The Grand Mistress

Chapter 175 - The Bidding Price

Bidding Arena

They were confined in a room, wearing flattering sexy outfits. Simione stood in a mirror nearby thinking how she had changed completely, especially physically. Gina of course subjected them to many diets, thorough physical exercise and made sure their skin was well tended so that Simione saw the difference in her features. She looked really well but knowing that she was about to be sold and lose her dignity, she didn't feel good about it.

She was really so alluring then, so alluring she didn't know she could be. Back in the Tang's mansion, she had never worn anything revealing and didn't put up much makeup. Besides she was too busy at school and taking care of the old Tang couple, she barely had time to fix herself. Right then, the one standing in front of the mirror with her wasn't really the Simione that was adopted by the Tang's, it was a different kind of Simione, someone that had been born out of circumstance.

Inside her was more changes. She wasn't innocent anymore, in fact she might have known many things about sex than a regular person had. She knew what to do and not to do as the situation requires. But all of this of course was nothing but a show off, something she had to do in the hopes that perhaps one day when she can get out, she can go back to the old Simione she once was..

"You are next," Gina called on her. "Siena will be your name and make sure to pose the way I had taught you,"

Simione only nodded obediently. 

"Well if you want to mess it up it's your choice," Gina added. "If you go on the live arena looking weak and crying, you'll be appealing to the sadistic clients . The weak ones are their types and so think first before messing up. You don't want to lose that beautiful face. I heard those who had been sold to the sadistic clients were never seen again,"

Simione's throat went dry. She was not dumb. She knew what Gina said made sense and truth in arena's like these, clients are the worst so she better act right or she'll be the prey of those kinds of clients. 

"Good luck girl," The woman whom she spoke to in the make-up room a few days ago came and pat held her shoulder. "Axa"


"My name is Axa…." She gave Simione a comforting smile. "Yours?"


"Simione, I hope to see you outside. Fine and free," The girl sent her off with wishes. Simione understood that once they will be sold to their bidders, their fate will be in their hands but one sure thing, the chances of getting back to the same prostitution house is slim and all the girls she saw there, she might not see ever again. 

"Axa, may you be fine and free too," Simione bid her goodbyes. "If we both get out here fine, lets go and send your ex-boyfriend to hell,"

Axa laughed at it. She then kissed Simione in the cheeks and smirked, "Sure thing. Goodbye Simione. Don't ever give up,"


When Simione's turn came, she was pushed through a room full of nothing but mirrors. The light was centered on her, dazzling her skin as well as the diamonds that were attached to her costume. They let her wear a two piece suit that had been adorned by jewels, specifically diamonds because according to Gina, it matched up her skin perfectly.  Her long honeycomb hair then was ironed up while Gina made sure she wore only the slightest make up. She looked like a goddess dazzling in diamonds then, especially when she wore an expressionless face like a model and started posing like Gina taught her.

Ironic was it because even if there was no other person in the room but herself, she knew malicious eyes were on her. She suspects the clients can see her through the mirror judging by how they surrounded the room. She wondered what type of clients were hiding behind those mirrors and what type of person they were.

Soon her mind went blank, especially when she saw her expressionless face posing through the mirror. The stage in the center where she was in slowly moved in a circle, only conforming her first theory that clients indeed were hiding in those mirrors, if not, then why did her stage turn in circles? Her seller made it so the clients can view her from all angles. 

"50 million," She started hearing numbers from somewhere. Did the bidding start? She wondered how it was done and how rich their clients were that they could start bidding at 50 million.  Should she be happy that she was that expensive? Was that really just her value? 50 million for her dignity?

"60 Million,"

"61 million,"

"80 millions"

"95 million"

The numbers started going higher and higher until Simione finally believed what the doctor and Axa told her. Her beauty indeed was something, a curse or a gift, making men so desperate to have her.

  Shameless men! Their race was nothing but pervert assholes!

"100 million,"

"Going once, "

"105 million"

"150 million!"

After the last offer there was silence.

"Going once, going twice! Sold for 150 millions euros!"

Simione's body shook. The amount that she was sold in scared her in so many ways. How desperate could this client be to pay such a huge amount? Would he really go that far just for pleasure?

Something inside the girl made her tremble hard. Now that she was sold, what will her fate be? Immediately she felt some panic, her chest started to tighten and her legs felt weak. Thankfully someone came to fetch her and so she was supported on because she could fall. She was brought to an exit and someone in a business suit fetched her there.

"We've made the payment. I'll take her," The man announced and looked at Simione from head to foot as if reassessing whether they bought the right thing or not.

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