The Highest Bounty

Chapter 168 - Elsa’s Horrifying Combat Effectiveness

Chapter 168 Elsa’s Horrifying Combat Effectiveness

As the spaceship docked in Kerma’s port, Gu Ding unexpectedly did not make noise about getting out of the ship, as he and Lilliath always did.

However, Gu Ding had been completely immersed in cultivating primary power these days. During the three days of the voyage, the spaceship moved at high speed. Although he was unable to absorb light energy from the stars, Gu Ding had been practicing controlling his primary power. Three days down the road and one could say that they had a little success. Even Neptune had some admiration for Gu Ding. Neptune thought that Gu Ding’s body learned to absorb and transform the light energy in one afternoon, and it would be useful if he needed to survive for a day. However, Gu Ding had been practicing his mastery of it for three days, and his training was not finished yet.

Gu Ding was never idle except for when he slept. When other people were chatting, he was practicing. Even when everyone was eating, he would eat with one hand and practice using his primary power with the other.

As soon as the spaceship docked, Gu Ding threw Lilliath a shopping list and frantically climbed to the top of the spaceship to work on Sun Sutra and begin absorbing light energy.

Lilliath looked at the list. They were materials Robert had previously used for Gu Ding’s Combat Armor evolution. After pulling Elsa out of the ship, she completely ignored Biggie.

As for Robert, he was just as busy as Gu Ding, working in studiously his room.

As light energy was absorbed, Gu Ding’s body that was deprived of primary power began to fill up rapidly. His cells once again began to perk up. One afternoon of absorption on Tampa earlier got Gu Ding’s Cell Index to rise more than twenty points-it went up in about ten minutes. The absorption rate was similar on this planet. Neptune also sensed that Gu Ding’s mastery in primary power these days was quite high. He could control primary power to instantly reach every part of his body to defend and attack effectively without any obstacles. In a few days, once Gu Ding’s body was fully saturated with primary power, Gu Ding was going to possess outstanding combat effectiveness. If Robert’s Combat Armor could be completed in time, Gu Ding would be strong enough to fight even a Rank-10 Gene Body.

Lilliath and Elsa talked and laughed along the way, Biggie followed them like a bodyguard.

Just as the three of them were about to leave the port, a couple of delinquents came by whistling

The leader looked like he was in his early twenties, with a faint mustache above his lips. His eyes fell on Elsa’s chest with a flash of salacity in his eyes.

As soon as he held out his hand, Elsa reacted. Before anyone saw her move a muscle, they heard a few clicks, it was the sound of his broken bones. Almost at the same moment, Lilliath appeared like a ghost in front of him. A gun that was nearly two meters long had its black muzzle pressed against his head. “Leave!” Lilliath commanded in a cold tone. The Murderous Intent in her gushed out in an instant. Her eyes looked like a frozen lake that had been frozen over for ten thousand years, no person dared to look at it directly. She looked like a demon arose from hell, spreading a dangerous and horrible aura.

Murderous Intent was the result of the murder of tens of millions of people in her dream. The use of the Murderous Intent was also personally taught by Caesar who was a demigod.

The moment the Murderous Intent was released from her body, even Elsa, who had never known fear, shivered, and Biggie’s eyes flashed strangely. Heinous Murderous Intent instantly filled the whole port. Many powerhouses who were secretly stalking them retreated immediately.

“We misjudged Gu Ding’s crew’s information. Lilliath, the gunner, had killed at least tens of thousands of people. The Murderous Intent in her was just as terrifying as the arrival of a demon. Their new female member twisted a peak Rank-7 Gene Body martial arts practitioner’s arm in an instant. She was so fast I couldn’t catch even catch a glimpse.” A Rank-9 powerhouse who was stalking them quickly replied to his crew with the new information. “Biggie did not attack so I could not gauge the degree of his strength. I also didn’t see the target, Gu Ding, so I couldn’t judge his combat effectiveness.”

“I see. Keep observing them. There will be others who will try to test them.” A voice came from the other end of the communicator.

The gang of delinquents quickly fled the scene, running as fast as they could.

“Lili, you were so good that you scared me.” Elsa was telling the truth.

“I just wanted to try what Grandpa taught me, and it seems to be working.” Lilliath laughed. She had only been with Caesar for one day, but he had taught her a lot of useful things, including how to use Murderous Intent and Pupillary Abilities. He also gave her advice and guidance on the use of firearms and close combat. The three left the port and spent several hours completing Gu Ding’s shopping list. Robert’s long list was only about half complete but the three of them had shopped in all the stores nearby. If they wanted more, they had to go to other planets.

