Chapter 943 - Dolium

The lustre in Mu Chen’s hands gradually faded. When he saw the revealed item, he couldn’t help being stunned with astonishment filling his eyes.

At this moment, the lustre in his hands had already faded away, replaced with a black dolium that was the size of a human skull with ancient runes covered on its surface. Vaguely, there were bizarre Spiritual Energy undulations emitting from it. However, those undulations weren’t powerful, making it not seem to be any powerful Divine Artifact at first glance...

“This is...”

Mu Chen slightly opened his mouth and couldn’t help kneading the weird black dolium. It felt fragile, as if he could crush it with a little more strength.

Mu Chen examined the black dolium and his face became unsightly. That’s because this seemed to be an ordinary dolium without anything in it. There wasn’t even the shadow of the Spiritual Divine Liquid.

The item that he had obtained after risking so much was this trash?

“What’s that?”

As Mu Chen’s face was unsightly, many experts had also looked over at his direction. When the black dolium appeared, it was caught in the eyes of many experts.

“There are weak Spiritual Energy undulations coming from it, but it’s definitely not a Peerless Rank Divine Artifact...”

“How is that possible?” The spirituality of that light was the strongest, so why is the item in it trash?”

“Anyhow, it definitely cannot be Spiritual Divine Liquid!”


All sorts of discussions spread out with many experts having doubt and puzzlement written on their faces.

Not far away, when the South Pavilion Lord saw this scene, he inwardly felt relieved. If Mu Chen had obtained the Spiritual Divine Liquid from the light, then his sin today would be too huge.

“Hmph. Looks like you, brat, don’t have any luck!” The South Pavilion Lord felt relieved as he coldly mocked. He had also noticed that Mu Chen’s Divine Battle Will Board seemed to have many restrictions. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be using it only at the crucial moment. But despite paying such a great price, Mu Chen ended up with a garbage item, which made the South Pavilion Lord feel great.

In another direction, the Emperors and Kings of the Great Havenlaw Domain all felt a little disappointed as they sighed. It looked like it wasn’t that easy to obtain the Spiritual Divine Liquid.

Mu Chen coldly cast a glance at the South Pavilion Lord, who had smiles on his face. He couldn’t be bothered with that old goat, so he lowered his hand and looked at the ancient dolium with his brows tightly knitted. This item shouldn’t be garbage. Otherwise, the mysterious black metal wouldn’t have such reactions.

The Fourth Palace Master had done so much just to prank others and made a useless item?

Mu Chen’s gaze constantly flashed as he felt a little doubtful. He tightened his grip on the dolium and briefly pondered before circulating his Spiritual Energy and poured it into the dolium.

He wanted to test and see if this thing was truly useless!

Spiritual Energy endlessly poured from Mu Chen’s body into the dolium. Along with his Spiritual Energy pouring in, Mu Chen saw the ancient runes on the surface of the dolium becoming slightly brighter at this moment.

Although it was a very small change, it was still noticed by Mu Chen. Immediately, his heart shook and he no longer hesitated. Space rippled behind him and his Sovereign Sea had vaguely appeared with currents of Spiritual Energy pouring into the dolium.

Following his actions, the ancient runes on the surface of the dolium rapidly grew radiant.

When many experts in the surroundings saw this scene, they were slightly startled as they shook their heads. It looked like Mu Chen was just acting pointlessly.

But Mu Chen couldn’t be bothered about the thoughts of others. When he saw the ancient runes on the surface of the dolium getting brighter, his heart raced faster and he started to feel the fine trembles that came from the dolium...

The trembles grew more intense, before it suddenly jolted and slowly rose from Mu Chen’s hand, floating by itself before him. The dolium started to tilt and the hole was pointed towards the emerald lake.


Abnormal buzzing noises resounded from the hole of the dolium. Light had also gathered before a special suction force exploded forth.

Splash! Splash!

When the suction force erupted, the lake down below started to lift torrential waves and many experts were startled to see emerald geysers shooting out, before they were endlessly devoured by the dolium...

Those emerald geysers were extremely dense, with the weight akin to mountains. It was so much so that even space couldn’t bear the weight and space distorted.

Even experts like the Sleeping Emperor did not dare to casually step into the lake and yet the lake water was endlessly being sucked into the ancient dolium.

The sudden changes had caused every expert to be dumbfounded. The lake water was formed with the Spiritual Energy of the Fourth Palace Master, it was extremely dense and violent. Although there were many experts here competing, no one dared to step into the lake water. But at this moment, not even the Ninth Grade Sovereigns could do a thing to the lake water as it was being sucked into the dolium at this moment.

Under everyone’s gazes, the dolium was like a bottomless pit as it constantly sucked in the lake water. Along with lake water being sucked in, a golden mist was gradually gathering together.

Terrifying undulations emanated from the dolium.

