The Grand Mistress

Chapter 196 - Pinocchio

Mara Ballet Company-Fifteen years ago

When the last note of the music stopped, everyone stood on their feet and clapped their hands proudly for the young ballerina who danced on the stage. Today, Mara Ballet Company guests requested to see the young Simione dance as they already received reports about her exquisite skills. Indeed with how she danced flamboyantly with her fluid graceful movements right then, every guest that was there was determined to offer contracts and scholarships to Europe.



"She's really one of a kind," One of the guests, a representative from Voltaire Ballet company, couldn't help but praise her. "She's going to be a prima ballerina, I can see it,"

"She's young but I can tell her future in this career is going to be great," Another guest, Mr. Eaveson from another academy agreed. Every guest right there had their reasons for seeing Simione dance, all contracts and offers ready in their briefcases. However the very reason for this performance today was the plan for her debut, which Voltaire Ballet Company wanted to sponsor. She was basically sought for because aside from extraordinarily talented, the fact that she was an heiress of a well established businessman surely would attract more interest. Imagine the news highlighting the debut of the first ballerina heiress to ever get to be acknowledged by Voltaire Ballet Company in Devon City, sure thing, that's going to sell.. In fact, news of a Han's heiress going to debut had already spread around the city.

Soon, the guest gathered in a hall for an after concert party and the guest started approaching Simione one by one. Beside her was her grandfather who was deeply pleased with her ballet achievements and career. Don Benidicto Han was a stage grandfather and he made sure Simione did nothing for the last five years but train ballet harder than anyone should.

Five years ago, she met the girl for the first time in Somerset Village and found out about her passion and skills. Despite his son's protest—Cat's father, he was able to somehow bring Simione to Mara Ballet Company and she had been training eversince. For five long years, the girl did nothing but ballet and her hard work did pay off. Right now, she was acknowledged as being the number one talent of Mara Ballet Company whose offers for major roles and big theater's abroad flock on every single day.

"Congratulations Sisi," Lyndon Tang went to give her a bouquet of flowers to congratulate her. They had been good friends, especially that the Tangs were close to Don Benidicto. Lyndon was also one of the best dancers in Mara Ballet Company, however her success wasn't as grand as that of the girls. 

"Thank you brother Don," Simione accepted the flowers heartily and stepped forward to say something to the boy in her ears. However before he could even talk to her further, someone grabbed the boy by hand. It was his mentor.

"Lyndon, Do you see that man with a long beard?"

"Uhm Yeah,"

"They say he was the representative from Stardust Academy, the one who had been regularly making Pinochio ballet productions. You should go and impress him, I heard they are going to get one male ballerina from our theater this year," His mentor told him and since they were in front of Simione, she could hear everything. "I believe he is here to announce that they are going to have auditions for male ballerina's. This is your chance,"

"Really?" Immediately the boy's eyes brightened up. He had been waiting for such an opportunity and wanted to really perform on the big stage this year. Not that he couldn't wait for a chance, it was just that, his mother had long been sick and the doctor said she might not live long. 

His mother, Lyna Tang, was a ballet advocate. She always loved ballet but couldn't learn it because of her health. So, she put pressure on her son and wished that before she leaves this world, she would get to see him succeed in the ballet industry. Because of this, Lyndon was very adamant to find an opportunity for the big stage this year so just to fulfill his mother's dying wish.

"Look, he's going to this corner. He must have spotted you," His mentor warned and slightly touched Lyndon's back to straighten it. "Be at your best, he must be coming to talk to us,"

Unfortunately however, even when the guest they were eyeing for went in their direction, they weren't the ones he wanted to talk to. He was interested in someone else.

"Don Benedicto Han, my greetings" The man bowed in front of Simione and her grandfather. "Mr. Val, from Stardust,"

"Nice meeting you Mr. Val, I believe you came not for me but for my precious granddaughter," Don Benedictor replied and gave way to Simione who gave the man a curtsy,  "This is ballerina Simione, I believe you know her already,"

"Her reputation exceeds her. Such a graceful child," Mr. Val returned Simione's curtsy by bowing back to her. 

"So I'm actually here because you know we make big productions every season," Mr. Val started his business. "We want Miss Simione to come and join us for a performance. Of course her name highlighted, big and bold," Mr. Val made gestures when he said the thing that delighted the Don. However Simione, who just recently heard the conversation of Lyndon and his mentor immediately felt bad for the boy and so he gave her an apologetic look.

"Excuse me Mr. Val…" Simione interjected politely. "If I'm not mistaken, this season you are going to make the Pinocchio productions right? So which part are you offering me to play?"

"Ah, Miss Simione is very well knowledgeable in this matters," Mr. Val was impressed that she knew some details. "However, since we wanted to highlight you in this season's production, the company decided we will not be making the Pinocchio but another performance, something that's made only for your my dear Senorita,"

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