The Harvester

Chapter 228: Rhapsodic Sonata

Chapter 228: Rhapsodic Sonata

“Wait…” Rakna tapped his forehead a few times as the system window somehow floated around him as if to taunt him. “That was… possible?”

“{That’s my line!}” Fray shouted. “{Aah… I cannot let this get to me. The longer I stay with you, the harder it is for me to control my speech. As an honorable writer, it would only bring shame to my ancestors if I acted so crudely–}”

“Yes, I get it. Be as long-winded as you need. I won’t blame you,” Rakna responded casually as he poked one of the twin katanas as if it would allow him to decipher their every secret.


“Ceres, do you know why or how this is happening?” The therian asked.

[I am not certain… I do not possess any sort of data on a past occurrence like this one.]

“I see… Now that I think about it, have I ever used Appraisal on my Sub-Spells?” He asked himself and triggered his skill on Juuchi Yosamu.

❮ ◈ ❯

Designation: Weapon/Blade

Name: Juuchi Yosamu

Rarity: N/A (Matrixial Magic Construct)

Attack Power: 1 000+

Durability: N/A (24 Hours Until Energy Exhaustion)


A blade forged by one of Earth’s most legendary blacksmiths; Muramasa. It was crafted for a challenge against his master. It is a blade without mercy that cuts both evil and good.


– 10 000 Nights of Severance: By spending 200 MP, the next slash of Juuchi Yosamu will ignore physical laws and cut whatever it is swung at. If used on nothing but air, it will nonetheless cut it and launch a flying strike that will not die out for at least a hundred meters.

Note: This is a replica made with magic that has reached such levels of perfection that it exceedingly surpassed the original myth. A mysterious power flows within this blade that makes it eligible to be considered an Item by the System.

❮ ◈ ❯

“Would you look at that?” Rakna muttered with a hand on his chin. Most of the information on this window was already known to him but the Note was quite interesting. “In other words, it’s thanks to the Crystal Sage’s power that I am able to raise this replica into something ‘real’. I guess it falls in line with the ability to grant wishes; create something from nothing.”

He then paused as he thought of something. “Create from nothing… Isn’t that…?”

“{The Philosopher’s Stone basic principle,}” Fray finished for him. “{Hm, how curious. Is it merely a coincidence… or something more?}”

“Never trust coincidences,” Rakna retorted. “That’s one of the old man’s main rules. If something is odd enough to be labeled a coincidence; never stop suspecting it,” he said and planted Juuchi Yosamu next to Yawarakai-Te so that they would make a cross. “Sonata,” he spoke and the scarf turned toward him. “Eat it.”

The scarf didn’t need to be told twice. It twirled its fabric as if to lick its tongue and flew off Rakna’s neck to cover the swords. Sonata stretched beyond its usual length and completely hid them from view. Not long afterward, an azure light began to be emitted by the Eion compounds.

Rakna simply had his bionic eyes calibrate to the glare and calmly watched as the Celestial Blaze spectated from the side in confusion. When the shine finally went away, what remained was a pair of katanas with bluish waving patterns on the blades, red and white hues on the respective edges, and azure ribbons tied to the hilts.

❮ ◈ ❯

Designation: Weapon/Blade/Twin Katanas

Name: Rhapsodic Sonata

Rarity: Unique

Attack Power: +1250

Magic Power: +500

Durability: 100%


– Intertwined Miniature Eion Systems: The item possesses memory of form and is able to switch from one form to another. Currently available: Scarf, Guandao, Bow, Kusarigama, Twin Daggers, Greatsword, One-Handed Doubled-Edged Sword, Twin Katanas.

– Eion Energy Production

– Demonic Spiritual Anchor

– Gale Outbreak (All Forms)

– Hyper Mana Oscillation Blade (Bladed Forms)

– Blood Rage (All forms)

– Primal Curse – First Stage

– Skulking Wraith (All forms)

– Skulk Life Down (Bladed Forms)

– Tainted Holiness (All Forms): Sonata will passively inflict 100% more damage to both Evil-Aligned and Good-Aligned Creatures without cost due to its self-supply.

– Shield of Piety (All Forms): Erects a shield that can resist up to 5 000 of damage value; both physical and magical. Lasts 15 seconds and can only be used twice every 12 hours. This is a perk that can be reactively activated by the weapon itself.

– Crescent of a Falling Star (Bladed Forms): At the cost of 300 MP, a flying slash formed out of holy, demonic, and star energy, which can only be provided by a Star Magic user, can be launched from the blade. The damage will be equal to the sum of the user’s MA and ATK multiplied by 2. Can only be used thrice every 24 hours.

– 10 000 Nights of Severance (Bladed Forms): By spending 200 MP, the next slash will ignore physical laws and cut whatever it is swung at. If used on nothing but air, it will nonetheless cut it and launch a flying strike that will not die out for at least a hundred meters. Cooldown: 1 Min.

– Tender Hands of Clemency (Bladed Forms): By spending 200 MP, the next slash will ignore physical laws and only cut what is non-innocent. Additionally, anything that was cut unjustly by Sonata will be reverted to its state prior to the slash. Cooldown: 1 Min.

– Symphony of Magic (All Forms): Due to the integrated Spell Matrix, Rhapsodic Sonata has become a high-tier conductor of mana on par with Red-Rarity Staves. At the current level of complexity, the user will be granted an increase to MA and a slight decrease in casting time. Similarly, the carving of magic formations and runes will be boosted.


