Clouds of mist scattered, and inside them, a figure of a four-winged bird appeared. It had a sphere of lightning surrounding its body.


The beast released a powerful battle cry as if declaring himself the winner. It had finally succeeded in taking down its opponent.


That too without suffering any injury.


This meant a lot. It put the opposition team in severe trouble. They needed to do something crazy, or this battle would slip out of their hands.


As if having the same thought in mind, Rishi commanded Vakar to use cloud control to turn the clouds around the opposition into a prison.


It would not have been possible before, but with the cloud control ability of Vakar going to the next level, he was easily able to do it.


The small clouds of mist gathered around Thunder Eagle; they turned into a solidified prison and made it impossible for Thunder Eagle to move for a moment.


'Chirpp' Hansi left its battle and used 'Ice Chains' on Thunder Eagel to bind it in place.


After this was done, Vakr released 'Aqua Missile,' and Hansi used their combo spell, Enhanced Ice Spears.


The two-meter-long, sharp ice spear started hitting the sphere around Thunder Eagle at one stop.


It took four of them to crack the spherical lightning barrier. The last one was used to intercept Magma Lord's attack,


Hansi then used 'Fiercy Dive' and charged at Thunder Eagle. Now that the chains and prison stopping had weakened, Thunder Eagle broke it apart.


Its eyes then fell on Hansi, approaching him. Mayank's heart started beating; he had finally gotten a big opening.


He commanded Thunder Eagle to fight head-on with Hansi and eliminate it. The Zone of Thunder Eagles was still present around it.


It had weakened and could not defend itself for some time, but it still made it fast and stronger.


'Use 'Overload' + 'Thunder Flash' to approach it and end it with a 'Thunder Claw''commanded Mayank with confidence.


Thunder Eagle followed his command. As he started approaching Hansi, powerful lightning was overflowing from all over its body.



As the Referee needed to interfere because of Mayank's safety, he was eliminated from the battle, and Rishi was declared the winner.


Mayank stared at Rishi with a dissatisfied look on his face. He was disappointed in himself.


He looked at his feet, unable to look Rishi in the eyes; he felt he would now be himuliated by Rishi.


After all, this was what he would have done, but what came as a surprise was Rishi's behavior.


He left the battle ring quietly; he didn't mock Myank, nor did he utter a word.


However, this behavior made many people praise Rishi. They had never seen him as arrogant when he had every right to be.


He was as calm as a lake. He was ignoring everything that was unrelated.


The next battle was also interesting; it was between Divya and Risha. Both were popular girls with a powerful background and good popularity.


What made it even more interesting was that they were both very close friends.


They both entered the Batte Ring after it was cleared and turned into something similar to what it used to be.


It required a powerful earth element mage. He used his prowess to make the area on the surface return to earth while creating a new stage.


Battle rings didn't have a surface made up of concrete or cement, as it was too troublesome to repair them after each battle.


Instead of that, they depended on a plain surface. This gave it a raw feeling and was also easy to repair after the battle.


Divya was standing on the left side. She was looking as stunning as always with her tall, long brown hair and silver eyes.


However, Risha was also not bad; she was a little smaller than Divya in height but was still taller than normal girls.


She had short, pink hair and green eyes. This girl was the cutest girl in the college. If not for her not attending many public gatherings and events, she would have been way more popular.


This girl was different from other Beast Tamers, and Rishi didn't know why he felt that he would enjoy this battle.


He had seen her previous battle, in which she easily defeated her opponent, but this time it was going to be different.


Divya was not a weak opponent; in fact, she was one of the stronger ones. If things kept going as he had thought, he would have to battle with her for the final.

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