The Harvester

Chapter 258: Valkal of The Reverse Side

Chapter 258: Valkal of The Reverse Side

Rakna waved his hand as if he was trying to push something away and another ripple swept across the room. He sighed and then fell off his stance, which appeared like a balance between a relaxed and prowling form.

❮◈❯ Sunken Ripple of Rupture has leveled up! ❮◈❯

The therian hummed at the notification. It had only taken a handful of minutes this time because the data transfer was still fresh but he knew that he would need far more time to level it up further.

“…devourer, I might need you not to approach me for a while lest I fear exploding from a finger of yours or something,” Higure abruptly said and he sent her a flat look.

“Don’t worry, I would need at least two or three seconds to appropriately channel internal energy to inflict that kind of damage on you.”

“…thank you for the comforting words.”

Their banter was interrupted by a loud noise coming from outside. Though it sounded like a heavy collision, the mansion’s floor barely moved thanks to Astraea’s reinforcing. Rakna sighed, knowing who caused it, and moved to the window to look outside.

He spotted the two gigantesque figures of Pronos and Tyran bumping. The former had conjured a pair of multicolor wings made out of his Myriad Poison and was practicing his flight by sparring against the Asura who attacked him with fire breaths and fended off his plunges.

Rakna gazed at the poison wings that occasional self-combusted and smiled faintly. “Looks like he finally managed it,” he said and made sure to telepathically order his wolves to repair and limit any damages made by the two. He wasn’t too worried about the sky formation either since he had made it to be able to repair itself as long as there was more than a quarter of it left.

“Wait…” An idea suddenly crossed his mind as he saw Pronos’ nine heads. “How did I never think of this?” He mumbled and Higure tilted her head.

“Something wrong?”

“No…” He smiled. “It’s just that I found the perfect user for Stone Eye.”

“Hm? What do you…? Oh,” the lioness turned to the window and paused. “That’s devilish… You’re going to give it to him instead of Allan then?”

“Who knows. I might just buy two more. I’m not low on money,” Rakna replied and sat down. After using his Eye to scan his body, confirming that everything caused by the Sunken Ripple was fixed and calibrated, he moved his attention to the matter at hand. “All right, next.”

❮ ◈ ❯

Forger of The Stars

The ability to create forms, objects, and artifacts based on the user’s imagination, memories, or magical knowledge. By condensing Star Energy, all sorts of constructs can be made. From the smallest of blades to the most complex and biggest of legendary weapons.

The constructs will have nearly no distinction from a real object. If the user tries to replicate an item, the perks will not be unless they are the one who made said item. Furthermore, the more the user understands the object, the less mana it will take.

Forger of The Stars also allows the user to alter the construct as long as they understand the process. This will cost mana depending on the nature of the alteration.

The products of this spell under the 9th Tier will remain in existence for as long as there are stars shining in the sky. They will never disappear unless their perk activation causes them to.

For the ones between 6th and 8th Tier included, they remain in existence for a full week but not more than one can be conjured at the same time. For the 4th and 5th Tiers, they will last twenty-four hours. And the Top 3 Tiers will only remain for the duration of their intended purpose.

Furthermore, this spell can be used to complement forging techniques by acting as an enchanting tool. However, the enchantment itself must be created by the caster regardless but can be based on magic theory.

Cost: Variable.

Note: Sub-spells that were made prior to the evolution will be modified accordingly.

❮ ◈ ❯

“Uh, so that means I can keep a stock of Sword of Liberation or Neptunia for as long as I want without worrying about their sustaining cost,” Rakna commented thoughtfully. “I thought about doing that with runes like with Fragarach since the 9th Tiers and below are not expensive enough to need something like an infinite supply of lunar energy, but this is nice to have.”

“Do you realize how ridiculous that is?” Higure couldn’t help but say. “That means you can create matter out of your mana. Obviously, many magics can do that depending on the way you look at it, but to literally create items that have their own perks and energy structures…”

“Once again, it might be the influence of my Kzanaria, or the Crystal Sage as we know it,” Rakna said casually. “Let’s continue. I already have an idea of what the two skills subbed to Moon Shine of the Nine Moons are, but I’m curious about my path skills,” he said and watched Ceresta carry out the unspoken instruction.

❮ ◈ ❯

Lunar Ascendant

A Sub-Skill linked to the control of lunar energy. By harnessing it, it is possible to cloak the entire body into a thin layer of defense that reduces magic and physical damage. The degrees of effectiveness will depend on how much lunar energy is available to use.

Lunar Cost: Variable.

Moon Howl

A Sub-Skill linked to the control of lunar energy. By channeling it through the body and condensing it within the lungs and throat, it is possible to release a stream of energy akin to a dragon’s fire breath. It can be mixed in with other elements but at least half of it must be composed of lunar energy.

