The Harvester

Chapter 374: Old u0026 New Faces

Chapter 374: Old u0026 New Faces

"You're late," Kaelith uttered with crossed arms, dressed in a beautiful red dress and her hair tied into a braid from her shoulders downward.

"It's Allan's fault," Rakna instantly replied, pointing at his friend. After dropping his disguise and showing his invitation to enter the building, the vixen had been the first one to welcome them.

"Oh, come on, it was only fifteen minutes," the blond grumbled.

"Being on time is important etiquette in the aristocratic world," Kara's voice sounded from a small distance as she came walking out of one of the elevators. She reached the group with a smile and placed her hand on her hip, showing off her dress the same color as her daughter, complemented by a black fur overcoat.

"Mom, you're the last person to talk about etiquette," Kaelith retorted with a sigh.

The older vixen laughed roguishly. "You got me there!"

"Um… were we supposed to dress up for this?" Allan asked with a raised eyebrow as he saw both of the Nine-Tailed women wearing high-end clothing.

"Well, preferably," Kara snorted. "But who cares, right? The political world is shit anyway. If there is someone that is bothered by what you wear, they don't deserve your attention," she huffed and looked at Rakna. "Look, our dear Rara can change into anything at a moment's notice but he didn't bother, did he?"

"…" The therian silently kept to himself that he hadn't even thought about how to present himself.

"It doesn't matter, I have to agree," Kaelith agreed with a wry smile. "Most of you are good-looking enough that it's enough in and of itself," she joked and turned around. "Anyway, let's go up. There's quite a group of people waiting up there. The Barastiel didn't quite expect the kind of people that invited themselves to their little party to meet you. They're so anxious that they won't even care about your clothes, much less your late arrival."

"I did a good job, right?" Kara asked with a grin as she leaned in very close to Rakna. The way her fox ears twitched seemed to indicate that she wanted a pat more than anything else.

"Mom," Kaelith's eye twitched in annoyance. Not so much for what she was doing, but that she was doing it right in front of anyone else in the hall around them. "I swear to god if I hear rumors about wolfy being some sort of lecher that goes even for the Matriarch…"

"Eh~? It's fine, no?" Kara pouted.

"Fine, what? Me being a lecher?" Rakna couldn't help but retort as they stepped into the elevator that was big enough to easily fit more than twenty people.

"It's about our image," Kaelith sighed. "Keep it private."

The older vixen snickered but actually listened and stood upright, showing an unusual amount of grace in her posture. "I say let them," she added with a smile.

Allan blinked at the interaction and whispered to Rakna, "I'm not sure if I should be jealous or pity you, Rak."

"You don't say…" The therian and soon enough they arrived at the top floor of the building.

The very second the doors opened, Allan once again stilled as he smelled better than even Rakna the sheer power of those present. Nyx stiffened immediately as well and Higure smirked, almost feeling at home in the presence of people as strong as her in her prime.

The top floor seemed to be nothing more than one giant hall with no rooms. Plenty of decorations and recreations to pass the time, including a bar, and several divans and tables. Additionally, the walls were fully transparent like glass and there was one opening letting in fresh air carrying with it the scent of the sea, which also gave way to the aquatic bridge leading to the Arena.

As soon as the group stepped out, a nobleman came to welcome them. There was no hurry in his steps, but his slightly weary expression told much of how this day was taking its toll on him.

"It is an honor to meet you," the handsome and rather thin but tall man bowed respectfully. Rakna sniffed quietly, and as far as first impressions went, he rather liked this individual. Nothing about him radiated unfounded pride or entitlement. His body language and tone of voice all pointed to nothing more and nothing less than a nobleman.

"My name is Michael D. Barastiel," he introduced himself politely. "Current Head of the Barastiel family and Overseer of the Atlantis Council."

Kara smiled and spoke to Rakna as she waved at him, "Michael here is a competent businessman that our Clan particularly appreciates. He additionally holds major ownership over the Arena and is the one that endorsed your showcase for today. You can speak freely to him."

Michael responded with a faint smile on his sharp facial features. "You overpraise me, Lady Kara."

"Rakna Xiorra," the therian neutrally said and the nobleman's smile became wider as if he already expected such an attitude and even welcomed it. "I suppose if I had to ask what kind of showcase I will have to do, it would be to you?"

"Well, to some extent," Michael said with a small nod. "But we usually prefer to keep the surprise to both the participants and the public. The nature of the showcase is ever-changing so it helps to garner further excitement for spectators. But if you insist on knowing, I can tell you."

"I see. It's fine, I'll play along," Rakna shrugged and focused on someone approaching. It was one of the few people present he recognized and had met before. Though in different circumstances.

"This is the first we meet… or is it?" The President of the Pavilion, Kryas Io Fascio, greeted with a lazy but genuine smile. Wearing a black and white suit, with his long hair as untamed as ever, his deep onyx eyes pierced through the therian.

"…maybe it isn't," Rakna replied calmly and shook hands with the man. Last time, the two of them had met through their respective clones, involving the fake persona of Obsidian. 'Now that I stand in front of the real thing… I'm almost scared,' he thought.

"{Kryas Io Fascio…}" Fray hummed. "{Ranking 3rd in the Host Leaderboard and owner of the most influential organization in the whole System… he's a daunting figure.}"

'I suppose it was a bit too optimistic for him not to notice Obsidian and I are the same person,' Rakna told himself as his eyes wandered upward at the ceiling for a moment. He smiled faintly and pulled his hand back from the handshake. "You have some interesting bodyguards. Crawling up there like spiders."