“Biggie, you should take the materials back first. I’ll shop around some more with Elsa and buy her an intelligent wristwatch as well as check out some other stuff.” Lilliath knew that Gu Ding needed those materials to upgrade his Combat Armor, and the sooner the better.

In fact, Lilliath also mentioned the idea of upgrading her Combat Armor to silver-rank to Robert. However, according to Robert, the materials needed to upgrade the Combat Armor to silver-rank were extremely rare. Many were unlikely to be found on a planet like Kerma. However, he still added the materials for the silver Combat Armor to the list, but Lilliath only managed to procure less than a third of it.

With Elsa around, Biggie did not worry too much about their safety. After Lilliath handed the materials over to him, Biggie immediately headed for the port.

Several peeping eyes had noticed Biggie’s departure.

Two little girls hung out in the middle of the bustling market, arm in arm.

One crew could not stand it any longer.

A bald man appeared in front of them with two young men accompanying him.

“Are you both part of Gu Ding’s crew?” The bald man was beef-faced and had a tattoo of a naked woman on his left arm.

“Why would you ask something you perfectly know the answer to?” Lilliath could not help laughing when she heard him ask. “You’ve followed us all the way from the port and watched us descend from the Golden Eagle. Of course, your crew was not the only one. Twenty-one teams were interested in us at the port. After what just happened at the port, eight teams stopped their surveillance of us, and the remaining thirteen followed us here. Out of the thirteen teams, only your team chose to confront us while everyone else stands by and watches.”

“Now that you know you’re being monitored; I’ll cut the crap and ask you to come with us.” The bald man did not expect them to know so much about their crew monitoring them, but he was unfazed. In Gu Ding’s crew, Lilliath’s combat effectiveness was so poor, and the video showed that she could not even defeat a Rank-7 Gene Body. On their ship, all crew members were of a Gene Body higher than Rank-7. As for the new girl, she did not look any older than Lilliath, and so presumably was not any better. “Why should we go with you? “Lilliath asked rhetorically.

“If you two don’t want to suffer, be a peach, and come with us as hostages. Our men will negotiate with Gu Ding to exchange the Golden Eagle for your safe return. If you choose to resist, then you’ll suffer a little, but the result will be the same. Therefore, if you’re smart enough, you should know what to do next.” The bald man still saw no threat from the two little girls.

“Lili, why are these guys so arrogant when they’re so weak?” Elsa blinked her eyes in confusion.

“That’s because they don’t know what you’re capable of, Elsa.” Lilliath turned to the bald man. “A lot of people made the same terrible mistake of underestimating our team. Are you so naive as to think that the bounty the Federal Government set for us is an overestimation of our strength? Then I’m going to make it clear to all of you that the bounty of 133 million Universe Credits is equivalent to the amount of influence and destruction our team is capable of causing now, and that amount is only going to get higher and higher!” After she finished, Lilliath turned to look at Elsa. “Elsa, you can attack now, I know you can’t wait!”

Elsa who was a combat maniac did not hesitate to do so. She was as athletic as a bobcat and darted into the arms of the bald man. Her seemingly small fist landed on the bald man’s left chest, and then a strange force rushed through her muscles into his body, shattering all of the bald man’s ribs like it was nothing. His chest collapsed and he flew upside down into a storefront, not knowing whether he survived.

Before the other two young men could respond, Elsa grabbed one by the neck, knocked them unconscious, and threw them into a man-made fountain nearby.

The battle began and ended in a split second.

The bald man, as many of the other crews knew, was a Peak Rank-9 Gene Body. He was so close to reaching Rank-10. She must be at least a Peak Rank-10 Gene Body or even a Rank-11 to be able to take him out so easily. A few crews that saw this scene quietly dispersed and stopped stalking them. “Lili, let’s continue shopping.” Elsa clapped her hands and returned to Lilliath’s side.

“Wait, there’s one more thing we haven’t done,” Lilliath said and dialed a number. “Hello, is this the emergency center? There’s a wounded man in the market with collapsed ribs. He probably won’t live much longer. Come quickly!”

After dialing the number, Lilliath pulled out a tube of E-grade gene repair agent. She quickly slipped into the shop that had been knocked down. Then walked over to the bald man, pinched his mouth open, and poured the medicine in.

As she turned and walked out of the shop, she grabbed a handful of what looked like twenty Universe Credits and passed it to the shopkeeper.

Then, she took Elsa’s arm. “Come on, let’s continue shopping.”

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