A masterpiece forged by a master blacksmith, the Earth conqueror himself, with the technology of an advanced civilization. It was given to Rakna Xiorra as a gift by the one who bears the name of Blade.

After many evolutions and enhancements, it has gained both the facets of impiety and holiness and is gradually evolving to match its wielder. It has gained a spark of ego and through an incredibly unique feat, a Spell Matrix has been absorbed by the Item that allows it to channel mana through its material.

Note: Evolvable (Currently Available Evolutions: 1)

❮ ◈ ❯

Rakna almost whistled in appreciation as he twirled the blades. He mentally commanded them to turn into a Guandao and whirled it a few times until the edge was tinted red. He swung it toward an empty spot and a red slash flew out of the blade into the distance, to which the Celestial Blaze speedily shrunk away.

‘Oh no… I believe I have developed a trauma,’ the flame thought uneasily.

Meanwhile, Rakna smiled at his weapon. “I didn’t expect this to happen… So, if I can’t find anything to feed to Sonata, or if I can’t forge it, it seems my high-tier spells are a good substitute. And it even became Unique, huh?”

“{I suppose that is befitting of such an Item,}” Fray commented, not too surprised. “{After all, the System couldn’t possibly continue to rate it with the normal standards after getting 14 perks, and even a few more, depending on which form it takes.}”

“Mhm, you’re right. It seems the katanas only took one evolution count too. I should check out the properties of Fang’s scythe later and see if it’s good enough to assimilate.”

“Um… My Lord,” the Celestial Blaze carefully raised its voice. “What are we… doing now?”

“Oh, right,” Rakna closed the System’s interface and Sonata turned back into a scarf and wrapped around his neck all on its own. “I’ll have to teach you what we’re going to do. But before that… do you have a name?”

The blaze puppy seemed taken aback by the question. “Hm… no, I don’t have one. I never needed one in the first place. But you may choose one if that is what you wish.”

Rakna mused for a moment before nodding. “Let’s just go with ‘Natsu’. Are you okay with it?”

“Well, it doesn’t sound bad but may I know what it means? It seems to be in another language.”

“Right, since it’s a name, the System doesn’t translate,” the therian uttered. “It’s nothing grand; it means ‘summer’. Back where I come from, it was easily associated with fire. Though… giving it to someone would usually mean ‘Born in Summer’. But well,” Rakna looked at the bright sky. “I don’t think that’s a problem if you were born here, considering this place is always in summer, isn’t it?”

“That is true… I like it. Thank you for naming me.”

“No problem. In that case, it’s time to go. Ceres, initiate a transfer…” He sighed. “Let’s go ‘there’.”


“Where are we going?” Natsu asked curiously.

“To your future workplace.”

“My work… place?”

“Yeah,” Rakna nodded as he waited for the countdown. “By the way, quick question, why did you transform into a dog of all things? Looks like a Labrador too.”

“I don’t know what a ‘Labrador’ is but this is the only peaceful animal I have encountered in my life and I have heard humans treated them as their best friends of sorts. I… assumed you would be more lenient with me in this form. Was I mistaken about this creature?” Natsu asked as he looked at his own appeared in wonder.

Rakna stared at him speechlessly. He sighed and face-palmed. “I see… You’re even more sheltered than the horny cat. Great.”

“Eh?” The Celestial Blaze exclaimed in confusion right as the light of the transfer took them away from the 45th Plateau.

* * *

Meanwhile, Rakna’s clone and everyone else watched with a straight face as Pronos turned a small horde of monsters into puddles with melting poison of which the spreading speed was boosted by Infinity Magic.

“…I’m kinda scared in all honesty,” Rakna muttered and the others agreed. Right after he said that, the mighty and newly evolved Nine-Headed Hydra let out a cry that summoned dozens of smaller snakes thanks to his disposition as the Serpent King.

“Still, for a pet to become a King candidate…” Kaelith muttered. “Should I be surprised? It is yours after all. And if it wasn’t for the fact that the two others are undead, they would probably also be eligible.”

“Of course,” Higure retorted from Rakna’s head. “I was a Dusk Lion Queen back in the day too. But if I want to take that title back again… well, I’m not sure I can actually. Perhaps I should focus on intimidation skills. It’s the best way to awaken a King Title. But then again, it would only work if the threatened party matches my race.”

“Or perhaps you could try to get undead under your control,” Nyx suggested with a tilt of her head. “From what I’ve seen, the System grants abilities and titles quite capriciously, and if I understand the disposition of ‘King’ correctly, since you’re strong enough, maybe it would be possible for you to get the Undead Queen title with a bit of oppression, no?”

“Uh, not a bad idea.”

“Why are you three conspiring on how to exploit the System’s mechanics…?” Flavia smiled wryly.

Rakna let out a snort in amusement and, as Pronos was about to end the little rampage he started to get used to his body, he froze on the spot. His eyes and expression darkened a bit and there was no way the others wouldn’t notice.

“Rakna?” Flavia raised her voice in worry. “Did something happen to your–“

“Nah, my original is fine,” he cut her with a soft tone. “It’s just… the system notified me; he’s done with his business on the 45th Plateau and he just left it for another one.”

Allan scowled at him. “Why do you look so down then?”

Rakna slowly shook his head. “Nothing much. He’s… visiting a grave,” he muttered and closed his eyes for a short moment before huffing. “Don’t pay attention. You’ll soon see what he’s up to. Let’s go finish those Quests my original took at the Pavilion,” he said and walked toward Pronos as his group stared at his back.

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