The audience was thrilled, and the participants were excited. The first battle was about to start.


"Both participants, please summon your contract, Beast," said Professor Amrita. She was the referee in this round.


"How gorgeous!" commented the boys as they looked at her. She was one of the most popular professors.


Both participants moved back and stood at the marked spots. There was a fifteen-meter distance between them.


They both took out their 'Book of Contracts' and started summoning.


A powerful storm appeared behind Rishi. The mist surrounded the area around him, and from it, a powerful beast cry was heard that made onlookers curious.


What appeared was a beautiful, one-meter-long crane like the Magic Beast. It had gray feathers and a straw hat on its head.


This was the first time others saw Rishi's Contract Beast. The moment it appeared, they were unable to separate their eyes from it.


It looked beautiful and noble in appearance. One look alone was enough to conclude it was no ordinary magic beast.


There was a middle-aged man among the professors who was wearing eyeglasses.


He fixed his glasses and looked at the creature. 'Amazing! It is surely a semi-epic or epic-grade magic beast.'


This was Professor Ravi, a famous Four Star Beast Cultivator, who taught the students at the college.


He had long brown hair and a thick beard that made him look older; only those closer to him knew he was just in his mid-twenties.


If the sight of Rishi's Contract Beast impressed the viewers, then when they saw a black shadow emerging from a dark portal, they were shocked.


For a moment, many felt their blood froze and wanted to escape, thinking a Dungeon outbreak had taken place.


With a thunderous roar, a terrifying beast emerged from the portal and stood before Vikas.


It was an eight-foot-long, giant humanoid beast with a muscular body. It looked like a bodybuilder with those muscles.


A dark presence surrounded this creature. It was armored from top to bottom. Its ash-gray skin revealed itself behind its black armor.


It was carrying a giant axe on its back. From the helmet, two large horns could be seen.


Its face was that of a demonic bull. What was even strange was that it had hooves instead of feet.


Rishi sighed and closed his eyes. 'I should not think about other things.' 


The referee was witnessing everything and asked them both if they were ready. Then, with a powerful gunshot, the battle started.


'Miney attack. Take him down.' Vikas changed completely and became serious.


Rishi didn't need to command Vakar; he already knew what to do. With time, his speed of summoning zone has increased; Rishi now only needed to defend for five seconds.


To confuse the opponent, he even asked Vakar to charge at the opponent's Beast Tamer.






The minotaur charged at him. It moved swiftly, using all four limbs to run.


On its back, it was carrying a large axe. Rishi was not so sure about his strategy when he looked at it charging like that.


He retreated to buy more time.


It leaped into the air, covered in a yellow aura.


'Boom' The next second, it was standing before him. For the first time, Rishi noticed that it had long white hairs on its neck.


With a snap, the giant axe cleaved through the air and approached him. The beast was going all out from the start.


Rishi was trained to fight in hand-to-hand combat. He moved toward him and dodged by skidding between the feet of the Miantaur.


'Boom' An explosion took place behind him. The place he was standing was blasted by the powerful strike.


'Oh, Shit,' said Rishi as he retreated.


It was then that he felt a chill down his spine. He moved backward with his feet in place, showing his super agility.


'Swish' He saw the horizontal slash of the axe. He would have been seriously injured if he had been hit.


He had just sighed in relief when he saw a large hoove approaching his body, trying to stomp him.


Rishi rolled on the floor, getting covered in dust as he dodged that attack. This beast was trying to eliminate him.


Now he knew why people didn't like the idea of having demon beasts as contract Beasts.


These guys were ferocious predators; other than fighting and killing, nothing else came to mind.

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