"You look so miserable," Lucy stood in front of Primo while the man was frustratedly comforting himself on the floor just beside the door of her apartment. "Let me guess, Gabbie ditch you again…ahahahaha"

"Lucilla…." Primo immediately stood and towered the singer. "I escorted Gabriella home. We had a dinner at my house,"

"Guess the dinner didn't turn out well," Lucy responded and gave him a mocking look. "Poor you. Just go home, you won't change anything by staying here,"

Lucy turned her back on him and decided to go inside. If Primo was miserable outside, she was very sure Gabriella felt so bad too and she worried about the girl immediately. Aish! It seemed that this Primo-Gabriella thing was getting out of hand. Can they just call it quits? It was obvious things aren't working out good for both of them, specially for Gabriella.

The singer was about to unlock the door with her keys when she heard Primo say something unintelligible.

"What?" Lucy turned to him with creased browns.

Primo made a dismayed sound before he dug his eyes onto the woman. Has she not heard that she wanted to hear it again or she was just trying to mock him?

"Primo, is there something you need to say? If there's none, go hom—"

"Help me," He cut her off completely and the words he just spoke immediately filled Lucilla with disbelief.

"You?" Lucy was trying to analyze what he was saying. "Did you just ask me to help you?" She confirmed but without waiting for an answer she already laughed hysterically.

"What's so funny about it?" Primo hissed.

"Nothing. Nothing, just the fact that the great El Tigre had come to ask the help of the a humble singer," Lucilla pointed, still laughing at it. "But I do remember this was twice in the row. The last time you asked me what Gabriella needed in your office and now this,"

"The one we had previously did not help. It was trade and I sure did my part of the agreement," Primo corrected her. He never once owed anyone and so he didn't like it when Lucilla was trying to make it obvious that he needed her help that's why she was trying to be friendly to her.

"Fine, whatever you say it was" Lucy dismissed such an unnecessary topic but he was right somehow. He did his part of the job especially when days later, they heard the man waking up and asked a serious look into Simione's identity. Hopefully he will find nothing and things will just remain as it was.

"So you are going to help me then?"

"That should not be the question you should ask El Tigre," Lucy replied with a big wild smile this time. "You should worry if you can handle me. The help I will give may not come conveniently,"

"You are a crazy woman," Primo replied, shaking his head. "Just tell me if you want to help me or not,"

"I sure can and I will, you know, just for fun," Lucy replied and left Primo at the door as she entered it. Inside, her smile turned wild and devious. Did he say he needed her help to appease Gabriella? 

Well, since he is El Tigre, she would gladly help him but in an outrageous kind of way. 

"You wanted my help?" She giggled to herself. "Let's see if you can handle the help I would give you,"

The singer wanted to linger more in her thoughts about Primo that amused her but she caught the sound of the newsflash that was running in the television and her expression changed drastically. She carefully walked toward the living room and found Simione looking at the news with bold fists.

"Ballerina Feather Han was to conduct another pre-concierto concert for her upcoming wedding. Just recently it was announced that the couple's wedding will be at—"

"Simione," Lucy called for the girl and just as she heard the singer speak, she turned the television off immediately.

"Lucy, you've come home," Simione replied, almost as lifeless as her blank honey-colored eyes. Something in it made Lucy chilled. 

"Sisi, whatever you are planning, now is not the best time," Lucy warned her. She had learned already of what Feather did and she felt really bad at it. However, when he learned that Hawk had asked for Mr. Blue came home, she felt the threat.  "Hawk won't let you off this time,"

"I know what I'm doing…"

"You are trying to kill youself," Lucy rushed to her and held her shoulder. "Well get back to Feather in some other way. I promised. However the Hawk Monsanto that woke up now, you can't mess up with him Simione, he's very dangerous. He's twice dangerous that he was,"

"I've already decided on it," Simione gave her a look that was untamable and Lucy knew that she cannot be helped anymore. Hatred had clouded her senses already and right at this moment, she cannot move on without ruining Feather's life first.

"Then let me help you," Lucy convinced her. "Let me help you like I always did. Don't do this alone or you'll not escape Hawk,"

"I don't want to drag you into this. You said it yourself, Hawk is twice as dangerous as he was, I can't let you and Gabriella be dragged on to this," Simione refused. She didn't know how Lucy knew about her plans but she already expected it. Lucy somewhat is all-knowing, she even wondered sometimes how she did that but there were many mysterious things about Lucy she was not surprised anymore.

"But you can't do this alone," Lucy told her. "Hawk will be right behind you once you come back and see him. I don't think he's going to let you off and if he will learn your intentions, you might not be able to come back alive,"

"Then let him kill me," Simione spoke like an evil woman. "That would be a good end for me that the Han's selling me off in a prostitution house,"


"Lucy, this is my battle," Simione gave her a look that made Lucy have a glimpse of the misery inside her. "Let me do this so I can have justice for myself. Wherever this would led me, I'm ready for all the consequences,"

"As for you and Gabriella," Simione hugged her this time, "Don't make anyone hurt you or her because of me. You two are the only thing that's left of me, make sure to stay safe and away from the Monsanto's.

That was all that Simione said before she left Lucy, unsure of what to feel in the living room. Knowing that she could not anymore convince her to with her plans, she only looked at Simione as the girl ascended into the stairs. While so, Lucy  held on her fist tight. 

"Simione, you should just run away," Lucy worriedly said to herself. Simione told her after she came back from Comis village of Hawk's confession but the singer was snot confident such confession can save her friend once the M Conglomerate President learned of her true reason for approaching him. 

She knew that family well—the Monsanto are unforgiving. However Simione didn't care anymore and she can't trespass and go beyond what the girl wanted. She would always respect Simione's decision over her own life but right then she was tempted already to send her off somewhere Hawk Monsanto can't find her, nor so the Han's. She had been very wrong to keep her in Devon City after all these years, she should have let her life somewhere out of everyone's reach.

Lucy was still full of her thoughts when suddenly her phone rang, when she pulled and read the caller id, an immediate frown went onto her face.

"Yes?" She welcomed me from the other line immediately.

"Miss Lucilla," A girl's voice answered from the other line. "Mr. Crow wants to see you now,"

"Why so sudden?" Lucy became worried and panicked a little. "Is something wrong?"

"He didn't tell me and I don't think there's something wrong," The girl answered. "Perhaps he just really wanted to see you. He asked me to let you come to his villa on Fare island. You think you can come?"

Lucy's eyes surveyed around the whole corner of her home before she decided to go to the terrace and close the door.

"Is it okay to meet this time?" Lucy asked worriedly. "Isn't his wife and children here in Devon City? You know I don't like crossing paths with them these days"

"They are here in Devon City you are right and I don't think they will be leaving soon. But what can I do? The senior really wants to see you Miss," The girl over the phone pleaded. "I have sent a chopper for you, it should arrive in thirty minutes,"

"Alright then, if that is what he wants," Lucy sighed before she cut the call off. Immediately her head ached but instead of tending to it, she went to her bedroom and packed up.. Looks like she had to spend island hopping for the next few days. 

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