Rishi left the area for some time and returned to his hostel. He had come back to find Vinay.


Vinay was nowhere to be seen near the training hall. It was because of this that he came back to look for him.


He knocked on the door multiple times but got no response. At first, he was surprised, so he hit it by exerting more power.


The door started shaking and was on the verge of breaking, but Vinay could not be seen.


He stopped and used 'Shadow Sense. Soon, he started sensing Vinay's room. However, even with its help, he could not find anything.


It was as if Vinay was nowhere inside it.


'Where might he have gone?' Rishi was confused.


He tried to search for him in the area nearby and even asked some students, but no one had seen Vinay.


Rishi called him, but his phone was unreachable. This was even more confusing.


He searched around the college but was not able to find him.


At last, he saw a message that his turn was about to come. He decided to go to the training hall.


'No matter where he has gone, he will surely come for the exam.' He thought before entering the training hall.


He was so busy thinking about Vinay that he ignored a pair of silver eyes looking at him.


She was not the only one. Many other students were interested in him.


Rishi entered the training hall. This one was way larger than the other ones. Inside was a dark room, and nothing could be perceived.


He saw the female teacher whom he had asked to help him with magic runes. She nodded when he greeted her.


"Choose the strength of the wild beast you want to challenge." She said.


Rishi knew what he had to do; he replied, "Epic Stage Lvl 5."


This was the highest level of opponent that students could challenge. The teacher raised her eyes at him before nodding.


Rishi then found himself inside a battle ring. Around him was a giant door.


'Thud' A large sound appeared, after which he saw the giant gate slowly pull open.


'Clang' The sound of metal hitting other metal came before he heard a bone-chilling cry.




Its eyes lit up in a blue glow before it started charging at the opponent.


Despite it looking like a tank, it was surprisingly swift. It was before the opponent's next moment.


The serpent creature saw it charging and released an anoyed hiss. Its tail charged at the cloud giant and started encircling him.


However, no matter how much the serpent tried, it was unable to bind its opponent. It felt like it was trying to catch clouds.


While it was busy dealing with the cloud giant, multiple ice spears approached it.


Rishi thought the opponent would be caught off guard, but he was wrong. The Serpent Beast was quite experienced.


The flower in its body shook before pointing at the ice spears. After that, the flowers released their petals.


These petals turned into razor-sharp blades when they were released from the flowers around the body of the Serpent Beast.


They collided with the ice spears, and the sounds of multiple explosions appeared. It easily intercepted all the attacks.


Rishi was surprised when he saw this move. His expression also turned serious.


However, what happened next was even more surprising: multiple vines appeared below the cloud giant and started binding it.


The cloud giant was unable to turn its whole body soft at once. It found itself filled with multiple vines and unable to move.


'Hissssh' The serpent raised its head and closed its eyes. The flowers all over its body shook and released a pink mist that surrounded the cloud giant.


This was a poison-type move. If there was a magic beast in place of the cloud giant, he would have been in huge trouble.


But the cloud giant was alright. He was not a living being, so most of the poison didn't affect him.


The serpent beast didn't stop there; its flowers moved again, and it released 'Petal Blades' once again, targeting the cloud giant.


Multiple razor-sharp petals started encircling the Cloud Giant and started attacking it like a swarm of bees.


It was as if clod Ginat was placed between a grinder. Multiple small cuts appeared all over its body.


While this attack, too, was not very effective, it decreased the size of the cloud giant.


Hansi followed Rishi's command and released multiple ice spears again toward the opponent.


'Hisshh! The serpent beast used the petal blades and intercepted the Ice Spears again.


From the start of the battle until now, the Serpent Beast has only used simple moves, but they are all very effective.


According to Rishi's calculation, if there was a magic beast facing it rather than a cloud giant, it would have already been covered in wounds.

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