The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1018 The Luna's Standing (3)

It took a hard second for the others to register what had happened.

Caught momentarily off guard, all of them turned their attention to Evelyn, stunned in place as her gaze remained fixed on her fingertips. A crimson slit adorned her right cheek, a small trickle of blood marking its path downward.

Silence enveloped the entire dining hall once again.

But in the next second, King Jorik flared his eyes open in utter shock.


In a fit of insurmountable rage, he slammed his hand to the table, glaring at the perpetrator.

"Korvak!! Have you gone mad?!" King Jorik shouted mightily.

Under no circumstances that he expect Korvak, the head of the Sanzo Family would dare to do something so outrageous. Attacking Evelyn, even though it was to make a point was not something that is passable to do.

A move like that might spell the doom of the entire kingdom!

Keeping his nonchalance, Korvak smirked evilly, "Settle down, brat. I know what I'm doing"

Seeing no remorse in his eyes, King Jorik couldn't stand still.

Even though the Elders have more experience than him, they don't know Rex as well as King Jorik does. None of them knew how much he cared for his pack members, and even a small pain would be treated with full force.

Injuring Evelyn would be punishable by death, there was no doubt about it.

Gritting his teeth angrily, King Jorik channeled his energy, preparing himself for an attack.

But it was at that second, his eyes widened in horror.



King Jorik spat a mouthful of blood and fell down to his seat again. He covered his mouth in utter shock, completely caught off guard as something was blocking him from channeling his energy, causing an internal backlash whenever he tried to do that.

Realizing this, he felt a throbbing pain on his forearm.

He quickly took a look and found a small gaping hole there that he didn't even realize.

It was akin to an injury left behind by a needle.

Examining it closely, he noticed that it oozed a green substance. King Jorik then inspected his armrest and discovered a minute needle—a slender, almost imperceptible object if one was not aware.

"Poison..." King Jorik uttered in realization.

Looking at the other Elders, he found that there were some who seemed shocked too.

However, one of them doesn't, and that is Bevryth.

Slowly turning to Korvak again, still looking at him playfully, King Jorik's frown deepens.

"Bastard... So this is not only about my position as King? I thought we already settled this, Korvak. We shouldn't sever our ties with the Silverstar Pack! If we did, then we would be back to the start all over again" He roared in vexation.

Korvak's smirk widened upon his revelation, and with a mere flick of his fingers, the windows blasted as a group of figures stormed in, surrounding the table. Clad in brass attire, covering all but their eyes, it was evident that they were assassins.

All boasted eighth-rank realm power or above.

Even some managed to reach the ninth-rank realm, making their lineup exceptionally strong.


In a frightening union, all of them draw out their short swords.

Judging from their decisive movements, it was clear that all of them were expert assassins.

"If you believe that forming a pact with the Silverstar Pack is a credential worthy of being a King, you're sorely mistaken, Jorik. It only proves the extent of your ignorance" Korvak said, shooting King Jorik a disdainful look.

Despite his anger, knowing that this was a bad move, King Jorik couldn't do anything.

His power was completely blocked by the poison.

'No... No matter what, I'll have to protect Lady Evelyn at all costs!' He thought determinedly.

On the other hand, Evelyn who was the target of this incident looked around.

Albeit surprised, not expecting the Dark Elves were really do this to her knowing who she was, she could tell that the reason for this was not because of the agreement. Evelyn was quite sure that Korvak was doing this for something else.

Looking at the assassins, she became even more certain.

Following that, Lady Lauren quickly cast a spell.

Despite not expecting the situation to escalate this way, she quickly moved and created a mental link with Evelyn, Silva, and King Jorik to enhance their physical prowess. She would help them from the sidelines, providing support when needed.

Just like that, the assassins swarmed them.

Not wanting to get caught in the way, the other Elders made their way to the side.

All of them, like King Jorik, were also poisoned by Korvak and Bevryth which rendered them ineffective in the situation. It was a special poison specifically made for them as that is what the Sanzo family does.

Korvak and his family specialize in assassination, so poison is also one of their skills.

On the other hand, Evelyn darted her eyes at the incoming assassins.

Crossing her arms in front of her, she then chanted, "Fire Demoness Art, Beauty of Hell..."


Upon the incantation, her claws burned with violent crimson flames.

Guided by her battle instincts, she confronted the incoming assassins, who moved like fluid water and targeted her blind spots, with her lethal claws. In the initial ten seconds, Evelyn's reflexes prevailed, allowing her to send a couple of assassins crashing to the wall.

Each one of them, however, stood right back up and continued to attack.

It was Evelyn's first time fighting this many entities with the same power level as herself.

Naturally, she was soon overwhelmed.

All of the assassins' movements were too elusive, it was hard to catch or even hit them.

"Don't hurt her too much! Keep it to the minimum!" Korvak shouted.

Heeding his command, the assassins sheathed their weapons back and changed their attack from filled with killing intent to aiming to knock Evelyn out. But as the fight continued, Evelyn glanced to her right, sensing something approaching.

"Lady Evelyn!" Lady Lauren exclaimed and stood as her shield.

Despite the barrier that she summoned, Bevryth broke through and tackled the two of them.


Evelyn, Lady Lauren, and Bevryth broke through the wall.

Plummeting from the lofty heights of the castle, Bevryth showed no mercy, delivering a kick toward Evelyn in mid-air. However, once more, Lady Laureren stubbornly intervenes and puts herself in between them.

She took the kick as both were sent hurtling down, their impact shaking the very ground.

Groaning lightly, Evelyn regained her standing before her senses spiked.

Looking up, she saw Brevryth was already attempting to deal the decisive blow to knock her.

"Dark Nature Arcana, Lethal Axe!"

Bevryth's heel pulsated with a concentrated surge of dark nature energy, ablaze with an intensity similar to fire, as she thrust her leg downward, targeting Evelyn. Anticipating the assault, Evelyn was well-prepared to deflect the impending strike.

However, Lady Lauren already pulled her wrist and tossed her away.



Rolling on the ground, Evelyn looked up and saw Lady Lauren being stepped on by Bevryth.

She was groaning painfully.

Her collarbones and ribs were broken judging from the depth of Bevryth's step.

"Don't make it harder for yourself, surrender yourself, Luna" Bevryth mused overbearingly.

Upon hearing this, Evelyn's expression darkens.

Bevryth presumed that Evelyn had conceded, observing her bowed head in apparent defeat. 

However, in that crucial moment, she hastily shielded her ears as a piercing sound assailed her, nearly shattering her eardrums. It came out of nowhere and brought an excruciating pain beyond imagining.

'Sound attack? Is she also a Sound Elementalist?!' Bevryth exclaimed inside her head.

Just as she raised her gaze to look at Evelyn, her body froze.

"Don't kill her, Flunra..."

Instead of being greeted by the same sight, Bevryth was greeted by a massive Werewolf.

Her eyes were staring straight at its canine teeth, dripping with deadly intent.

"W- What...?"

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