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Gu Chengfeng said, "You should know that eldest brother has been imprisoned, right? Eldest brother escaped from prison last night, which is equivalent to desertion. Deserters are subjected to death, not to mention he has also killed people."

Gu Jiao furrowed her brows, "He has killed people?"

Gu Chengfeng bowed his head and said with a sad face, "He killed two guards. The news reached the Marquis Estate last night, and my grandfather rushed there overnight, but he didn't come back this morning. I guess things mustn’t have gone well, so I wanted to see my eldest brother. I thought you knew."

"I have no idea." Gu Jiao would never have expected that Gu Changqing would kill people to escape from prison. It didn’t seem like something he would do.

How could Gu Chengfeng not think this?

He said, "I don't believe that my eldest brother will kill innocent people indiscriminately, and neither does my grandfather, but there is a witness and physical evidence. Someone reportedly saw my eldest brother standing beside the two dead soldiers with a bloody sword in hand. However, the soldier who witnessed it wasn’t silenced by eldest brother. If eldest brother had gone mad to the point of killing innocent people, why did he leave a witness?"

Gu Jiao was silent.

Gu Chengfeng's analysis was very reasonable, but someone must be willing to believe it. Gu Changqing cut off Tang Ming’s arm first, and offended Supreme Commander Tang thoroughly. Supreme Commander Tang would not miss this great opportunity to execute Gu Changqing.

Gu Jiao said, "Let's meet the person first."

Gu Chengfeng had no objection, "Alright, I'll take you in."

Gu Chengfeng originally thought that since he was the young master of a Marquis Estate, bringing a girl into the military camp shouldn’t pose any problem. If that didn’t work, he would just tell them that Gu Jiao was also the young miss of the Marquis Estate. They should still give them this face.

As a result, when they arrived at the gate of the military camp, they were stopped.

The reason was that outsiders with nothing to do there were not allowed inside!

"What outsiders! I am the young master of the Marquis Ding'an Estate!" Gu Chengfeng was furious.

However, the soldiers just refused to let them pass, "This is the order of the Supreme Commander, and there’s nothing we can do about it."

Gu Jiao slowly lifted the curtain of the carriage and handed out a token, "We’re here to deliver medicine." She then pointed to Gu Chengfeng, "This is a worker of our medical hall."

Gu Chengfeng: I, I, I... When did I become a worker of your medical hall?!

The soldier checked the token and looked suspiciously at Gu Chengfeng, "So are you the young master of the Marquis Ding’an Estate or a worker of the medical hall?"

Gu Chengfeng answered in a mumble, "Medical, medical hall’s worker."

The soldier returned the token to Gu Jiao and said, "Don't stay too long, just come out after delivering the medicine."

"Okay." Gu Jiao kept the token away.

Gu Chengfeng was simply dumbfounded. What was this? The title of Marquis Ding’an Estate's young master wasn’t as good as that of a worker in the medical hall nowadays?

When they entered the military camp, the medical officer who tested the medicine was still the same one as before. After having several dealings with Miraculous Hands Hall, both parties were now familiar with each other. Besides, Miraculous Hands Hall's jinchuang medicine was really better than ordinary jinchuang medicine, so he was very polite to Gu Jiao.

He knew that Gu Jiao wasn’t one to cause trouble, so when Gu Jiao went out, he just thought that Gu Jiao wanted to get some fresh air and didn't stop her.

Gu Chengfeng led Gu Jiao to the torture chamber where Gu Changqing was being held.

Tang Yueshan gave the order that no one was allowed to visit Gu Changqing. However, today, they were lucky. The soldier guarding the torture chamber was someone Gu Jiao knew, "Young Miss Gu!"

"Someone you know?" Gu Chengfeng looked stunned.

"We’ve met once." Once when Gu Jiao came to the military camp to deliver medicine, she stumbled upon a soldier who fell to the ground due to abdominal pain. She treated him in passing and charged him a fee.

Gu Jiao said, "I'll go in and see him. I'll be out in a minute."

"That... Alright, Young Miss Gu, but be quick. When my companion comes over later, it'll be terrible if he finds that I let you in."

"Okay." Gu Jiao nodded.

The soldier stealthily opened the door for Gu Jiao, "Go quickly, Young Miss Gu."

Gu Chengfeng: Is this really okay?

The two people entered the torture chamber.

Gu Changqing was sitting alone with his back against the wall on a musty straw mat. Glaring light shone in as soon as the door of the torture chamber was opened, but he didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Eldest brother!"

