The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Chapter 32: Chapter: Dragon Phoenix Tournament (5)

→ Fifth Chapter – Dragon Phoenix Tournament (5) ←

The moment Mok Riwon looked into his deep blue eyes, he felt a bizarre sensation.

In that moment, time seemed to stretch into infinity.

It felt as if he and the man were the only ones remaining in the world.

The emotions that emerged came in a form that was difficult to describe even for Mok Riwon.

If he had to pinpoint what they resembled, perhaps words like passion, fighting spirit, and allure would come close. This uncontrollable feeling kept pounding in his heart,

–Devour him.

It screamed.

‘The Emperor’s Star.’

The Star of an Emperor.

The Star of a Ruler.

And the Star of Blessing.

The advent of this new star, the antithesis of his own, caused the star within him to awaken.

At the end of Mok Riwon’s gaze, Namgung Jincheon’s eyebrows narrowed slightly. When the color returned to his face, he looked away.

Afterward, Mok Riwon felt the distant sounds and sensations returning to him.

“Young Hero Mok?”

“…I-It’s nothing. I was just lost in thought for a moment.”

Mok Riwon responded to Tang Hwa-seo calling for him with an awkward smile.

Then, with one last fleeting glance at Namgung Jincheon, Mok Riwon turned away.

Watching that, Tang Hwa-seo let out a dry laugh before blurting out.

“Do you wish to challenge him?


“You have that look on your face.”

Mok Riwon touched his lips, only to realize that he was smiling.


So that’s what it was.

“That might be the case.”

Mok Riwon nodded in agreement, his hand shaking impatiently.

To see someone of the same age having reached that level of martial arts made him want to train.

The thought of a duel with Namgung Jincheon made him unable to control himself as he trembled with excitement.

“There really are many great people here.”

“That’s why it’s called the ‘Dragon Phoenix Tournament’.”

The Feast of Dragons and Phoenixes.

Wasn’t it fitting?

“Hm, but still.”

Mok Riwon grinned.

Then he whispered to Tang Hwa-seo quietly so that no one else would hear.

“I don’t see myself losing.”

He told her what he truly believed, careful not to offend the others present.

Tang Hwa-seo’s eyes widened, and then she lightly smiled.

“What a response just like you.”

“Young Lady, if I defeat them all, would I earn the title of Dragon?”

“It’s possible even if you do not necessarily defeat all of them as long as you prove yourself.”

“Hm! Excellent!”

Mok Riwon stood up straight with a confident smile on his face.

“I shall take this opportunity at the Dragon Phoenix Tournament to challenge for the title of Heroic Dragon!”

‘That damned hero this hero that.’

Even with that thought, she couldn’t help but smile.

Zhuge San overheard their conversation and laughed while saying to Mok Riwon.

“Well, first of all, Brother Mok, you should know that titles aren’t always chosen as you wish. My guess is that if Brother Mok earns the title of Dragon, it might be something like Jade Dragon.”

“Ugh, Brother Zhuge! You’re too much! I like heroes, not jades!”

“Whatever you say.”

The three of them laughed.

As White Pheonix Hyeun watched from the side, she felt oddly left out.

It was like, ‘How dare you talk about other things in my presence?’



Right, it had to be this fun at least, for her to enjoy the conquest.

Hyeun looked straight at Mok Riwon with a dangerous smile.

After remembering that she was here, he shivered and instinctively hid behind Tang Hwa-seo again.

“A lovely goal. Oh, I can’t wait for the tournament brackets to be announced.”

And with a sly grin, her eyes curved like a crescent moon.

“I, too, would like to see Benefactor Mok Riwon’s sword.”


A chill ran down his spine.

“I-Is that so…?”

He held onto Tang Hwa-seo’s sleeve, trembling like a rabbit thrown before a savage beast.

Hyeun felt a thrilling sensation up her spine, and unsurprisingly, Tang Hwa-seo was angry.

“The brackets will be out soon, so there’s no need to be impatient.”

“I was merely expressing my anticipation.”

“Well, for some reason, I don’t think he wants to entwine with you, Monk.”

Her fist clenched tightly, and Zhuge San gasped when her veins bulged out.

“The Monk will probably meet me first before Young Hero Mok.”

“I will win and advance forward. Me.”

“Confidence and arrogance are two different things, you know.”

Their battle of words didn’t seem to be slowing down for even a second. Even Fist Dragon Il-woon could merely gulp as he watched the scene unfold.

Then, Hyeun added with a laugh.

“Yes, it will be truly interesting it seems.”

Hyeun tapped her lips with her index finger, then licked them while her gaze swept over Mok Riwon as if tasting him, before walking away with a small chuckle.

“Ah, then I must be off. I have to greet the others as well.”

“Take care.”

‘Go step on some shit.’

