The Harvester

Chapter 221: Obsidian Throne

Chapter 221: Obsidian Throne

“Are you okay now?” Rakna asked with a small but disarming smile after spending a few minutes calming down the receptionist. She wanted to bang her head on the counter because of it when a blush nearly overcame her.

‘How can someone be so cold and charming at the same time?!’ She screamed internally and took a deep breath. “Yes… I apologize. You said you were here for establishing a Sub-Guild. If that is the case, I will need you to first accompany me to the Terminal-“

“No need,” he interrupted her and brought up a black system window with a blank content and a keyboard attached to it. To Rakna, it looked exactly like a command prompt.

“Oh… Of course, you-” The woman pursed her lips as the identity of the one in front of her finally dawned upon her more clearly. “Y-Your Majesty obviously possessed that privilege,” she said with a nervous tone.

Rakna scowled at her but didn’t bother correcting her way of calling him. “What do I do now?”

“Oh, yes, please write this exact command; ‘Pavilion00001_GuildCreation_Type:Sub_Leader:’ then add your Host ID.”

“What a non-fantasy thing,” the therian deadpanned and followed her instructions. Ceres wasn’t able to input his ID for him this time so he had to do it on his own for the first time. When he was done, he entered the command and the Terminal returned ‘Request Filed’.

“It went through,” the receptionist said as a holographic screen popped up from her counter. She typed a few things and nodded. “Now, we need approval from your Guild Leader.”

“Do I have to contact him myself?”

“Yes… that would be required. He has to forward it on his own through a Terminal as well.”

“Give me a moment,” Rakna said and opened his Guild Chat.

❮ ◈ ❯

Obsidian has joined.

<Obsidian> Leader?

Credo has joined.

<Credo> Here.

<Obsidian> Guild.

<Credo> Understood.

<Obsidian> Thanks.

Obsidian has left.

Credo has left.

<Blood> …

<Petal> …

<Clown> …

<Azul> …

<Blood> …what the fuck just happened? It’s the first time they talk, right? Isn’t the kid an Emperor now? Shouldn’t there be like… I don’t know, more tension between him and the Boss?”

<Petal> Incredible… I still have a long way to go before I can reach their level of chatting efficiency… I have learned a lot today.

<Clown> I understand how you feel, Lilia. I messaged him yesterday because of his fight on the 34th and he only bothered to answer in the evening with a ‘I’m good’.

<Blood> That’s what you guys focus on?!

<Azul> What a shame. I was curious to know how he became an Emperor. I was waiting here since I knew he would want to make a Sub-Guild after becoming one but they were too fast…

<Blood> Now we’re asking the good questions!

<Petal> Tira? We don’t see you a lot. You’re interested in the new guy?

<Azul> I am. I met him on the Thirteenth. Do you want to know what he did?

<Blood> What?

<Azul> He destroyed a Dungeon Tear to save a friend locked inside.

<Blood> …WHAT. THE. FUCK?!

❮ ◈ ❯

While the Throne of Glory’s chat began to converse about how bizarre their new member was, the recruit in question was calmly going through the process to make his Sub-Guild, feeling absolutely impassive to have spoken with his Guild Leader, someone that is even capable of making Eva feel nervous.

“You truly have no qualms…” Higure commented wryly.

“I’ll meet him once I join the Myth Council anyway,” Rakna shrugged.

“It is done, Your Majesty. We have confirmed the approval of Throne of Glory’s Leader. You should have received an automatic inquiry on your Terminal. Please type the name of your Guild and you will receive all the rights of a Guild Leader.”

The therian nodded and stared at the blinking input section of his Terminal. “…what do I put?” He muttered out loud and the receptionist almost face-faulted.

‘You were going through the steps so confidently and you didn’t even have a name prepared?!’ She shouted inwardly in utter shock. She had the right to be, considering that practically everyone she had guided to make a Guild had carefully ruminated the question beforehand.

“What do you think, horny cat?” Rakna turned to Higure who was licking her paw.

“What am I supposed to say?” She retorted. “You can call it Awesome Dusk Lion Fan Club for me if you want.”

“Do you want me to lose all credibility?”

The cat smirked and shrugged.

“…” The receptionist kept her smile on but nearly fainted right then and there. ‘Dusk what?! That legendary race?! This small cat is one of them?!’

“Ah, well, whatever. I’ll just go with this,” Rakna muttered and started typing. When he answered the query, the receptionist received a notification and blinked at it.

“Are you sure…?”


“Understood. As of today, the Guild, Obsidian Throne, is officially established,” she announced and pressed the last confirmation button.

❮ ◈ ❯


The Guild, Obsidian Throne, subbed to Throne of Glory has been created!

Name: Obsidian Throne

Leader: Rakna Xiorra

Subordinate Affiliation: Throne of Glory

Created: 5 seconds ago.

Guild Rank: I

Guild Fund: 0 Talys.

Guild Treasury: Empty.

Guild Base: None.

Guild Allies: None.

Special Privileges (Top Ten Members): 10 Plateau-Skip Right & Sole Trial Right

Current Members:

Guild Quests:

❮ ◈ ❯

“Would you like a brief explanation of a Guild’s functioning?”

Rakna took his eyes off the system prompt and nodded at the receptionist.

