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The man had an extraordinarily handsome face with mesmerizing eyes. He was none other than Marquis Xuanping, whom the Emperor praised as the face of the State of Zhao.

Marquis Xuanping held Princess Xinyang gracefully, standing in a handsome posture.

A burst of enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd!

Marquis Xuanping raised an eyebrow and said, "Princess, long time no see."

Princess Xinyang kept a cold expression and retorted, "Have you shown off enough? If you have, put this princess down!"

"Tsk, unromantic." Marquis Xuanping sighed with regret and then set Princess Xinyang down.

The rampaging horse had been restrained by Chang Jing, who suddenly felt like having roasted horse meat tonight.

Marquis Xuanping waved his hand to the onlookers and said, "Alright, disperse, everyone go home. Haven't you seen a hero saving a beauty before?"

Everyone felt the corner of their mouth twitch. Even though that was the truth, do you really have to say it yourself? Couldn’t you be a bit more tactful?

The crowd eventually dispersed.

Marquis Xuanping looked at Princess Xinyang and then at the wrecked carriage, clicking his tongue in disapproval. He said, "It seems we can only have the princess ride in this Marquis's carriage back. Chang Jing."

Chang Jing brought over a luxurious and stylish carriage.

Princess Xinyang didn't get in.

She walked ahead and approached an unfamiliar carriage, intending to pay the owner to use their carriage.

Marquis Xuanping folded his arms and watched her, saying, "That's also my carriage."

Princess Xinyang continued walking and selected a less conspicuous carriage.

"That one’s mine too."

"Still my carriage."

"Aiya, it's my carriage again."

Princess Xinyang: "...!!"

Did someone with the surname Xiao just rented all the carriages on this entire street?

In the end, Princess Xinyang reluctantly got into the first luxurious and stylish carriage with a dark expression.

Marquis Xuanping also got into the carriage and casually tossed the reins into Chang Jing's lap, saying, "Be steady, the princess doesn't like rough rides."

"Oh." Chang Jing replied, taking the reins and giving a slight tug, causing the carriage to jolt.

Marquis Xuanping: "..."

The husband and wife sat inside the carriage, and Marquis Xuanping leisurely looked at Princess Xinyang, saying with a half-smile, "You refused to see this Marquis when I went to Mount Fengdu to find you. Now you've come back to the capital. What's this? Avoiding this Marquis?"

"Why would I need to avoid you?" Princess Xinyang replied coolly.

Marquis Xuanping tugged at the corner of his lips, revealing a mischievous grin, "Come on, Qin Fengwan, you've been avoiding this Marquis ever since Xiao Heng's death. Sometimes, I even wonder if you were the one who set that big fire. Are you too guilty to face this Marquis?"

Princess Xinyang turned her head away, "Heh."

Marquis Xuanping glanced at the carriage roof and casually said, "Alright, have that whatever-Yi bring Xiao Heng down. Flying around like that in the sky, even if he’s not tired, I feel tired for my own son."

After Xiao Heng was rescued by Long Yi, to be precise, after Marquis Xuanping appeared, Xiao Heng had Long Yi take him away.

Marquis Xuanping's seemingly casual words held many implications:

First, he knew Long Yi.

Second, he had already confirmed that Xiao Liulang was indeed Xiao Heng.

Originally, Long Yi was a Dragon Shadow Guard who only stayed in the shadows at the princess mansion. It was only after she went to Mount Fengdu that Long Yi gradually came into the open. During this time, Long Yi never met Marquis Xuanping.

In other words, long before the fire at the Imperial Academy, Marquis Xuanping was already aware of Long Yi's existence. Since he knew about even the most formidable Long Yi, it went without saying that the other Dragon Shadow Guards were also known to him.

As for when he specifically found out, it was impossible to determine, perhaps four years ago or even earlier.

As for the second thing.

Considering the situation in the capital, Princess Xinyang could roughly guess that Marquis Xuanping's purpose in going to Mount Fengdu was to invite her back to the capital to identify Xiao Heng.

Now that she and Xiao Heng were in the same carriage, she didn't need to tell him anything. He already had the answer.

Marquis Xuanping ordered, "Chang Jing, go and catch those two flying above."

Chang Jing, who was driving the carriage, leaped into the air!

A while later, Chang Jing returned to the carriage with a bruised face.

"I couldn't beat the other party."

Chang Jing looked aggrieved but didn't say more.

Marquis Xuanping snorted, "You deserve it. Just try driving recklessly again next time."

Chang Jing’s face was covered with black lines. So, you were just getting back at me for causing the carriage to jolt a little!!!

Chang Jing had a little grudge now and really wanted to make the carriage fly, but he couldn't beat the old fox Marquis Xuanping. It was a sad story indeed.

Inside the carriage, Marquis Xuanping lazily leaned against the carriage wall, behind which was a soft and thick cushion. His long legs were crossed, one hand rested on the armrest beside him, and the other lightly tapped his knee with its long, slender finger.

Princess Xinyang sat across from him, her expression calm, and she remained silent.

Marquis Xuanping chuckled nonchalantly, "Qin Fengwan, are you going to say it yourself, or do you want this Marquis to ask you sentence by sentence?"

Princess Xinyang asked, "What do you want me to say?"

Marquis Xuanping replied, "Everything."

Princess Xinyang looked at him and said, "Why don't you explain first what happened with that wild horse just now?"

Marquis Xuanping asked, "What? Do you suspect that this Marquis did that? I'm not that bored."

Princess Xinyang remained silent.

Marquis Xuanping squinted at her and said, "Hold on, are you suspecting that someone tried to assassinate you or Xiao Heng?"

Princess Xinyang took a slow breath and gazed at him intently. She said, "Before I answer all your questions, how about you answer one of mine first? That slave from the State of Yan back then, who was she?"

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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