If Kryas was surprised, he didn't show it. He laughed lightly. "My subordinates know well I do not need protection, but they're still adamant about it," he sighed and shook his head.

"Ah, so that is the stale and cold blood I was smelling up there," Akronis commented out loud and the Pavilion President snorted.

"Please don't ruin their pride, the poor things," he joked at their expense. "How many of you were able to notice them? They're quite good at their job normally if I do say so myself."

Rakna mused and looked back at his group for a moment. "Marie and Evelyn… are most likely the only ones who don't have the skillset necessary to sense them."

This time, Kryas' eyebrow twitched. "Well now… quite a group of friends you have," he commented and before anything else could be said, a green-haired elven woman abruptly appeared and slung an arm over Rakna's shoulders while laughing.

"Hahaha, if it's not my golden goose!" Vera laughed heartily and the therian sweatdropped.

On the other hand, the girls of the group, namely Nyx, Flavia, Evelyn, and Marie all but face-palmed at the behavior of the woman who had introduced them to the Wiccan Guild.

"I'm not golden… and I certainly don't lay eggs," Rakna retorted.

"Please, did you look at that?" The elf pointed at the four girls with her thumb. "Giving that to our guild is like offering nuclear weapons as an act of goodwill," she jested and then smiled devilishly while looking at Ceresta. "By the way… this lovely lady here has a terrific magic power…"

Rakna sighed before she could even finish. "Knock yourself out. If Ceres says yes, she can join your guild. She wouldn't mind the help to improve her magic theory at least."

Vera outright squealed as she rushed to the dollish beauty and grasped her hands with hers. "What do you say? Would you like to join the Wiccan Guild?" The Chaos Witch asked with sparkling eyes.

The former AI could only blink dumbfoundedly.

"Lay it off, Vera. I get it; you have better recruits," another woman's voice chimed in, followed by the approach of another elf. However, unlike Vera, she had tanned skin and short silver hair paired with auburn eyes.

'…a dark elf,' Rakna thought soberly.

The newcomer turned toward them and smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Karin Li Elk, executive of the Wiccan Guild like the petulant child over there," she said while pointing at Vera with a huff.

Said witch turned away from Ceresta and crossed her arms. "Petulant child? That's funny coming from a grouchy bottom feeder like you. Last I heard this petulant child passed a Trial you did not," the elf sneered with a glare.

Karin's eyes twitched. "Precisely. A petulant child, gifted with the power of Chaos. There could not have been a better fit for you considering how structurally lacking your spells are. You ought to be stronger than me when you use magic that barely requires thought."

"Hah! At least I have talent in something. Unlike a certain someone," Vera fired back.

"…what is this passive-aggressive, self-deprecating, prideful quarreling?" Rakna deadpanned.

Flavia pouted and spoke inaudibly to anyone other than her companions, "I feel a tad insulted..."

"Um, shouldn't you like… avoid doing that in front of the super important guy over here?" Allan asked uneasily to the elves as Kryas still stood there with a smile. Michael had already silently stepped away as well.

"Oh, it's fine," the Pavilion President replied. "I don't really--"

"No one really cares if he's there or not," an amused voice interrupted him, and a handsome man with long rosy hair stepped into view. His elegant white gothic suit adorned with cherry blossoms was immediately recognized by Rakna, but it was Kryas who spoke first.

"Caer Llawen," the President greeted with a non-committal nod.

"See?" The member of Throne of Glory followed up with a chuckle. "In the upper spheres, there's essentially no one that cares about his opinion. Do you know what he is? Lazy and patient. In other words, he's too saintly to be offended and too slothful to be mad."

Kryas shrugged as if there was nothing to say about it.

"I think I had that figured out already," Rakna snorted. "So, you also came today, Caer?"

"But of course," the rosy-haired man replied smilingly, his thinly squinted eyes making a curve. "I simply had to, considering you're about to make an entrance. Additionally, it has been a long time since I last spectated the Arena Games. How nostalgic," he chuckled.

"I see. And this is…?" The therian sent an inquisitive look over Caer's shoulder at a tall woman who was currently observing his group with an appraising gaze. If he had to describe her, he would call her a cold but youthful beauty. But most importantly; sharp.

Her clothes didn't look very formal and instead reminded him of padded clothing that you would wear under full body armor, but still hugged her body. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes that radiated power and assurance.

When the topic of her identity came up, she promptly tore her eyes away from Ceres, who seemed to be getting quite a lot of attention from everyone in the hall, and looked directly at the therian. "Merlina Llawen," she answered with an even tone of voice.

"Oh," Rakna blinked. "Then, it is safe to assume you are Lilia's mother, right? White Spring?"

"Indeed," the knightly woman nodded. "I heard quite a lot about you from her."

The therian snickered. "Allow me to doubt that," he joked and the woman's lips twitched upward for a short moment.

"Yes. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say she used more than two words at a time whenever she referred to you," Merlina conceded humorously.

"Which reminds me…" Caer opened an eye and clasped Rakna's shoulders with a scary smile. "You better not hurt my dear girl; you hear me?" He threatened.

However, despite it, the therian could only look back at him confused.

"Don't play dumb with me! Look at all those ladies around you! You won't tell me that you hold no desires for them, will you?!" The man shut his eyes closed and sniffed. "Why did my daughter's first interest in boys have to be a womanizer…?" He sobbed to himself.

"…" Rakna didn't even know what to say.

On the other hand, Higure started laughing in the back and Kaelith gave her mother a 'What did I tell you?' kind of look.

"Ow!" In the end, Caer's dramatic breakdown was stopped by Merlina hitting his head.

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