“Then I should start with the most important aspect; Guild Quests. There are two ways for a Guild to get a Quest. The first is for the Leader to come across a regular Quest in the System and transfer it to the Guild for the members to complete as a group. Depending on the Quest’s nature, it can be far more profitable to turn it into a Guild Quest. It is also a way for the Leader to make their guild members grow in strength. Members can also forward Quests to the Leader to approve.”

“The second way is through the System itself. There are occasions where a Guild Quest is given to several Guilds at once to either compete or assist the System. This includes the occurrences known as Guild Wars.”

Rakna raised an eyebrow. “What is that?”

“When two or more Guilds get into conflict, they can decide to declare war. When it happens, the System will issue a Quest for each Guild that will give them rewards based on how well they do in the fight against their enemy. For instance, capturing, defeating, or killing enemies can reward you and the Guild as a whole.”

“I see…”

“It’s also in cases like these that Guild Allies come into play. If a Guild War erupts, the allies of any of the parties involved will also receive the Quest, but they do keep the choice of staying neutral if they want. However, an Ally is contracted by the Pavilion to not be able to partake in betrayal.”

“At the cost of?”

“Death,” the receptionist said gravely.

Rakna smiled faintly. “At least, they know how to enforce rules. What else?”

“Guild Bases can be built in the 100th, 250th, 500th, 750th, or 900th Plateau. They are headquarters to some extent. There are several benefits; first of all, when a member is inside, their regenerative capacity; health, stamina, and mana, will increase. Secondly, Guild Bases are indestructible, and attacking one is akin to declare war on the Guild.”

“Then, we have the Guild Treasury and Fund. For the former, at any time, it is possible for a Guild member to deposit an item that will be publicly available to everyone else. And if someone wishes to take it, the depositor will be able to allow it or not, at a price or not.”

“As for the Fund, it grows passively. Whenever a member earns Talys, a small portion of that amount will be added, without taking away anything from the earner. The Fund is generally used when a member is in trouble and requires money or when a Guild Quest requires funds that none of the members are willing to spend. Only the Guild Leader has the right to allow a withdrawal.”

“I see. And the Rank?” Rakna asked about the last thing. “How do I increase it and what does it do concretely?”

“For a Guild to rank up, the only thing they can do is complete Guild Quests or accomplish notable feats until they are eligible. As for the reward, it depends. Monetary or material rewards, exclusive privileges, unique Quests, and others.”

Rakna hummed as he contemplated the Guild Status in front of him. He nodded and closed it after a moment. “Thanks, Miss…?”

“Oh! Um, my name is Elora. It is an honor, Your Majesty,” she said with a bow.

“You don’t need to call me like that. I’m no royalty,” he retorted and Higure casually jumped on his shoulder. “Have a good day, Elora.” He turned around and left the Pavilion.

The receptionist kept her smile on until he was out before collapsing on the counter with a deep sigh. The door to the staff room behind her slowly opened and a woman nervously peeked out.

“Is he gone…?” She asked and Elora nodded with a groan and her head buried in her arms.

She lifted herself back up and tiredly walked to the backdoor. “Ana, can you register a day off for me? I’m going home… Please take my shift.”

Ana smiled wryly. “No problem. You worked hard.”

* * *

“Ceres, invite Allan, Flavia, Evelyn, Marie, and Nyx to the Guild,” Rakna instructed as he practiced the full extent of his Star Flash by heading to the top of a skyscraper. “Also, send them a message summarizing what Elora explained.”

[Right away.]

“Thanks,” the therian said and balanced himself on the tip of the building. “Also, Higure. I forgot to ask, but what magic elements did you awaken yesterday?”

“Ah, right!” The lioness exclaimed oddly enthusiastically. “I awakened three! Just like when I was alive. Thankfully, I kept my most useful ones; Ruin and Echo magic. However, I didn’t awaken Shadow magic, this time.”

“Then what?”

The cat grinned excitedly. “What do you think if I show you this?” He extended her paw forward and Rakna gradually widened his eyes in shock as a sphere of yellow-golden flames formed and produced an orangish glow.

“{Oh my,}” Fray raised his voice in surprise.

“Is that…?”

“Dusk Star,” Higure stated with a prideful puff. “How is that?! I’m the most suited to be your mate now, aren’t I?” She said with a lopsided smirk.

Rakna was still processing what was happening so he didn’t react to her remark. “Is this because of your connection to me?” He ultimately asked.

“I would assume. It’d be more accurate to say that I am part of your soul and you are also a part of mine,” she said and dispelled the star she had conjured. “But, well, it seems my magic is far weaker than yours. I tried to replicate your Star Make but it didn’t work. I can make the shapes but I can’t solidify them as you do. I could try something similar to Star Monarch but I’m sure it won’t come close to what you can do.”

“But it has impressive raw power and the flames apparently have the ability to purify and curse at the same time,” the lioness added joyfully. “In other words, if I use Reinforcement, I’m immune to the weaknesses of a normal undead. Overall, I think it’s pretty good.”

“Purify and curse…” Rakna mused. “Is it because of the concept of dusk? Start of the night and end of the day? Sounds quite special.”

“Compared to you, not at all. A Dusk Star is essentially an aspect of the sun. What is that compared to a Volcanic Star or, heck, an evolved Hoarfrost Star?”

Rakna glanced at her with an amused eye. “Boring?” He jested with a small smile.

“…I know I was going for it but I’m still gonna scratch the shit out of your face.”

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