The Innkeeper

Chapter 1140 Notoriously handsome

Chapter 1140 Notoriously handsome

Moon woke up feeling surprisingly fresh, and with much more energy than she was used to. For a moment, the lack of severe weakness surprised her, but then she remembered everything that had happened, and smiled. Right, Lex had found her, and what followed was an adventure out of a storybook.

"Good morning," a soft, feminine voice greeted her, taking her by surprise. She looked around and found that at a short distance, a beautiful lady was sitting at a table drinking tea, accompanied by a young man. She did not recognise either of them.

"My name is Jubilation, though my friends call me Jubi. I'm a nurse. This is Harry, he's a sorcerer. Your brother invited both of us to look after you and help treat you while he searches for some ingredients for your treatment."

"Oh. Thank you for your care," Moon said softly, and with a subtle hint of formality. In front of Lex she returned to her childish self, but with him gone, she once again began to step back into her role as saintess.

If it weren't for the fact that these two were acquaintances of her brother, and that she could sense the purity of their souls, she would have been a lot more guarded and formal.

"Are you hungry? Lex left behind some ingredients and invited a private chef as well to help prepare your meals. It should be very good for you."

"I suppose I can have something light," she said, recalling the great flavour of the food Lex had given her. She slowly lifted herself from her hammock and stepped down.

Nurse Jubilation was about to elaborate on how they planned on treating her, when a notification sound went off her a watch. She looked down, and suddenly felt excited.

"Harry, the show's about to start. Velma's been raving about this for a long time. I can't believe we're finally going to watch a live season of Lover's Island."

She tapped on her wristwatch, and a screen appeared in the air beside them.

"Miss Moon, are you interested in such shows? I've never seen them before, but I have a dear friend who is a big fan."

"I've never had the time to watch them, but I have heard about them. I suppose I could watch a little while I eat."

Moon joined the two at the table where they sat and looked towards the screen, which was playing an introduction of the show, showing scenes from past seasons.

Images of shirtless men fighting off monsters to protect admiring ladies, and couples bonding together as they overcame adversity kept flashing on the screen.

The production quality was not bad, but Moon did not feel too intrigued. Her life had been so stressful that she could never find the appeal in watching others endure such needless drama.

But her expression froze when the introduction ended, and the first thing that popped up on screen was an image of a person she knew all too well.

Lex stood at the mouth of a steaming volcano, his sharp jaw and intense eyes drawing in everyone who looked at him. More importantly, a hint of the Domination that he was still displaying was being transmitted through the projection.

After all, the production quality did not just refer to the cinematic and audio of a show, but how well they were able to replicate the actual auras and conditions in which the show was taking place.

Lex was radiating a charm he had never displayed anymore, and everyone who saw him became fixated.

"What did you say he was doing again?" Moon asked. "Was he supposed to be looking for ingredients?"

No one responded.

Just then, the narrator started to speak, and began introducing Lex.

"Ladies and gentlemen, monsters and beasts, deities and devils, welcome back to Lovers Island, the show where romance knows no bounds and love knows no limits, even as contestants struggle to survive the lethal trials of the Island! Tonight, we have an unprecedented surprise for you. Brace yourselves for the arrival of a contestant like no other. He's a legend, a mystery, and quite possibly the universe's most notoriously handsome outlaw to grace your eyes. For years, the galaxies have been buzzing with tales of his audacious escapades. He's kidnapped a living dragon for no reason other than he could, and snatched an entire planet from its star system to get a date with its saintess. He's even captured the colossal monster known as the World Eater, capable of devouring planets and stars, all to serve as steed to pull along his planet chariot as he roams the stars!"

An audio track of audience members going 'oh' and 'ah' played in the background. Lex, unaware of what was happening, turned to look down in the bubbling volcano. Amidst a lake of boiling lava was a cage on a floating piece of rock, and within it an unconscious lady.

The narrator continued, "with a bounty on his head worth dozens of planets, he's the man everyone's been searching for but no one could ever find. Dragons have searched the boundless stars and bounty hunters across countless planets, with no news of him. Until now. Tonight, he's not just a fugitive; he's a contestant, here on Lovers Island, looking for a different kind of adventure. Please welcome, the elusive, the legendary, the one and only… Lex Dragonsbane!"

Waves began to form in the lava, and Lex's eyes narrowed. Without hesitation, he dove into the mouth of the volcano, the unconscious lady unaware of what was happening around her.

The camera zoomed on Lex's face. There was no hint of fear, no nervousness, only focus.

"Will this infamous renegade find love amidst the stars, or will his past catch up with him? Stay tuned to find out, because this season of Lovers Island just got a whole lot more exciting!"

Lex almost reached the floating island, but a massive flaming hand emerged from the flames and reached towards Lex as a Molten Giant began to rise out of the lava.

Moon did not know when a box of popcorn appeared in his hand, nor did she remember what she wanted to talk about. All her focus was fixed on the screen as she watched her brother fight the flaming monster.

Elsewhere in the Origin realm, in a broken and downtrodden temple, a weak and pale deity looked at the screen with anger bubbling in his eyes. Ra was using special treasure to hide from the laws of the Origin realm, but even so it almost wished to give up surviving to instead use the rest of his power to kill this accursed Lex. But just before it did something drastic, he held himself back.

In another part of the realm, a golden dragon stood over the corpse of a hated enemy. Victory did not give it any pleasure, for in front of it was a screen showing a stupid human calling himself dragonsbane! How dare he?

Asami Jin, the Elven princess, was sitting amidst her garden filled with Blood Roses, and watched a screen with wistful eyes. She had only turned on the show on a whim. Who knew she would end up seeing the very person she had been thinking of.

Somewhere else, Belle spit out a mouthful of blood as she finally reached a safehouse. The war against the Fiery Mammoths had been going rough, and with the latest round of betrayals amongst the empire, the war efforts had suffered even more. She almost began to believe that this was a hopeless campaign - almost.

Before she could think further on this, her eye was caught on a screen some of the resting soldiers were watching. The person on the screen looked awfully familiar, but it was too young to be her brother. It couldn't be him. She continued watching anyway.

Alexander Morrison was getting ready to enter the champions tourney. What would come next would be the most difficult trial of his life. He needed to be in his peak state.

"Hey brat, don't you know that kid," yelled his grandfather as he pointed towards his screen.

Alexander tried to ignore his grandfather, who was hiding out with him since his grandmother became pregnant. Once he had looked up to his powerful and wise grandfather. It was only now that he began to realize how much of a menace he really was.

"Hey, that's my student," said Marlo, who was also crashing with Alexander. As it turned out, his wife was also pregnant.

The two apex warriors of earth were hiding from their wives, and so Alexander had no respect left for them. He closed his eyes and tried to focus. He needed to be in his best state.

In another part of the Origin realm, Larry was busy absorbing the metal in another spaceship when his girlfriend suddenly came up to him.

"Hey, look who I found. Isn't that your friend?"

She showed him a screen with Lex fighting a monster. In the background, he could see the words 'Lovers Island' written in pink.

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