The Grand Mistress

Chapter 191 - The Heart Shaped Scar

Twenty years Ago- Somerset Village

The young Hawk Monsanto had been playing a spin top in an old dusty road by himself. He was there for several minutes already, getting bored on his own and so to cut his boredom, he took the spin top he was hiding in his pockets and started playing.

He was there not to play actually, in fact he was waiting for someone. Cat had promised she'll pick berries with him today and that's why he was there alone.

Few minutes more and he got occupied with his toy, watching the wood ball spin to the fastest speed and balancing on its needle-like tail that had grinded the dusty ground. He was so into it that he did not notice the girl, tiptoeing in the bushes and giggling while looking at him.

"Ah I'll go ahead and scare him," The little Cat said to herself as she was watching the boy from afar. The last time the young Spin made a visit, they weren't really able to play much as she was too sad that time that the boy just comforted him the whole afternoon. So, she promised him she'll pick berries with him today. Things in the white mansion had gone a little loose these days and so she was able to escape once in a while. Besides, these days, someone had been covering for her so she was confident she won't get caught escaping..

While Hawk was focused on his game, Cat sneaked behind his back and when in a split second, she shouted, surprising the young boy mercilessly.

"Bwwwwwaaaaah!" - Cat

"Wahhhhhhhhh!"- Spin

Spin, who was very surprised, ran at first instinct but his panic made him fall on the ground instead, sliding clumsily. His feet then hit the spinning toy—his spin top  and it leaped through the ground and immediately landed on the girl's thigh, its spinning sharp metal end grinded in her skin. She fell on the ground just right after, bleeding.

"Ahhhhhh!" The sudden rushes of blood on her pants made her scream.

"Oh no! Cat!" Spin, who just recovered from his fall, was immediately welcomed by a casualty. Immediately, he took off his little shirt then pressed it on the girl's wound to stop the bleeding.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to," An instant guilt overtook the boy. If not for his carelessness and cowardly instinct, he should have not run away and caused the girl some wounds.

"It's bleeding…I'm going to die…I'm going to die!" The girl cried, she was after all just a girl of six, almost seven and her tolerance for pain and blood wasn't that high. "Spin…huhuhuhu…it hurts!"

"Hold on," Spin this time wrapped her legs with his shirt that was not already covered by blood. Right after, he carried the girl on his back and hurriedly asked for some help. He didn't know where to bring her but his house was nearby and so he brought the girl home. "Just hold on to me and trust me, I'll make sure someone will treat it,"

Cat nodded and wrapped her little hands on Spin's neck. The boy carried her in his back bravely and treaked an old unfamiliar road to her. However she already had an idea where he was going to bring her as she was very aware that the boy's house was just nearby.

"Papa! Papa!Papa!" Spin rushed through their wooden gate screaming and immediately someone came to check them, it was butler Gah who was then very surprised to see his young master carrying a girl.

"She was wounded," Hawk explained hurriedly and of course Butler Gah who immediately noticed the traces of blood on Spin's hands and clothing gasped the situation right away. He took the girl from Spin's back and carried her to a room but when he saw that the girl was wounded near her private part, he somehow hesitated to treat her. Besides, the bleeding had already stopped and so he was aware the wound wasn't that fatal, although deep.

"I'll clean what I can but you need to go to get Mindra," Butler Gah told Spin. "She needs a woman to treat her,"

"Alright!" Spin hurried away to call for the woman his papa was asking. He knew her as the town's local physician as his papa had called for her several times already, especially when he got sick.

"Spin! Send a word to the white mansion too," Butler Gah added an instruction when the boy went on his way already. "They must be informed!"


Hawk went first to Mindra informing her that his papa wanted her immediately and she went on her way. Hawk however didn't escort her to his house as he took the errand of informing the people of the white mansion personally. The same guard at the entrance welcomed him but he told him to leave right away but promised to send someone to pick up the girl.

The guard didn't want to create a ruckus so he wanted Hawk to leave as nobody in the mansion knew the young miss left. Knowing that it's going to cause trouble in the house, he secretly told her father about it when Hawk was already gone.

When Hawk reached his house from the white mansion, he could already hear people talking in the kitchen. It turns out Butler Gah had prepared a meal for Mindra and Cat, whose wound had already been taken care of and joined them.

"How was your wound?" Spin worriedly asked when he saw Cat sitting at the wooden table with the adults.

"She is a fine Spin, her wound is only little but a bit deep that's why it bleeds so much," Mindra explained. "She is alright now. Besides, she needs to eat so the medicine I gave her won't upset her stomach,"

"But but…she should be lying in bed…"

"I'm okay now…" Cat replied as she was enjoying her food. "Besides the food is too tasty it got me too hungry,"

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