wall in front of him, "Giana should be in the other room, why? Is she the one that did something wrong?"

Not answering, Flunra quickly heads to the other room.

But when he opens the door and entered the room, he couldn't find Giana on the bed.

She was nowhere to be seen.

Upon realizing this, Flunra's eyes bulged as he couldn't believe that he forgot that Prof. K and Giana were also a part of the Silverstar Pack now. Albeit their standing inside the pack is very low, it didn't deny the fact that they are inside the Silverstar Pack.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly went over to the bed and sniff on the bedsheet.

Following that, he jumped out of the window and rushes away.

'Oh, no... she's the weakest link! Since when has she been lured? If she travels from the first day the scent appeared, then she might already reach them! Damn it, she might screw the plan over!' Flunra thought, he was too focused on Adhara and Evelyn and forgot about her.

If the plan failed because of her, then he would need to answer to Rex.

Although he would definitely take responsibility for his wrongs, the moment right now is the worst possible time. Rex hasn't woken up yet, he's still in a coma even with the help of Evelyn and her Luna energy.

If things got leaked out, then the entire Dargena City will be in trouble.

Knowing the outcome would be catastrophic for them, Flunra picks up his pace desperately.

"No matter what, I need to reach her first!"

Meanwhile, somewhere far away from the location of Dargena City.

Giana was traversing through a forest that seems to be devoid of mutated animals, she was walking weirdly, it seems like she was about to fall every time she takes a step. In addition, her eyes were weirdly glowing white.

"Hahh~ It's like honey, it's so pleasant..." She uttered with a sweet tone.

An inexplicably pleasant and alluring aroma permeates through the air and filled her nostrils, captivating her to the point that she was unable to resist her body to follow the direction where the scent is coming from. 

It seems to strike a curious charm on Giana and hypnotizes her beyond the limit.

Despite the scent coming out of nowhere and seeming to be leading her somewhere, Giana doesn't seem to realize it as her mind is already enthralled by the devastatingly alluring scent that numbed her senses.

Oblivious to what she was doing, she kept following the aroma like a desperate animal.

Unknown to her, she was heading straight to the Great Barricade.

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