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The remnants of the previous dynasty were quite adept at causing trouble, to the extent that they left a terrifying shadow in the Emperor's heart.

In reality, Huangfu Xian was just a thirteen-year-old with disabilities. How could he possibly restore a dynasty?

However, another voice floated through the Emperor's mind—— he carried the blood of the previous dynasty's imperial family and inherited his father's intellect and methods.

He was a child devoid of any compassion or mercy, and if he grew stronger, it would lead to endless trouble.

On the desk lay a petition to confer the title of Grand Princess Protector to Princess Ning'an.

The Emperor had already made up his mind to grant Ning'an the status of Grand Princess Protector, regardless of opposition from the court. But now he suddenly felt uncertain.

Did he really want to canonize Ning'an as a Grand Princess?

If he did, when Ning'an passed away a hundred years later, her territory and the power of a feudal prince would be inherited by Huangfu Xian. Wouldn’t Huangfu Xian, with real power and authority, become another Yi Wang or the Imperial Son-in-law?

Two choices lay before him.

One, Ning'an was to be conferred the title of Grand Princess Protector, with a status equivalent to that of a vassal state. However, he must eliminate Huangfu Xian to prevent future troubles.

Two, do not confer the title upon Ning'an. Let Ning'an be an ordinary imperial princess, and let Huangfu Xian live as a common idler, ensuring he never had the capital for the restoration of their dynasty.


On the other side, Huangfu Xian pushed the wheelchair back to Bixia Palace.

Princess Ning'an waited for him in his room. Seeing him approach, she dismissed the palace servants.

Only the pair of mother and son remained in the room. Princess Ning'an looked heavily at his legs, "Where is your quilt?"

"It’s dirty, so I threw it away." Huangfu Xian said indifferently.

Princess Ning'an took a deep breath, "Huangfu Xian..."

Huangfu Xian interrupted her with a sly smile, "Don't you want to know what I said to the Emperor?"

"What did you say to His Majesty?" Princess Ning'an asked.

Huangfu Xian said with a smile, "I said, I hate you, and I hate him. Both of you caused my father's death. One day, I will avenge my father. As long as I live, the Great Li Dynasty will not fall!"


Princess Ning'an swung her hand and gave him a cold slap!

This slap showed no mercy, that Huangfu Xian and the wheelchair both toppled to the ground. He rolled out of the wheelchair, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at her with a sneer, "Mother, is this all the strength you have?"

Princess Ning'an's chest heaved violently. She glared at him with uncontrollable anger, her body trembling in restraint.

Huangfu Xian laughed wildly, his dried blood mixing with the fresh blood at the corners of his mouth, presenting an eerie appearance, "Mother, guess what? Having a son plotting rebellion, will the Emperor still allow you to be the Grand Princess Protector?"

Princess Ning'an's nails dug deep into her flesh, "From today onwards, you are not allowed to step out of this room!"

After saying this, Princess Ning'an turned and left.

No one came in to help Huangfu Xian up.

Huangfu Xian just lay there on the cold floor, staring blankly at the carved ceiling beams above.

The world seemed quiet, and the cold wind seeped in through the window cracks.

Huangfu Xian froze, losing sensation in his entire body and even his two disabled legs. He didn't move, nor did he call out to someone for help.

Suddenly, there was a cooing sound on the windowsill, as if a large bird had landed.

Huangfu Xian paid no attention to it.

Then, a cute little figure climbed in through the window, landing with a thud on the floor.

This time, Huangfu Xian raised his eyes a bit, but his body was frozen stiff, and his eye movement was limited, so he didn't manage to see anything.

Until that little figure trotted over, and, upside down, came face to face with him above his head.

"Little big brother."

Little Jing Kong greeted.

"Why are you here?" Huangfu Xian closed his eyes faintly and asked without much patience, "Is this a place you can just come to?"

Little Jing Kong ignored his coldness, circled around him, and curiously asked, "Why are you lying on the ground?"

Huangfu Xian sneered, "Oh, for fun?"

"Oh." Little Jing Kong also lay down beside him.

Huangfu Xian: ”...”

After lying for a while, Little Jing Kong folded his small hands on his belly and said, "But I feel very cold."

Huangfu Xian: Isn't that obvious?

Little Jing Kong sat up and took out a small porcelain bottle from his pouch, saying, "For you."

Huangfu Xian indifferently asked, "What?"

Little Jing Kong explained, "It’s jinchuang medicine. For injuries."

Huangfu Xian said coldly, "The dog is already dead."

Little Jing Kong said, "It's for you. Your hand is injured, right?"

Huangfu Xian's eyelashes trembled slightly.

His hand was indeed injured, but no one had noticed.

Everyone thought the blood on his hands was from the dog.

Seeing him not reaching out, Little Jing Kong grabbed his hand and intended to put the jinchuang medicine in it.

However, as Little Jing Kong grabbed him, he found that his hand was frighteningly cold. "Your hand is so cold! You can't lie on the ground anymore!"

Huangfu Xian said, "Mind your own business!"

Little Jing Kong looked around, seeing that his wheelchair had also overturned. He thought for a moment and said, "Did you fall?"

Huangfu Xian coldly said, "I told you it’s none of your business!"

Little Jing Kong got up, exerted great effort to upright the wheelchair, and then went to help Huangfu Xian.

Huangfu Xian was frozen stiff, so it wasn't easy to help him up. After some thought, Little Jing Kong grabbed one of his hands and began to rub it, exhaling warm breath while doing so, "This way, you won't be cold. You'll warm up quickly."

Since losing his legs, Huangfu Xian had detested getting close to people. Even Princess Ning'an couldn't touch him much now. Yet, this little guy held his hand and even rubbed it?

Huangfu Xian, annoyed and embarrassed, said, "Let go!"

Imitating Gu Jiao's usual demeanor toward him, Little Jing Kong touched Huangfu Xian's head, "You'll be fine soon, don't worry."

Even touching his head!

Huangfu Xian was about to explode with anger!

After rubbing his left hand, Little Jing Kong went to rub his right hand, warming it up quickly.

Next would be rubbing his legs.

That was his forbidden area, a flaw, an ugliness that even his biological father would instinctively avoid due to a chilling discomfort.

Don't touch that.

He would go insane!

Huangfu Xian glared fiercely at Little Jing Kong.

Fortunately, Little Jing Kong didn't touch his legs. After warming his hands, he attempted to help Huangfu Xian sit up again.

Perhaps the excitement of that moment made his blood circulate, miraculously, his body wasn't as stiff anymore.

He sat up.

Little Jing Kong pushed the wheelchair in front of him. Huangfu Xian grabbed the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands and sat on it with clenched teeth.

"Does it hurt?" Little Jing Kong asked.

This time, he was referring to his legs.

Huangfu Xian's throat moved slightly, and he said calmly, "Not much."

Little Jing Kong bent down.

Huangfu Xian thought he was going to lift his trousers, and his face changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, Little Jing Kong just stopped above his severed legs, gently blowing on them, "Hoo-hoo, it won't hurt anymore."

Not a trace of fear or disgust could be seen in those clean little eyes.

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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