It wasn't until he heard Gu Chengfeng's voice that he turned his head calmly. Seeing Gu Jiao was actually there, his face became colder than usual, "What are you doing here?"

It had only been a few days, but Gu Changqing was so haggard that he looked like a different person. His cheeks were stained with blood, his lips were chapped, his eyes lost their spirits, and the stubble around his lips grew out. His appearance simply made Gu Chengfeng's heart ache.

"You shouldn't have come here. Hurry and leave." Gu Changqing forced himself to suppress his inner emotions and coldly turned his face away, refusing to look at Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng.

The two people naturally wouldn’t leave.

They were already there. They might as well find out the truth.

Gu Jiao crouched down on one knee beside him, put her back basket on the ground, and took a water bag from it for him.

"I’m not thirsty." Gu Changqing said.

Gu Jiao placed the water bag on the straw mat beside him, saying, "Why did you suddenly go to see Gu Yan? Who led you there?"

Her question was so straightforward that Gu Changqing was stunned for a moment.

Gu Jiao said, "It’s fine if you don't tell me. I will investigate it myself."

Gu Changqing's heart tightened and he said, "Don't look into it. Don't get involved."

Gu Jiao looked at him and responded, "Then tell me."

Gu Changqing hesitated for a long time, closed his eyes and slowly opened his mouth, "It's Fei Shuang."

"Cough!" Gu Chengfeng felt choked at once, "Fei... Fei Shuang?"

Gu Changqing said, "That’s right, I’ve fought with him before. I recognized both the mask he was wearing and the hidden weapons he used."

Gu Chengfeng retorted, "It can't be him!"

"How do you know it's not him?" Gu Changqing asked back, then suddenly realized something wasn’t right, "Do you know Fei Shuang?"

It wasn’t surprising that Gu Jiao knew Fei Shuang. After all, Gu Jiao had fought Fei Shuang once, and it was Gu Changqing who told her Fei Shuang's identity.

But Gu Chengfeng, this second generation young master, was either in the academy or in the Marquis Estate normally. How could he possibly know the characters in Jianghu?

"I... I heard about him from her!" Gu Chengfeng decisively dumped the blame on Gu Jiao.

Speaking of this, only then did it dawn on Gu Changqing that the two of them had come together. He also remembered that Gu Jiao had once asked Gu Chengfeng how to write some words, though in reality, that was to blackmail him.

But Gu Changqing didn’t know that truth.

Did his sister like her second brother better?

Gu Chengfeng: "Eldest brother, believe me, it’s not Fei Shuang."

Gu Changqing: "How can you be so sure?"

"... It’s her again!" Gu Chengfeng continued to push the blame onto Gu Jiao. "She said she met Fei Shuang last night. She told me about it on the way here!"

Gu Jiao:“…”

Was it really fine to throw the blame on her again and again?

Gu Changqing knitted his brows and looked at Gu Jiao, "Fei Shuang is bothering you again?"

Gu Jiao replied without changing her expression, "No, I just happened to meet him. He was drunk, so drunk."

Gu Chengfeng felt a twitch on the corner of his mouth.

"The man I fought with last night did not smell of alcohol." Gu Changqing thought carefully. Indeed, the other party’s movements didn’t resemble that of Fei Shuang. He only decided that it was Fei Shuang mainly because of his mask and the hidden weapons he left on the ground.

Gu Chengfeng asked, "So eldest brother escaped from prison to kill Fei Shuang?"

Gu Changqing shook his head, "No, he told me that someone wanted to take my life, and if he couldn't take mine, he would take Ah Yan's instead. That way, the person who paid him could vent his hatred."

Gu Chengfeng felt sour in his heart. He actually escaped from prison because he was worried about Gu Yan? Was Gu Yan that important? Who kept saying that he didn't recognize Gu Yan as a sibling?

But look at what he did now.

For Gu Yan's sake, he was willing to forfeit his life!

Didn’t he know what would happen to him if he just rushed out like that?

Or, did he not see that this was a trap the other party deliberately set up for him?

That wasn’t it, how could he not see it?

He just didn’t want to gamble on that ‘what if’.

Gu Chengfeng seemed to feel a suffocating fire in his chest, which made his insides painful.

He turned his head away and ran out of the torture chamber with red eyes!

"Young Miss Gu, someone is coming!" The soldier outside reminded her.

Gu Jiao left the water bag to Gu Changqing and came out of the torture chamber.

Wiping his tears away, Gu Chengfeng walked forward, feeling enraged, "Don’t speak to me!"

Gu Jiao: I don’t want to talk to you either.

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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