The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War

Chapter 419: 16 Year Old Inglis and the Highland on Distance Sea (28)

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"Slavery is wrong, but turning them into Mana Essence fluid is okay?! That's just absurd…! Absolutely…!" Rafinha slumped next to Inglis, her shoulders shaking, the vigor from before now drained from her voice.

"Yes, you're right, Rani," Inglis responded, gently patting her on the back. The realization had doused their tourist-like enthusiasm with a chilling dose of reality, leaving a profound impact.

"On that point, I completely agree. From our surface-dweller perspective, it's the height of hypocrisy… It's truly infuriating. Yet, Mana Essence fluid is turned into Mana Coats or used to power urban functions. It's evidently a versatile material."

"Seeing slaves physically causes heartache, but if they're out of sight, the heartache lessens. Out of sight, out of mind… That's the reality, isn't it? In that regard, the people of the Highland are no different from those on the surface."

When Inglis made this observation, Über couldn't help but give a wry smile.

"Haha, perhaps you're right… Are you really just a child?"

"Due to certain circumstances, I appear childlike, but I am actually 16 years old."

"Oh, I see… But even for 16, your insights are profound. An average teenager wouldn't have such depth…"

Rafinha and the others lacked the energy to engage further with Über’s remark.

"They're all good kids. It's just that I tend not to dwell too deeply on matters like these," Inglis added.

She viewed the world without the filter of wavering justice or beliefs, accepting facts as they are. She was not there to pass judgment—that was for the people of this era to decide. What mattered to her was the strength of others and whether they could challenge her.

However, she would always support Rafinha's endeavors and listen to her desires.

"Hehe. While I can see that everyone here is well-intentioned, it’s surprising to hear you claim not to think deeply."

"Do you think so?" Inglis simply smiled, deflecting the question.

"In any case, you should know that there's no ideal Highland that is kind to surface-dwellers. If you believe Illuminus is a benign place towards the surface, you are sorely mistaken. This Highland is our firm’s biggest client, do you grasp what that implies?"

This meant they were the largest buyers of people from the surface. With technology that converts people into Mana Essence fluid, eliminating the need for feeding and maintaining slaves, they could afford to ‘consume' large numbers at lower costs.

"Do other Highlands possess this technology?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Particularly within the Church’s Union, such technology would be forbidden and therefore unlikely to spread. For now, Illuminas holds a monopoly on this dreadful technology… making it, in my view, the most menacing Highland territory. That's why they're our top customer."

"I see… Thank you for the information," Inglis acknowledged with a slight bow.

"No… To the Highlanders, we are merely livestock. Just as we consume the cows and pigs we farm, they utilize our lives. An equal relationship is impossible; our only hope is to delay our inevitable end while trying to stay in their good graces. You must be exceedingly cautious… Did you know? After the process of turning humans into Mana Essence fluid, impurities remain in the furnace. Similar to the scum that rises in a boiling pot, these are essentially the remnants of melted flesh and bones. When collected and solidified, they form synthetic meat."


If that was indeed the truth, then among the food that Inglis and the others had consumed, there were—1


Rafinha and the others turned pale, a look of nausea spreading across their faces as their bodies shook.

“Oh? By any chance, did you…?”

"Please stop! I don't want to hear anymore!"

Rafinha’s outcry nearly reached a scream, her eyes brimming with tears.

"…Could you please not upset Rani?" Inglis' smile at Über contained a touch of sternness.

"…! Well, it's just something I heard… I can't confirm its truth." Über’s expression momentarily showed surprise, as if he felt cornered by Inglis' intensity.

One thing was clear, however—seeing Rafinha distressed like this was unacceptable, even if the topic was merely the harsh reality.

"…Well then, we'll be leaving now. Thank you for the meal. Come on, Rani, Leone, Liselotte, let's go back. You should rest a bit. We can speak with Vilma about the princess later, okay?"

It was likely that the passage Vilma had sealed would soon reopen.

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    yeah I've been saving that one since the start of this arc.

    Lio: Ugh…

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