The Insider System

Chapter 328: Beginning Of A Two Day Vacation

Chapter 328: Beginning Of A Two Day Vacation

Donny had just finished up with the third person. Sadly not a single one had taken the loyalty but it did make him trust in the golems abilities to detect traitors slightly more. The three he had just killed also made almost the exact same excuse which made him think it had been practiced in case they were asked to do something that could blow their cover.

It was expertly chosen because the excuse that you had a child really tugged at the heart strings and most people would have probably backed off if it had been a real request to go on a mission that required the utmost secrecy. Unfortunately for them his request had been a lie to test them and they had all failed.

He just hoped there weren't any more so he wouldn't have to do something like this again because even if they were enemies this was truly unpleasant to even think about let alone perform. Just the thought of what happened to them after the floor ate them was enough to turn your stomach if there was anything actually in it.

As he arrived at the door to the room Rigbis was now using for meetings he saw the door closed but decided a small nod was all it would take for Rigbis to know the job was done so he tried to enter the room. Not only was the door locked which stopped him, the guard next to it told him. "He'll call you when he's ready for you."

"Ok I'll be where I was last time." He was too hungry to just sit in his room where he would do nothing but think about his stomach so he would go watch the city to pass the time. As he stepped out he saw Keel was still standing where he had been when he left so Donny took his position next to him like he had never left in the first place.

The truth was he hadn't been gone long since his conversation with Rigbis had been rushed and the three people he killed had gone down instantly so in reality he could continue the conversation they were having without it being weird. "Has anything happened while I was gone?"

Once he had his target he set out without really knowing where he would end up. Being able to run on air with Wind magic he used the mountain tops like stepping stones and it wasn't long before he could see the end to the mountain range. It transitions into what he would call a hilly desert and then into a river that was at the bottom of a ravine.

He wished he had a map that had some detail to it so he knew where he was but he got over it when he saw a small town off in the distance. With no trees around he guessed he was going to be running for a long time and decided it was worth it to stop and see what was going on here in desert land.

He didn't think he was inside the Metal Domain any longer and he figured the people here would be able to tell him what Domain this actually was. He landed away from the town so they didn't see him come from the sky and walked in looking for any guild buildings. He eventually found a joint guild branch and walked in.

It wasn't until he got to the desk that he realized he didn't have a guild badge for the Fighters guild any more and used his Alchemist guild badge to get the lady to talk to him. "Hello sir alchemist, what can I do for you today?"

Lake didn't really need any information other than where he was so he kept it short and asked. "What Domain are we in?" He didn't think it was that crazy for a traveler to ask where they were so he was happy to get his answer with no attitude from the person behind the desk. "This is the Earth Domain. Would you like help finding where your destination is? We have a cart out back that will take you all the way to the Holy Domain if you would like."

"No, that's fine, I'm not lost, I just wanted to know how close I was. Have a nice day." It was too bad to turn down a ride that would bring him to where he was technically going but he wasn't trying to end his trip just yet. He was also pretty sure the cart they had here would be close to torture with its speed being to low for him.

Once he was back outside he just ran into the air not worried about anyone seeing him since no one would be able to stop him to talk like they could have as he came into the town. Once he was high up enough he got the arrow back out and started to follow it to the forest it said was over here.

Less than an hour later he finally started to see the plant life start to thicken and knew if he wanted he could probably stop here to hunt small animals but decided he preferred the larger prey that would live in a forest. More Exp and bigger animals were probably more impressive to whatever decided if you unlocked a job or not.

An hour or so later he started to see trees big and dense enough to call a forest and he descended from the sky and pulled his bow out. Switching Detector to look for animals and activating Mana Vision Lake started to see small animals and what they would call their cores hiding all around him but he ignored them and went deeper.

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