The Insider System

Chapter 211: Imprisonment Barrier

Chapter 211: Imprisonment Barrier

Lake had been fighting gargoyles and undead for over an hour now and he was starting to think it was time for him to go back and rest. He had been using Crunch all day and even if his Stamina was able to replenish itself over time it was starting to do a number on him. He needed to get some sleep and since he could and still get up before the others did he was free to do so.

Plus he had kind of killed all the monsters already, his plan to run around in circles had been way more effective than he had expected and while he was sure there were still some out here there weren't enough to matter. He wouldn't be surprised if the group of Fighters he had saved could clear the rest of the city on their own since they didn't have to worry about being surrounded.

He would be afraid of them getting tricked by the undead though. He had been spoken to by a few while he had been working on clearing the city and if he didn't have Detector to tell him the truth he wouldn't know unless the undead said something that wasn't true that triggered his lie detection.

Lake wasn't far from their base so he was able to run back in less than a minute. Walking inside he saw the guard had changed again. Lake made a small wave to the man before going to lay down. Right when he didn't he wondered if he could have just picked an empty house to sleep in but decided he would be in more danger by himself since he had already used Detector to see if he was in danger from any of the people he was with.


Opening his eyes because he heard people moving around Lake saw that the guards were changing again. He wasn't sure how much time had passed but he felt rested so it didn't really matter. Getting up he walked over to the guard that was up when he came in and asked. "How long did I sleep?"

Lake was pretty sure this thing understood what was happening or at least was smart enough to know what side it was on. Seeing that there was nothing else here for him to see, Lake decided it was time for him to see the Imprisonment formations effects because that was what was keeping him here.

All he needed to do to find the barrier was to go to the edge of the city. Using Mana Vision Lake saw there was an invisible wall all the way around the city. Taking a rock off the ground and throwing it he saw it collide with the barrier and fall to the ground.

He didn't want to try and touch it because he felt like it might have some type of shock or something designed to keep the people inside from trying to leave so he took out his sword and decided to give it a few hits with some of his skills like Crunch or Ripped to see if he could break it.

He decided to just start with Crunch even though he had seen it didn't really work very well on Barriers because it still made his strength sextuple whenever he used it so if he swung as hard as he could the effect on the barrier should be massive. He did worry about his sword though and it made him think he could go get some spare ones from some of the undead he had killed earlier.

Doing that real quick Lake brought a small pile of every weapon he felt he could swing at the barrier. This gave him more than enough tries to get this barrier down so he could leave. With the fact that he had already been able to kill most of the monsters down here he was sure the other people in the other tiers were probably making good progress on theirs as well.

That meant all that was standing in his way of getting paid was this barrier and the few things he would have to help clean up once he got to the Metal Temple because he was sure they would have one or two things they needed him to help them with.

Gripping the sword he had picked to go first, Lake used Crunch and swung as hard as he could towards the barrier. Unsurprisingly all that happened when the sword started to move was he ripped the handle off and missed his swing since the blade fell to the ground. He had kind of expected something like this to happen if he swung as hard as he could so it looked like he needed to find how hard he could swing and actually hit something.

Grabbing the next sword, Lake tried again but at half strength. He was able to make contact this time but sadly the sword bent while he was swinging it so there wasn't much strength behind his hit. Seeing that this hit wasn't enough to do anything to the barrier, Lake started to think he should just use his hand.

The odds of there being a deterrence that would kill him was really low and with his hand he didn't have to stop with just Crunch, he could also activate Ripped to see what would happen. He would rather just have one of the other people touch it with their hand though so he decided he could just wait until they got up. No point in taking a risk when one of the others would be stupid enough to do it for him.

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