As she walked away, Tang Hwa-seo cursed her in her mind, glaring at Hyeun’s retreating figure.

“…Young Hero Mok.”


“If that Sex Phoenix approaches you again, run. No, actually, come to me. There’s something wrong about the look in that bitch’s eyes.”

Mok Riwon nodded like he had gone crazy.

* * *

The banquet ended like that.

In the very next morning, Mok Riwon stood in front of the courtyard’s gates, looking at the tournament brackets and exclaimed with an ‘Oh!’.

“The fourth group! And Young Lady Tang…”

“The third group it seems.”

Tang Hwa-seo looked closely at the brackets, searching for one name in particular.

White Phoenix Hyeun’s name, which had to be somewhere on that list. After a short search, she found it and smiled slyly.

‘Third group.’

They were in the same group.

If they were the final match of the third group, she would face Hyeun.

“What a perfect matchup.”


Tang Hwa-seo spread out her hands and cracked her fingers.

Mok Riwon glanced at her frighteningly and quickly looked away.

‘Hm, Young Lady Tang really doesn’t get along with the White Phoenix.”

It was best not to do anything.

“I’m in the second group!”

Zhuge San laughed, and next to him, Il-woon said with a seemingly patient smile.

“We’re in the same group. Ah, that Immortal Dragon is also in our group.”

Zhuge San felt a chill at Il-woon’s unexpectedly icy-cold voice and forced a smile.

“Uh… P-Please go easy on me.”

“That won’t do, will it? We must give our all in a martial arts competition.”


‘Why is this monk doing this to me?’

That thought crossed his mind. But he didn’t know that Il-woon was already contemplating hundreds of ways to shut him up.

“Namgung Jincheon is in the first group.”

Tang Hwa-seo’s words drew everyone’s attention back to the brackets. As she had said, he was alone in the first group, without any other of the other Dragons or Phoenixes.

Zhuge San’s eyes narrowed.

“…Is this rigged?”

“Rigged? What do you mean?”

“Well, isn’t the Namgung Clan hosting this Dragon Phoenix Tournament?”

“Does Namgung Jincheon look like a man who needs the brackets rigged? Well, even if it was manipulated, the intention would probably be as you suspect.”

Tang Hwa-seo peered closer.

“…I’ll give you all the space you need, so try and reach me if you can.”

It was truly an arrogant thought, but was undeniably the reason why.

Still, nobody dared speak up even despite knowing this.

Sword Dragon Namgung Jincheon was peerless.

Among the rising stars of this generation, not a single one across the Orthodox Sects was his equal. If the brackets were indeed manipulated, the ones in that position had no choice but to go along with that arrogance.

“Hmm… Is he really that great?”

Mok Riwon scratched his cheek, looking at the heavy atmosphere around them.

‘I don’t think he’s unbeatable.’

It was true that his inner cultivation might be lacking compared to him, but by nature, this martial arts competition wasn’t just about a clash of qi, but also the skill of one’s sword.

From the perspective of martial technique, he wasn’t that far behind. At least, that was what he thought.

Of course, he had yet to see Namgung Jincheon’s sword so he couldn’t say for sure, but Mok Riwon had confidence.

‘He’s not as good as the Blue Sword.’

It was a given, but Namgung Jincheon’s martial was still far behind the Blue Sword who had reached the Supreme Realm.

Therefore, he could compensate for his lack of qi with his swordsmanship.

“…If it’s Young Hero Mok, then I think it will be a good match.”

Tang Hwa-seo smiled bitterly, full of worry.

‘Just don’t be too disheartened.’

Most people who hadn’t seen Namgung Jincheon fight firsthand like Mok Riwon, thought the same. Since martial arts wasn’t just about qi, they believed they had a chance.

‘…But, it’s exactly because it isn’t a fight of qi that he’s unbeatable.’

Sword Dragon Namgung Jincheon.

His true strength did not come from reaching the Pinnacle of the Peak Realm, but from the sword itself.

* * *

Four days had passed, and the Dragon Phoenix Tournament had commenced.


The loud cheers pounded against his eardrums.

The heat from the crowd of people settled on his skin.

And his eyes sparkled with excitement as he wore a beaming smile.

“There’s so many people!”

“Yes, it’s very fortunate to be a participant with this many people around.”

Tang Hwa-seo said while taking a seat in a relatively spacious area reserved for participants. Aside from the northern seats which were the waiting area for competitors, the other three directions were so crowded that people were pushing against each other, shouting and cheering.

They were either those who had been eliminated in the qualifiers or spectators who had come from afar to witness the event.

“A total of 64 competitors will compete. After fighting in the group stages, the winners from each group will advance to the quarterfinals, and then the winners of those matches will move on to the semifinals.”

“Ah! That’s great! Since Brother Zhuge and Young Lady are in different groups, we can all make it to the finals.”

