Lucy comically raised a brow at the other line. Truth was that she was already suspecting he would call, but never thought it was that fast. It's just thirty minutes ago that Gabriella texted her that she's home in the Allegria penthouse. 

Was Primo that in love, he couldn't bear such a thirty minutes separation? God this man!

"Hmmm…you are doomed," She lazily told him.

"Give me back my woman," Primo's voice bore some threats.

"She has free will Primo," Lucy rolled an eye at him.. "You upset her. Suffer the consequences,"

"Lucilla do not try my patience,"

"Gabriella's patience is short too. You sure you want to upset her more by hurting me?"

"I didn't say I'm going to hurt you!" Primo cussed so angry that Lucy was taking shields on her woman. How could she use Gabriella so he can't launch fire at her? This singer was so shameless!

"Whatever, I'm busy. I don't have time for cheaters…" Lucy was done with him. She really didn't know what happened but if Gabriella says he cheated, then she believes her. 

"I didn't cheat, okay? It was a misunderstanding!" Primo was very frustrated as the conversation was going. Lucilla was obviously making a fool out of him, mocking him in every way. "Talk her out of it, tell her to come  home,"

"No," Lucy refused.

"Can't we negotiate on that?" 

"No," Lucy repeated with a hard tone. "I don't help men fool my friends,"

"Lucilla I told you…."

"I only believe Gabriella unfortunately," Lucy replied indignantly. She was very aware there was more to the story, especially at how Primo got so frustrated, almost like crying at how he had gone pretty helpless with Gabriella. It seemed like he was really serious about making amends with her.

"She's….that woman….Fuck Lucilla! Why don't you just go and investigate it since I know you are that capable," Primo told her because it seemed that she'll never believe whatever he was going to say.

"So you admit I'm capable?" Lucy takes pleasure in it. "I'll take it as a compliment. Are we over now? You see, my time is very precious and I have one friend at home who is crying because she got heartbroken with the El tigre so—"

"Wait!" Primo cut her off. "Do you know why Gabriella came to my office?"

"I do,"

"Tell me," It was more like a command and Lucy  let go of a soundless laugh at it.

"Oh El Tigre, I thought you've heard enough about me. You should have known, extracting information from me comes with a price,"

"How much?" He said without hesitation.

"Oh I like that…" Lucy was very flattered at the thought he was very willing to spend on it. "Unfortunately I'm very rich, I don't need your money,"

"Then what is it that you want,"

"Help me conceal someone," Lucy splattered her business with him.

"What happened to Lucilla?" Primo kind of laughed at it. "Conceal someone, seriously? I thought you were capable. This should go easy on you,"

"Of course it is against Hawk Monsanto," The mention of Hawk's name got the conversation pretty serious.

"Lucilla, you are digging a grave,"

"Are you that afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of Hawk Monsanto," Primo meant what he said. "However, I'm not also a fool to mess up with him. You know that man, he's out of everyone's touch. His name is Hawk for some reasons,"

"Your name is El Tigre for some reasons too,"

Primo's expression went heavy. Lucy was proposing a very dangerous liaison, it needed to be carefully thought. With that, he sat back on his seat and flushed a dangerous aura even when he was alone in his office. "Let's just say he is the king of the sky, I'm the king of the ground. We don't cross each other's boundaries to avoid each other,"

"Boring. I thought hitting on Hawk Monsanto is fun," Lucilla was trying to get him into saying yes. "Besides, it's for Gabbie. She'll be very delighted if I tell her you had help,"

The mention of Gabriella's name erased all of Primo's concern about making clear boundaries against Hawk Monsanto. "Tell me whose the person that you are referring to,"

"Simione Roux Abreo, she's your employee," Lucy revealed. "I tried hiding her off from him but he was getting serious this time and you know what happens when a man like him gets serious, he can turn all tables down and break them,"

"Got it and the answer to my previous question?" He demanded from her information about why Gabriella went to his office.

"It was also for Simione. She was the foster daughter of the Tang's. The head of the family is involved in an embezzlement case. I think she wanted you to help Simione. From what I heard, the lawyer Simione paid was being incompetent,"

"Seems like she is my woman's dear friend," Primo thought about it. For Gabriella to be so desperate to see him right away, she must have left with no option. "Simione Roux Abreo, intriguing,"

"Of course she's intriguing," Lucy smirked at it. "Something I wanted to add just in case…"

"What?" Primo asked, thinking it was not that big. Damn! He was wrong.

"Simione is Hawk Monsanto's woman!" Lucy said and turned off the phone right away. 

She knew the revelation would trigger a long conversation with Primo and she was so tired she didn't want to deal with it anymore. It was enough that Primo said he would help. He was a man of word after all and so his previous yes should do. He would certainly help concealing Simione's identity.

Primo on the other line however gritted his teeth, angered by the fact that he was tricked by Lucilla into saying yes. Ah that singer! He really knows she's one hell of a trouble! 

"Lucilla! You've got to be kidding me!" Primo was mad but the thought of Gabriella being delighted with his help was so comforting he was very willing to take such risks. Besides, he can endure a man to man war with Hawk Monsanto rather than the war he had with Gabriella then. The latter was more troublesome.

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