The Invincible Corruption Manual

Chapter 219 CHAPTER 218: The Extreme Arrogance Of Dao

"Little Xiuying, I am called Dao, the keeper of the One Million Daos of the one Hundred Universes. I am here to take you in as my personal Disciple. With your talents, staying is like destroying your bright future. Come along with me." He said in his kindest and sweetest voice.

"Hmph! Little Xiuying is my personal disciple. " Mie Lien responded while snorting and continued speaking harshly, " Trying to steal my best disciple. You damn Old Fart! Whatever Dao or shitty name you are, I don't care. Just get lost to the shithole where you come from. Otherwise, I will not be courteous to you anymore."

"Insolence!" The middle-aged man frowned a bit and shouted at her for the first time.

"Aarrgghh….!" Mie Lien touched her chest and started screaming in pain. Her vision turned black and white while she experienced a very sharp pain in her heart and it felt as if her heart was about to burst. Her face started turning pale.

"A punny ant dare to talk to me like that. You can die now for your sin." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Ahh! Aunt Mie Lien, what is wrong with you?" The little girl spoke and supported her. She then glared at the middle-aged man and shouted, "What have you done my Aunt Mie Lien?"

"Little girl, you and she are from two different worlds. You are mean to much greater things in your lives. So, staying with this type of person will hamper your future path. You need to cut ties with them earlier. " The middle-aged man said. He turned his head at Mie Lien and continued speaking, "See that! She can't even bear a single shout from me. What can she teach you? Come along with me."

He then took a step and warped beside little Xiuying.

"Y-ou da-re….!" Mie Lien spoke and shouted, "Co-me out!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!.... (Roaring of a dragon)

Mie Lien stopped screaming and returned back to her normal self again. Her white dragon root in her heart came out and formed a giant body in the air just above her head. It glared at the middle-aged man with anger and kept roaring at him.

"Ah, The Legendary White Dragon!" The middle-aged man exclaimed and continued speaking, "So, you are the Legendary White Dragon of this age. Alright, I will take back my word. You can come with me too."

"What a shameless bastard! Get out of my Sect!" Mie Lien cursed at him loudly.

"You dare!" The Middle-aged man frowned and said, "Even though you are the Legendary White Dragon of this age, you are still too weak. At least you will take more than 50,000 years to even catch my eyes. So, stop talking more nonsense to a senior like me."

"Hey, old fart, don't you hear me. Get out of here." Mie Lien shouted at him.

"Fine, I will teach you a lesson today in your elder's place." The middle-aged man then flicked his finger and a tiny needle size white- lightning came out of it flew toward Mie Lein.

At that exact moment, the eyes of Mie lien suddenly started flashing while she started rapidly analyzing the tiny needle size white- lightning. And she then flicked her finger and a similar needle size white- lightning came out of it and met the incoming lightning in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two lightning collided in the air and exploded.

"Eh! What a nice Legendary White Dragon's ability to analyze and comprehend others' abilities they just see. You have even reached that level to immediately comprehend my Supreme Lightning Dao with just a peak. Truly admiring, truly admiring. What you are lacking is just your cultivation based? Then, I will use a tiny bit of power and see how much can go."

He then waved his hands and pointed his finger toward Mie Lien sending a beam of the white lightning bolt. This time, the space started breaking while causing distortion as it was unable to withstand the law inside the white lightning bolt.

But suddenly the white lightning bolt disappeared before he finished channeling.

"What the hell! Why is the essence qi and laws inside here started rejecting me as their enemy? They even started consuming even my fortune star points rapidly."  He exclaimed. needle size white- lightning came out of it

He then chanted a spell and shouted, "Seal my fortune star points! "

"Eyes of Dao, activate!" The middle-aged man shouted and he started scanning all around the Kunlun Mountain Ranges and he was even more shocked.

"What the hell is wrong with this place! I can't even see the natural laws and Daos of this place." He exclaimed on finding out a very strange thing which had never happened to him before.

"I don't want to stay here any longer. Alright, let me grab that little girl and leave this place. Who can stop me anyway?" He murmured and took a step. And he appeared just before the little girl. He then raised his hand to hold her hand.

"Space shift!" A male voice suddenly shouted from afar.

Then the middle-aged man was shifted back to the spot he was a moment before.

"The Supreme Ultimatum of the Space law!" He exclaimed with surprise, quickly calmed himself down, and continued speaking, "So, there is actually an expert like you here. Show your face."

Another middle-aged man with a white band fabric covering his forehead appeared beside Mie Lien.

"Sect Master Mie Lien, take this pill." He gave her a pill that looked just like a rice seed.

Mie Lien ate it and soon the unbalanced essence qi inside her body gradually started breaking down bit by bit.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you before." The middle-aged man who called himself Dao asked him. He then started scanning his body.

" I don't have a name. But, you can call me Shivarjuna. " The middle-aged man with the headband replied.

"I have already seen enough of your arrogance. If you have come with good intentions then I would have gladly offered you a cup of tea. Alright, I really hate fighting. So, you can leave now." Shivarjuna spoke calmly

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