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Princess Xinyang held the small bottle in her hand, suppressing the pain in her heart as she asked, "Will you really feel better after drinking this?"

Little Jing Kong nodded like he was pounding garlic, "Really! I always feel so happy after drinking it!"

Princess Xinyang choked back a smile and said, "Then I'll take it, thank you."

Little Jing Kong took his completed homework back to the west room to continue studying.

Princess Xinyang greeted Gu Jiao and Xiao Heng next door before returning to Zhuque Street.

At dinner, Yu Jin limped noticeably.

Princess Xinyang asked with concern, "What happened to your leg?"

Yu Jin replied with pain evident in her voice, "I just had a cramp."

"Let me see." Princess Xinyang offered.

With a smile, Yu Jin declined, "It's nothing serious, it'll be better by tomorrow."

After a moment of silence, Princess Xinyang took out two small bottles from her pouch and handed them to her, "Take these, they can help with leg cramps."


On the other side, Gu Jiao and Gu Xiaoshun had been busy all afternoon. They finally completed the full set of rehabilitation facilities, and starting tomorrow, Huangfu Xian could begin systematic rehabilitation training.

It would be a long and painful process, which would require Huangfu Xian's strong endurance and willpower.

Walking wasn’t as easy as he had imagined. After discarding the crutches, each step was excruciatingly painful.

"Scared of pain?" Gu Jiao asked Huangfu Xian.

"If I am, do you have any medicine to make it less painful?" Huangfu retorted.

"No, I don't." Gu Jiao replied.

Painkillers always had side effects, so she tried to avoid using them if possible.

Huangfu Xian took a deep breath, "Then I won't be scared."

He had no choice but not to be scared.

Gu Jiao handed him the crutches, "Take your time to get used to it."

"Okay." Huangfu Xian took the crutches, and with the help of Gu Xiaoshun, he slowly stood up.

Half of his weight was on the crutches, and the other half was on Gu Xiaoshun’s arm supporting him from behind. Even so, he could already feel the pain in his residual limb.

He dared not imagine what it would be like to really discard the crutches.

Gu Jiao began to sweep the courtyard.

Suddenly, Yuya’er walked over holding a bowl that hadn't been washed yet, "Young miss!"

"What's wrong?" Gu Jiao asked.

Without saying anything, Yuya’er just looked towards the front gate of their own courtyard with an awkward expression.

Gu Jiao had heard the sound of a carriage earlier but didn't pay much attention. Seeing Yuya'er’s reaction, it seemed an unexpected guest had arrived.

"Okay, I'll go see." Gu Jiao put down the broom.

Yuya’er said, "I'll sweep in a bit, I'm almost done washing!"

Gu Jiao acknowledged her and went to the main room. There, she saw Gu Jinyu whom she hadn't seen in a long time.

Gu Jinyu had been staying peacefully at home awaiting her marriage, rarely going out recently.

Not long ago, the Zhuang Family’s property was seized, and apart from An Junwang's entire family being exiled, Gu Jinyu's marriage with An Junwang was also affected.

"Are you here to see Zhuang Yuheng?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Zhuang..." Gu Jinyu was surprised by Gu Jiao's address to An Junwang but didn't further comment on it. Instead, she whispered, "I came to see you, sister."

She looked quite haggard, her cheeks thinner.

Considering her circumstances, it wasn't surprising.

Her marriage had been quite scandalous to begin with, then there were the frequent wars in the State of Zhao delaying their wedding, and now her fiance was facing such issues. It would be strange if she didn't look worn out.

"What do you want from me?" Gu Jiao asked calmly.

"Can I come in and talk to sister inside?" Gu Jinyu, who stood awkwardly at the doorway, asked.

Gu Jiao turned and sat down on a chair in the main room.

Separated by a table, Gu Jinyu took a seat on another chair.

As soon as she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, "Sister, I really know I was wrong... Please forgive me..."

Gu Jiao looked askance at her, "Forgive you for what?"

Gu Jinyu clutched her handkerchief tightly, choking up as she said, "I committed countless mistakes. I shouldn't have overestimated myself and always opposed sister. I also shouldn't have acted with arrogance just because Father favors me. Please, even for the sake of my parents in the Gu Family's third branch, give me one last chance to amend my ways."

Gu Jiao frowned impatiently, "Speak plainly."

With tears in her eyes, Gu Jinyu explained, "Father wants to cancel my marriage with An Junwang... You know Father's temperament; he was against your marriage to brother-in-law too. Sister, please help me. I don't want to break off the engagement! My innocence already belongs to Zhuang Yuheng. I can no longer marry someone else!"

Gu Jiao asked, "Zhuang Yuheng has lost everything now, and you still insist on marrying him?"

Gu Jinyu firmly replied, "Yes. I don't know where he is now, but brother-in-law used to work with him, so he might have a way to contact him. I hope you can pass a message to him. If Father comes looking for him, please ask him not to agree to break off the engagement."

Glancing at her, Gu Jiao said, "Zhuang Yuheng is next door. You can tell him yourself."

Surprised, Gu Jinyu went next door.

An Junwang was packing when he heard Gu Jinyu was looking for him. After some hesitation, he decided to meet her in the main room.

"Junwang!" Upon seeing him, Gu Jinyu's sorrow overwhelmed her, her eyes turning red once again.

An Junwang maintained a polite distance, saying, "Second Young Miss Gu, what brings you here?"

Gu Jinyu repeated what she had told Gu Jiao.

An Junwang lowered his gaze and sighed, "Second Young Miss Gu, I am extremely grateful to you for not abandoning me. However, is Second Young Miss Gu truly willing to marry me?"

Looking hurt, Gu Jinyu responded, "Are you doubting me? If I wasn't sincere about marrying you, why would I ask you not to agree to my father's decision?"

An Junwang explained, "I don't doubt you, but I'm concerned that you might be making a sacrifice. I’m leaving the capital for a place thousands of miles away, and I may never come back here in this life."

Confused, Gu Jinyu asked, "Where are you going?"

An Junwang replied honestly, "The borderlands, where my family has been exiled."

Gu Jinyu’s expression changed, "But you haven't been exiled!"

An Junwang calmly said, "I can't abandon them."

While some of his family deserved their fate, others were innocent, like his two younger sisters who had never been part of their grandfather's ambitions.

Continuing, An Junwang said, "I've already submitted my resignation to the cabinet and asked His Majesty to relieve me of my title. So, if you agree to marry me, you'll have to accompany me to the border... and live as a commoner."

Looking directly at Gu Jinyu, he asked, "Second Young Miss Gu, are you still willing to go through with this marriage?"

Gu Jinyu froze.

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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