Chapter 219: Never

Looking down the street he was passing on the way towards the next person he was going to save Donny saw there was a gargoyle dragging a silent person down the street. This wasn't the first time he had seen this and he usually still saved these people on the off chance they were alive but Donny could tell this one wasn't.

It was obvious with their guts spilling out that even if he was to get the best health potion in the world down their throat that they wouldn't make it. He was about to move on and save someone he actually could when he noticed the corpse the gargoyle was dragging had a nice sized bag and with them being dead they shouldn't have drank any of the potions yet.

Moving quickly Donny killed the gargoyle, grabbed the bag and continued towards the person he could actually save. He would look through the bag when he got the chance or if he couldn't, pass it on to one of his people back at their new base. They would know what to do on the off chance there was a high grade health potion inside.

Stopping the gargoyle that had the living person Donny saw that they were in pretty good shape with the only real injury being their arm was broken. This was a serious injury but it wouldn't stop a real warrior from fighting with their other arm. "Come on, there's a second base for people that got dragged away."

Donny saw they wanted to put a sling on their arm before they started moving so he helped them and said. "I don't have much time, come on." Once they got moving he asked. "How's the fight coming?" He'd been asking anyone who could speak since he had heard it had started to go bad because he wanted to know if it had turned around for them or if he needed to just keep his force hidden instead of trying to reinforce a broken army.

"Our only healer ran out of mana so I think we're done for now. They were about to close the hatches when I got grabbed." It seemed the fortress was about to go into turtle mode. This meant he would be done saving people pretty soon. "How long do you think the base will last like that?"

"It's surprisingly well made so I think they'll be able to last a few days if they leave it closed up the whole time. That being said they'll probably open it back up to continue the fight once everyone gets some rest." Donny was starting to get curious about this base. He hadn't actually gotten close enough to see what it looked like till now because he had been so busy saving people since he started.

"You can go inside. You can't carry anyone like that." Grabbing one of the passed out people Donny got them off the ground and up into the new safehouse. Seeing one of his people he asked. "Where should I put him?"

"In the back room on the floor." After doing so Donny took a second to sit down. He had been going since he had saved the first person nonstop and with the fact his group numbered over fifty it was an impressive number of people that he had saved but also a lot of running and while carrying someone most of the time on the way back it had worn him out.

Seeing someone carrying another person Donny asked. "Is there any food?" Stamina potions could keep you going but they didn't do much for your stomach, that was what rations were for. Sadly he hadn't seen any so it looked like they were stuck looking for actual food from the surrounding buildings.

"Yeah there's a bit, do you want me to get you some?" Donny nodded and said. "That would be nice?" Getting his bread and water Donny thanked them and asked. "Did that guy find his wife?" Donny had wanted to know how that had turned out but he hadn't seen the guy again since. "What guy?"

"The buff guy with the sword." Donny guessed there was a chance the guy hadn't made it here. And was about to get up to look around when another person came in and said. "We need help moving Peter." Peter was in the worst condition out of every person Donny had saved and none of them really even understood how he was still alive.

Donny wasn't going to leave him out in the alley way though so he said. "I'll be right there." He could understand why they didn't want to move him without at least three or more people because he had been hit by an unholy spell and his whole side seemed to be rotting away.

Donny was afraid if they weren't careful with him while they were moving him Peter's side would split open and his guts would fall out. That would definitely be the end of Peter if that happened because the low grade health potions they had couldn't heal something like that. Getting outside Donny saw that there would be five of them moving him into the house.

That was enough that they would be able to glide him up the stairs if they knew what they were doing. Getting one of the shoulder spaces Donny said. "On three. One, two, three." Lifting Peter up one of the People on the other side said. "It's too bad we don't have someone who can use Unholy magic on our side. They could probably leech this Unholy mana out before it ate through him."

"On our side for a day and never again." Donny couldn't help but say this. He was sure he wasn't the only person here who had wisely chosen to pretend they couldn't use Unholy magic for their whole life. "I've heard there are a few who have been able to resist the temptation." Donny would like to know if that was actually true or just something the Demon Lord had spread to make people think it was safe to get closer to him.

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