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Gu Chengfeng felt that the remnants of the previous dynasty and the State of Chen's army might have lost their minds, as they actually locked people in the wine cellar!

What kind of operation was this?

Gu Jiao stepped forward, intending to enter the room.

Gu Chengfeng raised his hand to stop her, "Wait, let me go in first."

After learning that he had come close to losing his life, Gu Chengfeng became especially cautious. He left Gu Jiao outside and carefully inspected the wine cellar for any hidden mechanisms or dangers. Only after making sure it was safe did he say to Gu Jiao, "Come in."

Gu Jiao entered the room and closed the door behind her.

The wine cellar had no windows, so when the door closed, the room became pitch dark.

Gu Chengfeng took out a , lit it, and knelt on the cold ground in front of Old Marquis, reaching out to help him.


This time, it was Gu Jiao who stopped Gu Chengfeng's hand.

Old Marquis's breath was very weak, and his breathing was shallow, making him look far from normal.

As a physician, Gu Jiao had an almost instinctive sense for such situations. She unfastened the red-tasseled spear from her back and placed it on the ground. Then, she knelt down next to Gu Chengfeng, using the light of the flame stick to examine Old Marquis's condition.

Describing him as heavily injured wouldn't be enough. He had clearly been brutally tortured, with blood stains all over his body.

"Bring the light closer." Gu Jiao told Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng moved the flame stick closer.

Even though the dim light of the fire somewhat concealed his complexion, Old Marquis's paleness was still evident.

Gu Chengfeng's heart tightened, and he swallowed hard, softly calling out, "Grandfather, grandfather."

Old Marquis didn't respond.

Gu Chengfeng's heart clenched even more.

Gu Jiao's expression didn't change in the slightest. She calmly began to remove Old Marquis's clothing and carefully examine his injuries one by one.

Gu Chengfeng had developed his skills and had certainly been injured and seen others injured many times. However, when the injured person was his own grandfather, he found it difficult to continue looking.

He couldn't help but wonder how this girl remained so composed.

Then again, she wasn't the real Gu Jiao. For her, his grandfather was just an ordinary patient.

The fire in the flame stick wouldn’t burn for much longer, and the light was insufficient. Gu Jiao opened her little medicine chest, took out an emergency flashlight, and handed it to Gu Chengfeng, saying, "Use this."

Gu Chengfeng had become accustomed to her ability to produce various peculiar items, so he didn't find it strange. Wasn’t it essentially a kind of night pearl? It was just that the light was longer and brighter.

Gu Chengfeng extinguished the fire in the flame stick and used the flashlight as he asked, "Is my grandfather's condition severe?"

"Very severe." Gu Jiao said. Her movements were gentle, but she didn't miss any broken bones. "He has both internal and external injuries, with multiple comminuted fractures."

Gu Chengfeng was shocked, "Comminuted… Is it broken into powder?"

Gu Jiao sighed, "A comminuted fracture is when the bone breaks into three or more pieces."

She hadn’t said it was broken into powder.

It wasn't a bone crusher.

In addition to the fractures, there were numerous whip marks all over his body, and the bloodstains were a result of these lashings.

While these whip marks were frightening to look at, they weren't the main cause of Old Marquis losing consciousness.

Gu Jiao then took out a sphygmomanometer and measured Old Marquis's blood pressure.

"Strange, why is his blood pressure so low?"

The reason for Old Marquis losing consciousness was found: it was hemorrhagic shock.

However, Old Marquis's whip injuries were mostly superficial, and the amount of blood loss wasn't significant.

"Internal hemorrhage?" Gu Jiao mumbled as she focused her gaze.

Her words were completely unintelligible to Gu Chengfeng, and even if he understood, he might not grasp their meaning.

Gu Jiao put on a pair of gloves that she got from the medicine chest, and then took out a long puncture needle.

Gu Chengfeng's eyebrows twitched. What was this girl planning to do now?!

After observing Gu Jiao perform suturing surgery on Gu Chenglin in person the last time, Gu Chengfeng had refrained from eating meat for half a year. The psychological trauma caused by that experience was just starting to heal. He couldn't let this girl torment his fragile psyche again!

He decisively turned his face away.

"Hey." Gu Jiao called him.

"I'm not afraid!" He said sternly while trembling inwardly.

"The flashlight is pointing in the wrong direction." Gu Jiao reminded.

"W-where is it pointing wrong?" Gu Chengfeng still didn't dare to look back.

Gu Jiao took his hand and adjusted the flashlight, saying, "Don't move."

"Oh." Gu Chengfeng responded.

Gu Jiao performed an on Old Marquis, and the extracted fluid was non-clotted blood, indicating the presence of in the patient. Considering his injuries, it was likely that a solid organ had ruptured.

Gu Jiao put away the puncture needle and quietly examined his abdomen. Then, she gently pressed along the direction of his ribs.

When she pressed on the upper left abdomen, his body twitched slightly.

He hadn't completely lost consciousness? He could still feel some pain.

The injury seemed to be in this area.

Gu Jiao's gaze turned cold.

This was the location of the spleen.

"Have you finished the examination? Let's quickly get my grandfather out of here. I have a feeling this place isn't safe, and those people could come back at any moment!" Gu Chengfeng urged.

"We can't leave." Gu Jiao said. "He's injured."

"Can't we take him back to the inn for treatment? I know injured people shouldn't be moved easily. I'll go find a stretcher! I won't let his condition worsen!" Gu Chengfeng suggested.

Gu Jiao looked at the dropping blood pressure and shook her head, saying, "There's no time."

"What do you mean, 'no time'?" Gu Chengfeng turned back, looking at her in disbelief.

Gu Jiao said, "He needs surgery."

Gu Chengfeng was taken aback again, "Here? At this place?"

Gu Jiao nodded solemnly, "Right here." Seeing Gu Chengfeng's hesitation, she added, "If we don't operate right away, he will die."

Having spent so much time with Gu Jiao, Gu Chengfeng understood that this girl never exaggerated, except when it came to charging fees for her medical services.

Gu Chengfeng looked at Gu Jiao with deep concern, "Are you sure you want to do this?”

There was no need for him to remind her that the risk of performing surgery in enemy territory was significant. They were saving his grandfather, but in doing so, she was also risking her own life.

He continued, "Once we're discovered, none of us might make it out of here."

Gu Jiao didn't hesitate and took out the scalpel, saying, "I'll do it as quickly as possible."

"Why are you doing this? Have you accepted him as your grandfather?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"No." Gu Jiao unsealed the scalpel. "He's not my grandfather, but doing this for my brother is just right."

Being sworn brothers with him, she was very serious about it!

Gu Chengfeng, who had completely misunderstood her, felt a surge of emotion and a lump in his throat. It turns out that in your heart, you regard me as your brother!

Gu Jiao: You're thinking too much. It’s not you, the one lying on the ground is.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Gu Chengfeng asked selflessly.

Gu Jiao decided not to discuss the seniority between them for the time being. She picked up the scalpel and anesthetic, saying, "Find something to block the door crack. Don’t let any light leak out."

There were no rags or anything like that in the wine cellar, so Gu Chengfeng tore off his inner garment and used his blade to cut it into strips to seal the door crack and crevice.

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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