Chapter 561 Semi-Final

Students were given the rest of the day to recover their contract beasts. The next round would take place the next day.

Rishi used this day to rest. He wanted his contract beast to be in the best condition. Only Vakar was allowed to train his cloud control ability.

It was because he was nearing mastery of this skill. For the remaining day, Vkr kept using Cloud Control for many hours.

He was tired and had mental fatigue, but he continued without caring about other things.

Soon, he was able to master that skill to the max. However, he was so tired that he fainted the next moment.

Rishi, who was meditating beside him, approached Vakr; he checked his situation before sighing and sending him back to 'Book of Contract.'

He also stopped everything and went to have dinner. After he was done, he went to bed.

Next morning, everyone was gathered in the Battle Arena again for Round 3.

Professor Amrita announced, "Welcome everyone to the semi-final round. Please give a round of applause for our top four."

One after another, Rishi, Divya, Risha, and Mayank. Entered the battle ring. The crowd cheered for them, screaming the name of the one they were supporting.

Most people supported Divya; surprisingly, after her second, most supporters were for Rishi. Mayank and Risha also had their friends supporting them.

"In this round, you four would be divided into a group of two participants each; from both groups, only one will qualify for the finals."

"The first group name will appear on the screen."

All the lights were suddenly switched off. A large screen lit up. In it, there were two blank spaces on both sides, while V was written in the center.

The right-side blank space started shining, and soon, one after another, characters started appearing to form names.






On the left side, too, the same situation took place.

"Where is your friend? I have challenged him, and I will defeat him. Is he too scared to?come?"Laughed Mayank.

"You both are just clowns in your masks, nothing more than that."

Even Amrita was irritated by Mayank; she wanted to stop it. Who knows what would happen if Rishi lost control?

She still vividly remembered what had happened on Rishi's first day at college. A senior had picked up a fight with him due to his girlfriend.

They wanted to humiliate him, but that day he mercilessly blasted them both. That video still sent chills through her body.

She had never seen a boy be this merciless. He had held the neck of the girl and rubbed her face on the wall.

However, when she looked at Rishi, she saw that he was not reacting at all; he was standing at his place with his hands folded and his eyes as calm as a monk.

It was as if his mental fortitude was way above others, as if he were a greater being than them.

Would an elephant care about dogs barking behind him? This was a similar situation.

"You... are you deaf? Can't you hear me?" screamed Mayank, frustrated by the expressionless behavior of his opponent.

He was about to hold the collar of Rishi when Professor Amrita interfered and said, "Stop Mayank. Return to your position."

Maynk clenched his hands and looked at Amrita before looking at Rishi. He turned and left.

If he continued mocking Rishi, then he would appear as an idiot to others. He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

He was going to defeat him. 'I will watch if you can be this calm after you lose to me.'

A chuckle escaped from his lips as he thought about it.

"Beast Tamers summon your first beast." Announced Professor Amrita.

Mayan and Rishi started channeling their mana into their tattos. Their tattos lit up, and 'Book of Contracts' appeared in their hans.

Rishi's book was covered in a purple glow, which was different from the crimson one from Mayank's 'Book of Contracts.'

Their books levitated in the air above their hands as they started summoning their contracted beasts.

Maynk was faster than Rishi; a page left his book of contracts and hit the ground before him.

Cracks appeared in the ground. From the summoning circle covered in red flames, a contract beast came out.

A fountain of lava was released from the circle, which merged together to form a strange creature.

It had a lower body, like a Djihn, and the upper body of a strange humanoid undead creature. A black robe covered its head and torso.

Its body was made up of lava. In place of the eye, two red flames could be seen burning inside its sockets.

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