When the peak experts sensed the undulations, there was a great change in their expressions and they exclaimed, “It’s the Spiritual Divine Liquid!”

As they spoke, the entire region exploded with many experts instantly widening their eyes. After a brief moment, someone had understood what was going on and they exclaimed, “So the dolium is sucking in the Spiritual Energy in this region to refine it into Spiritual Divine Liquid!”

The experts of every faction sucked in a cold breath. So the Spiritual Divine Liquid was actually refined with such a method. But the Spiritual Energy in this region was so dense that not even the Ninth Grade Sovereigns dared to absorb it. But using this special item left behind by the Fourth Palace Master, it could be refined into Spiritual Divine Liquid.

The South Palace Lord was also dumbfounded at this sudden change of events and his face turned ashen. The annoyance in his heart had soared to its peak. With the stone troop’s terrifying Battle Will present, not even he could confront Mu Chen at this moment, nor did he dare to casually step into the attack range.

At this moment, this region had been utterly thrown into chaos by Mu Chen’s actions. The other forces had also stopped fighting as they looked at the dolium with their eyes reddened.

The three Emperors had gathered together with the Kings as they exchanged looks. The current situation had brought joy and worry to them at the same time. If this had even caused the other forces to join together against them, their Great Havenlaw Domain would definitely not have a good time.

“This... this Jade Bottle can also refine the Divine Spiritual Liquid!”

While they felt worried, an ecstasy laughter suddenly resounded and everyone had directed their gazes over to see an expert raise a jade bottle. The jade bottle was covered in ancient runes and had also started to absorb the lake water down below, refining it into the Spiritual Divine Liquid. Except that the refining speed of the jade bottle was inferior to the dolium in Mu Chen’s hands.

This jade bottle was also amongst the five lumps of light. After some competition, it had fallen into his hands by luck. Initially, he was extremely disappointed, but after Mu Chen’s actions, he had also tried using it and he had really managed to use it.

When the experts of the Demon Gate saw that, they rejoiced and immediately flew over to protect the expert with the jade bottle, while looking at the other forces with alert and fear.

“The items that can refine Spiritual Divine Liquid here is not limited to one!”

There were experts with nimble thoughts that yelled out. Suddenly, the experts of the other forces had immediately tested the items that they had previously obtained and the situation fell into chaos.

“Haha. I have one as well!” After a round of checking, someone exclaimed with joy from the palm-sized cup in his hand. When he poured his Spiritual Energy into it, the cup had also started to absorb the lake water. Just that the speed of it was even slower than the jade bottle.

“Me too!”

“Haha, so do I!”


After a round of chaos, everyone had brought out those weird-looking items and when they poured their Spiritual Energy in them, they could actually absorb the lake water as well to refine it into Spiritual Divine Liquid. However the refining speeds were slow.

When the other forces saw this scene and the refining speed of the dolium in Mu Chen’s hands, their hearts turned cold. Compared to the refining speed of Mu Chen’s dolium, theirs were too inferior.

“Shit, the difference is too great. The dolium in the hands of that brat is too powerful. If this goes on, the lake water will be snatched by him and refined into the most completed Spiritual Divine Liquid!”

“We need more powerful refining artifacts!”

The eyes of the other experts flickered, before they raised their heads the next instant and fixed them onto the sky above the lake. There were still three other lumps of light wandering around, emitting powerful spirituality. Naturally, they must be uncommon.

There must be powerful refining artifacts amongst them!

Every single gaze focused onto those three lumps of light and the atmosphere had turned abnormally quiet.


“Let’s go!”

“Get them!”

But the silence had only been maintained for a brief instant, before it was disrupted. Following after, the entire region exploded and the experts of all factions had charged forth like mad dogs as they charged towards the three lumps of light.

“Bastards, who care to snatch from my Divine Pavilion, my Divine Pavilion will definitely not forgive you!”

The three Pavilions Lords that had previously hindered the three Emperors also couldn’t hold themselves back as they flew out and yelled. Their Divine Pavilion had only gotten a mere small cup and the refining speed of it was too slow. If this continued, then the Spiritual Divine Liquids that they could refine would be too weak as well.

If they were to submit such weak a Spiritual Divine Liquid to the Pavilion Master, the Pavilion Master would definitely be enraged.

“Hmph. There’s not enough to go around, would we be afraid of your Divine Pavilion?!”

There are only three lumps of light left and it was greatly related to the amount of Spiritual Divine Liquid that they could obtain. So no one would pay attention to the words of the Divine Pavilion and the experts of every faction had charged forth.


Terrifying shock waves of Spiritual Energy spread out, shattering the space...

The three Emperors and the Kings of the Great Havenlaw Domain did not go up and compete because Mu Chen’s dolium could already suppress everyone... Thus, they had exchanged a glance, before a bitter expression appeared on their faces.

“Mu Chen has done a great contribution this time...”

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