Lunar & Mana Cost: Variable.

Attack Value: Variable. Scaled by MA and Cost.

Path Skills:

– Moon Shine of the Nine Moons: Absolute control over lunar energy and power sourcing from the cycles of the moon. The effects can be enhanced up to a ninth level depending on the number of moons. Cooldown: None. Sub Skills: [Lunar Ascendant, Moon Howl.]

– Lunae Cosmos: For each tail grown, a bank of 1 000 Lunar Points will be created. It can be used as a substitute for mana, a boost in statistics, lunar skills, raw application… The stocks can be recharged anyplace with lunar energy present. Cooldown: None.

Note: 1 MP is worth 2 LPs.

– Valkal of The Reverse Side: For each tail grown, the Host has access to an ethereal equivalent of it called a Valkal. It is akin to a limb existing outside of dimensions but physically anchored to the real world; that is called the Reverse Side. The user can command Valkals to do anything they desire. Their size is relative since the dimension they are in does not have the concept of space. As for their strength, it is scaled based on the user’s real tails. Cost: Psychic Energy. Cooldown: None. Current Number of Valkals: 5

❮ ◈ ❯

Both the Sub-Skills and Lunae Cosmos didn’t come as a surprise to Rakna. He had used the former during his fight against Ramsa and he could sense the lunar energy inside his tails. Not to mention that there even was a new statistic on his status.

On the other hand, Valkal of The Reverse Side made him incredibly thrilled with the possibilities it offered. In some way, that skill could be compared to telekinesis. But compared to Flavia, it was far less malleable. What truly set it apart was in the name; the Reverse Side.

If he understood correctly, he could summon tails of any size that couldn’t be seen or sensed, and which essentially moved places as fast as he could think it. As for the strength behind it, even if it depended on his physical ones, it didn’t mean they were weak.

After all, his STR attribute affected them as well. Even if, comparatively, one of his tails wasn’t as strong as one of his arms, there were still five of them. And nine in the future. It could potentially stop someone from moving altogether or stall them.

His psychic energy consumption was also not a problem. He had Fatigue Immunity. While it didn’t make him capable of using psychic energy infinitely, just like internal energy, at the very least, he wouldn’t be bothered too much and it would take a lot for him to get exhausted.

“But most importantly…” He muttered and eyed Higure.

“Hm? What?” She exclaimed. “And why are you looking at me like that…?”

Rakna didn’t answer and squinted. Immediately, the lioness’ eyes widened in surprise as she felt something wrap around her body and lift her. “Eh?” She cried out and tried to free herself from the unknown grip. She hadn’t tried to use her full strength purely out of confusion.

She promptly activated Cross Sight again, as it generally allowed her to see anomalies. Even if it had nothing to do with dimensions, most abilities had a presence and possessed focal points or outlines around them that pushed the dimensional force away.

What she saw when she activated it made her gasp. First of all, she could see what it was. That was not too hard to tell; the shape of an oddly fluffy lupine tail. However, after that discovery, her train of thought devolved.

‘No focal points… no outline… no dimensional presence…’ She said to herself. ‘It’s as if I’m looking at something being squeezed by every dimension, but slipping through their gaps like an eel…’ She could barely grasp what was happening.

Rakna did the same thing as her, turning his pupils into crosses. He controlled the tail to carry her to him and grabbed her, letting the tail float around in between dimensions. He mused as he petted Higure like some regular house cat, who could only open and close her mouth repeatedly.

The lioness was thankful for her animal form or else, he might have had seen her more flustered than she had ever been in her life. ‘This cheeky brat doesn’t even notice what he’s doing, is he?’ She grumbled silently. ‘Not that I’m gonna say it…’ She added and purred softly. ‘Heaven…’

Meanwhile, Rakna was staring at the Valkal and then, with just a blink, four more appeared around him. He willed them to go in different directions and there was no resistance. Now, he had to figure the range of it. He went to the window and opened it.

He looked at the furthest spot he could see in the cavern and one of the Valkals disappeared from the office and reappeared there. ‘So, they can teleport… As for range, perhaps it is as far as my eyes can see but with increased psychic energy consumption.’

‘Final test,’ he declared silently and glanced at the two behemoths sparring. He waited until Tyran charged a new fire breath and manifested a Valkal in its path. The fire hit it and exploded mid-air whilst destroying the tail at the same time.

Tyran and Pronos looked at each other in confusion because of it while Rakna leaned against the window stool and almost felt like smirking as the fifth Valkal returned to his side as fast as it had left. “Yes…” His lips curved.. “I’m definitely going to enjoy this skill…”

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