“I’m not sure about that Zhuge… but yes, I definitely plan to make it to the top four.”

‘I’ll tear through Hyeun and step on her on the way up .’

Tang Hwa-seo glared daggers as she thought that.

[Let’s begin the very first match of the Dragon Phoenix Tournament–!]

It was a voice heavy with inner qi filled the arena amidst the growing cheers and commotions.

In that chaos, Tang Hwa-seo said.

“Watch closely.”

Two men stepped onto the martial arts arena.

[First, from Hebei, Flashing Blade Yangheo!]

A scruffy man in shabby clothes and a small sword at his waist stepped forward.

He was a wanderer from Hebei who had shown remarkable skill in the preliminary match.

And facing him.

[His opponent, the favorite to win this tournament! Touted as the future of the Orthodox Faction, the Dragon among Dragons!]

The sharp, handsome man with striking blue eyes ascended with his sword in hand. His appearance instantly intensified the atmosphere around the arena.

[Sword Dragon Namgung Jincheon!]


Mok Riwon absorbed every last detail.

‘That’s the next Unrivaled Under the Heavens.’

The thought of finally witnessing Namgung Jincheon’s swordplay filled him with a strange sense of tension.


His fist tightened.

[Then let the match begin!]

The announcer raised his hand up high.

And then.


The victor was decided in one second.

* * *

Overwhelming and heavy. freёweɓ

That was Mok Riwon’s assessment after seeing Namgung Jincheon’s sword.

It wasn’t because of the difference in the two martial artists’ qi, nor their reputed achievements.

The judgment he reached was based on the sword alone.

At the start of the match, Yangheo’s sword, which was as swift as a ray of light, was cleaved in two by Namgung Jincheon’s downward slash, which wasn’t even all that fast.

While the general crowd only saw an overwhelming victory and cheered, those at a certain level of martial skill felt his talent in that one-second clash.

The world called Namgung’s sword,

The Sword of the Emperor.

A sword that reigns over the heavens of this martial world.

Namgung Jincheon’s sword bore such pressure that those words were truly fitting.

‘If I were…’

Mok Riwon closed his eyes and imagined himself wielding the sword just like that.

‘…I can’t.”

He could only ‘imitate’ it at best.

It wasn’t a difference in talent, but in the martial arts they had learned and mastered.

The Star God Technique and Starfall Seven Swords were based on the principle of an endless flow, therefore even if he were to force his inner qi to unleash momentary destructive power, that wasn’t the correct way to use his martial arts.

He acknowledged it.

Namgung’s sword was strong.


‘Does that mean that the Star God is inferior to that sword?’

That question crossed his mind once again, but Mok Riwon was certain.

The source of this is freewebnøvel.coɱ.

‘Absolutely not.’

The Star God was strong.

He was strong, and the teachings of Mok Seon-oh would not crumble before Namgung’s sword.

[We will start the fourth group’s matches!]

The voice filled with qi resonated in his ears.

Mok Riwon slowly opened his eyes and looked straight ahead.

“I’ll be back.”

“I’ll be cheering for you.”

Mok Riwon stepped forward.

And he stood upon the martial arts arena.

[Well, here comes a fresh new talent! A young martial arts master who dares to challenge the stagnant rankings of the rising stars! The chivalrous fighter who singlehandedly annihilated the Unorthodox Path in Jiangxi’s Suyang County!]

His name echoed throughout the venue.

[Ink Sword Mok Riwon–!]



The sound of cheers pierced his eardrums. The noise was so loud that his entire body seemed to shake.

Yet Mok Riwon remained calm, simply looking straight ahead, continuing his train of thought.

‘I want to challenge him.’

He wanted to measure himself against Namgung Jincheon.

Any shortcomings he might have.

He needed a duel with him to realize and overcome those imperfections.

[His opponent is the eldest son of the Cho Clan, Cho Cheol!]

Mok Riwon looked at his opponent.

A young man with a tense face glared back at him.

‘I’m sorry.’

Mok Riwon apologized to him in advance.

In his mind, a young martial artist who had just reached the middle-stage of first rate wasn’t worth his full attention.


His sights were set on higher places.

[Let’s begin–!]

Mok Riwon was merely going to use him as a stepping stone.


Cho Cheol’s sword was split in two as soon as the duel began.

Half of a sword blade flew high up.

Then, silence filled the arena.


Even if it was shitty, it was still martial arts.

Everyone who had come to watch the martial arts competition realized the meaning behind that one move.

A move just like the one Namgung Jincheon had used at the beginning of the tournament.

The meaning behind that overwhelming sword was clear.

‘It’s a challenge.’

This was the act of a newcomer challenging the throne.

Mok Riwon’s eyes turned to Namgung Jincheon.

Namgung Jincheon as well, looked back at him with widened eyes.


Once again, the cheers erupted.

It was the loudest sound of the day.

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