The Grand Mistress

Chapter 75 - Infiltrated

Surely Hawk's mistress knew how Hawk refused to give her the mariposa verde and how he ran away from her concert just to be with his mistress and that made Feather felt very little, not just literally as the woman was so tall she can stand beside Hawk Monsanto perfectly unlike her whose height only reached Hawk's shoulder. Her insecurity with  her stretched as far with the fact that he can make Hawk crave for her by just one phone call.

"You know it's important for us women to always please our men," the woman continued shaming her, either intentionally or innocently. "Men are just men after all. If we can't please them, then they will just get tired and jump to another woman's bed. We don't want that right?"


"That only applies to couples who aren't in love," Feather had enough of her words, "I still do believe in love and know that if people are bound by it, no one, not even a very professional whore can tore them apart. That is my case  and my man, we are in love and I swore to you, the world may end but no one can make me gave him up,"

"Really?" her sarcasm continued hitting off that Feather wondered if the woman already knew she was Hawk Monsanto's real fiancee. "Ah love! Good for you then. However I doubt that so-called love. I once believe that fantasy was real but then a ballerina whore danced with my lover in bed. I lost faith in love after that,"

Something with the woman's words struck Feather hard and right then, she was deeply curious as to who the woman was behind those big sunglasses. Does she know her? Why does it feel like she was speaking about some things she was familiar with? Could it be just all a coincidence?

"Do I know you?" Feather asked immediately. She scanned the parts of her that were left open for her to check but no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find any trace of familiarity in the woman's facade. "Have we met before? Are we friends or something?"

"It don't make friends with ballerina whores," The woman said outright and for a moment Feather was convinced the woman knew her so well, not until she withdrew her previous words, "So if you are one, then probably we are not friends,"

"Goodbye then," The woman added and proceeded to leave but before she reached the door, Feather  blocked her off. 

"Let me through first," She panicked and without waiting for the woman's response, Feather squeezed herself out the door and ran out first. She knew Hawk was waiting outside  and afraid that he and her mistress would cross paths, she grabbed him immediately and dragged Hawk away as fast as she could.

"What's wrong?" Hawk was left wondering went on Feather as she was obviously dragging him away with the fastest pace she could. Her expression too turned dreadful than before she entered the bathroom and so he was confused as to what happened so suddenly.

"Nothing.. We need to leave," Feather answered, determined to leave the resort. There was no point in staying there anymore as even the resort carefully chosen by her mother and guarded by the Gao's was infiltrated by mistresses who did nothing but only ruin Feather's day.  "Something came up, I want to leave Mondrew City right now,"

"Right now?" Hawk was confused as to Feather's sudden charge. "Feather we still have few more days left so—"

"Hawk I'm really sorry but we need to leave right away," Feather pressed continually as she and Hawk went on, now already on the elevator toward their suite. Feather thought that Hawk was free of any work inconveniences this time as he took a leave to be with her. Therefore, his mistress was all free to seduce him at any time she wanted and might end up getting pregnant instead of her. So, with all that she could, Feather wanted to leave with Hawk immediately knowing that his mistress was with them in Mondrew City only waiting for the perfect time. 

"Someone invited me to a performance I can't refuse," Feather reasoned. "You know how some opportunities can make and break our career. This invitation was one of them,"

"Feather, you are just fresh from the hospital," Hawk reminded her, skimming right through her as if he was doubting her words. "Your mother will surely not approve of it and I too cannot let you perform at this state,"

"I am well rested. Thanks to you," She purposely said that to appease him. "But really Hawk I had been waiting for this performance and I cannot just let it pass this time. Please understand,"

Feather's innocent wishful face somehow got through Hawk's protest. He shook his head slightly and went on, escorting Feather back to their suite. With how it looked, Feather seemed to be very determined to go home and although he was already enjoying his stay knowing that Simione was around, he somehow cannot let his fiancee fly back alone. It would only make things worse than it already was.

Sensing his hesitation, Feather was left wondering if he indeed knew his mistress was around. Was she the one he was with earlier? Did he get mad because she almost caught them off? Thinking about what would happen if she didn't arrive, Feather knew she almost lost her case with Hawk Monsanto. Mistresses of big people like him would not leave without a fight, especially that there is a stock pile of billions awaiting at the far end and so she must guard her premises well or some whore can steal the limelight that was destined for her.

"I'm really sorry Hawk," Feather apologized again but this time, her apologies was answered by only a shrug. She knew he wasn't good at them leaving but with what's at stake, the last she could think of was him being upset with her. She must go home right then with him, no matter what it takes.

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