The Insider System

Chapter 398: The Deal Pt.34

Chapter 398: The Deal Pt.34

It was crazy but the conditions in the prison cell they were in were so bad that when people came to drag him away Donny was almost grateful because now he wouldn't have to go through what they had. It would have been crazy if his last meal ever was the meat he had been given on the way here since he still wasn't 100% convinced it hadn't been human.

He had just been thinking about this because he thought there was a chance he might never get to eat again and he was pretty sure the Demon worshiper had said the meat had come from something they had hunted. That didn't actually mean it hadn't been human since the Demon Worshipers could consider hunting humans for food just hunting.

Of course he would have probably noticed this at the time if food hadn't been so scarce for the past few days and he hadn't been so hungry but now it was too late and he would always wonder what they had fed him. It probably wouldn't bother him anymore though if he ended up completely brainwashed after talking to the Demon Lord like he thought he would.

For all he knew evil Donny would start to prefer to eat humans that he had hunted down like the other crazy people that served the Demon Lord might. "Hey why aren't you knocking me out this time?" Donny knew this was a change of subject for him but he was currently being dragged down a hallway so it was more relevant to what was happening to him now opposed to wondering what he might be like in the future.

When he didn't get an answer after some time Donny started to struggle to see if they would hit him but when they didn't he had his answer. "So what's he like? Have either of you ever met him personally?" Donny could guess that most Demon worshipers heard the voice at some point but that wasn't the same as meeting the Demon Lord in person so he wanted to hear what they had to say since it was about to happen to him.

"Can either of you talk about him or are you under a curse of some kind?" When this also didn't get an answer he guessed what he was doing currently was effectively the same as what the craziest people back in the prison cell had been doing when they were mumbling too softly for anyone to hear them or yelling gibberish no one could understand.

Keeping his mouth shut for the rest of the trip Donny closed his eyes as well and tried to pretend he wasn't being dragged through gore on his way to be brainwashed into becoming a Demon Worshiper. The journey ended before he was able to actually become unaware of the reality of his situation when he was thrown onto the floor hard and was forced to open his eyes.

Passing through a few more empty rooms Lake quickly got close to his target and used Ghost Touch again to go down into the ground. Moving under the person with the armor was the only way he could think of to get close to them without others seeing him since he could tell they were surrounded by other people with Mana Vision.

Once he was under them Lake used Ghost Touch to turn the place they were standing ethereal and when they slipped into the ground with him he touched every piece of their armor as fast as he could before he turned around and started to run away.

He didn't see a reason to stay and kill the Demon Worshipers since he felt slaughtering them would lead to problems for him while just taking some armor wouldn't be a big enough deal for them to actually chase him down and after some time passed he would be able to use the armor with no one knowing how he had gotten it so even if they did come after him he could just say he had bought it.

Running through the same opening he had made on the way in Lake was able to make it back out onto the street within a second. He usually wouldn't move this fast when people were around but he really wanted to get away before the Demon Worshipers could see what he looked like.


Around two minutes after Lake disappeared into the ground in front of her Tiff saw him reemerge but wasn't able to watch him for long because he quickly ran away. Seeing him run like that she knew he had probably done something to the Demon Worshipers that were hiding here but she wasn't sure about this until about twenty of them came out of one of the buildings.

Seeing them run off as well, Tiff guessed she now had a way inside and went towards the building to slip inside before its door closed. If this ended up leading her straight to the giant she was really going to have to find a way to say thanks to Lake the next time she saw him.

She would also have to ask what he had been doing but it was probably something that had nothing to do with the reason she was here because he hadn't been here long enough to kill a giant without using Holy magic in any way and she would have felt it if he had.

Inside Tiff found that the building was just a normal house but she knew that meant there would be a secret door somewhere but instead of trying to find it she just found a place to wait. The people who had just chased after Lake should come back and she would be able to follow them through the door.

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