The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1021 Rex's True Intention

It was an unfortunate tragedy that happened in the Dark Elf Kingdom.

Korvak crossed the line and became living proof of the doom one would be punished with for attacking the Luna of the Silverstar Pack. A punishment that was carried out the instant he laid his hand on Luna.

Now he was crucified and placed at the front of the castle's gate.

Bevryth survived the damages she suffered from Flunra, albeit severely injured, and she was quickly brought away for treatment. Other Elders didn't voice out their disapproval anymore since now they had seen the strength of the Silverstar Pack directly.

However, for the sake of settling the problem, Evelyn still continued with the initial plan.

A second King will be chosen when the time is fixed.

Appointing a second King would work with both sides as King Jorik would still retain his seat as King, while the Elders gained some influence. Even though it wouldn't be equal, with King Jorik still having the majority's side, it's still an improvement.

Currently, Evelyn and Flunra are walking through the regal hallway.

Both of them were given a private room to talk inside the castle by King Jorik himself.

Several concerns swept across Evelyn's mind as unfortunately, Lady Lauren was in a critical condition from defending her and taking most of Bevryth's blow. No matter what, she was still at the eighth-rank realm, a realm lower than Bevryth.

It was miraculous that she still survived the attacks.

Had the fight gone even a tiny bit longer, Lady Lauren wouldn't have made it out alive.

Despite the dangerous situation, it's good that she survived.

Additionally, Evelyn now could see the loyalty and extreme resolve that Lady Lauren has.

Without any hesitation, she willingly sacrificed herself.

'I should really give her some form of a deserving reward. Maybe I should ask the factory to make her and her children a custom-made armor, and also tell Rex about her loyalty' Evelyn pondered, recognizing the importance of acknowledging such loyalty

Upon arriving at the room, it turns out to be a simple room with a round table and chairs.

Both Flunra and Evelyn walked inside.

Only when the door was closed by the escort did Evelyn turn toward him and reassure him.

"I'm unharmed, just a scratch. You can go on ahead and continue what you're doing. With the display you showed earlier, I doubt that the other Elders would try and do anything to me. It's done" She said, convincing Flunra that she was fine.

Even though she said that, Flunra who was facing away didn't form an answer.

He kept looking outside of the big window.

Not knowing what was inside Flunra's mind right now, Evelyn paused for a second before she continued, "Also, do you really have to go that far? I reckon that killing Korvak is enough, the latter part is not quite needed. You'll only sow fear in the Dark Elves by doing that"

Listening to what Evelyn was saying, Flunra's body trembled.

It seemed what she said elicited a strong reaction from him as his body turned stiff.

But with a deep breath, he calmed himself down.

Judging from his reaction, Evelyn could tell that her words earlier made him angry, but that made her frown as she didn't know why he would be angry at that. It's quite reasonable for her to say that the crucifixion part was not needed.

"I'm doing them a favor," Flunra eventually said with a vexed sigh.

He then turned around to look at Evelyn, "If I hadn't taken decisive action or heeded your counsel, sparing Korvak, the Dark Elf Kingdom would be in peril. What do you think Rex would do if he knew what happened here?"

Upon hearing this, Evelyn was muted, knowing full well what Flunra was saying.

Surely, Rex wouldn't be as kind as Flunra.

It was an obvious answer at this point that Rex is utterly brutal to his enemies.

"Be careful. Your presence is massive and could have repercussions on your surroundings. If any harm befalls you, anyone linked to it will feel Rex's wrath" Flunra cautioned Evelyn with a clear gravity. "Matter of fact, don't tell Rex about this. I don't think the crucifixion that I did to Korvak is enough"

Taking a seat for himself, Flunra trained his eyes towards the wall.

At this point, it was very clear that the Supernatural was stalling for time.

However, it still remains a mystery for him, the real reason for this attempt of stalling.

Upon receiving the news, King John quickly throttled his mutated war horse to the Executor.

Located at the very heart of the armies was a big and regal palanquin, a monument of dark elegance. Its deep purple roof contrasts sharply with the rich black curtains. Intricate and detailed carvings adorned its dark wood, and stylized dragon horns rose from the corners, declaring its noble purpose.

Gold accents subtly marked its luxurious heritage, and it was also pulled by tanks.

The Executor was inside of it throughout the journey.

Jumping onto the palanquin, King John knocked on the wood before he stepped inside.

Sitting on soft cushions at the center was the Executor.

King John averted his gaze, purposefully avoiding eye contact, yet for a fleeting moment, his eyes intercepted the Executor clasping a radiant gem. He couldn't help but notice it due to the divine aura it possesses.

Swiftly, the Executor put it within an unusual, closed case.

It was then that the aura vanished completely.

'Isn't that...'

For a moment there, King John was detached from reality when he saw the gem.

He was dwelling inside his mind, stunned at what he saw.

Even though the Executor was looking at him, and called him two times already, he was still latched inside his head. Only when the third call came that he blinked his eyes, and quickly realized that he had dozed off in front of the Executor.

"Do you have a private place, John?" the Executor suddenly asked.

Upon hearing this, King John turned to look at him, still dazed, "Eh...? A private place?"

"Yes, a private place, like this palanquin of mine," the Executor pointed at the entire place, he then stood up from his seat, exerting his tall stature. "I really like private places, you know. It was just something about the silence it provides, and the knowledge of this place is yours and yours alone. It brings peace, don't you think?"

Nodding his head, the Executor then approached King John with steady steps.

At the sight of this, King John's heart rate began to increase.

"This palanquin is layered with numerous formations and spells, meticulously crafted to keep the peace intact. I made them myself, you know," the Executor nodded proudly, almost as if he was signaling to King John to nod too. "So they were very good. It gave me the time to abide in my own mind without any interruptions. Yes... without interruptions"

However, in the next instant, his countenance twisted hideously.


The vehemence of his outburst echoed in the air, depicting the anger within him.


Following that, the Executor grabbed King John by the head.

With one light move, he hauled King John off the ground as if he was nothing.

"So tell me, why did you interrupt me and even dare to drowse?" He asked raspingly.

King John has some suspicion of this outburst when he realizes that he dozed off, but he doesn't know how severe it is, as the Executor is unpredictable. But the rage in his tone, it caught King John completely off guard.

Quickly after that, he conveyed, "Our—Our supply lines are being destroyed again"

"I understand the urgency of reaching the Symposium, but relentless advancement without securing our supply lines jeopardized our armies' capacity to operate. I'm here to ask your permission to allocate additional personnel for the safeguarding of our remaining, vital supply routes" He hastily explained, trying to get out of this sticky situation.

Upon hearing this, the Executor threw King John to the side roughly.

"Bunch of useless puppets," He mused whisperingly, letting out his frustration. "Don't bother, I'll personally deal with it. Such a simple task and you can't even handle it, pathetic. None of you are up to my standard"

After cussing King John, the Executor walked out.

Left behind, King John who was on the ground had his expression darkens.

He cast his gaze toward where the Executor had left before his eyes glistened with a firm light, 'Yes, he was only using me. All that talk of being glad that I'm a descendant of the ancient bloodline is nothing but farce'

Clenching his jaw, King John glanced at the closed case at the center of the room.

A firm decision has formed inside his mind.

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