The Grand Mistress

Chapter 164 - The Invitation

The expression that went on Simione's face, hurt Lyndon in so many ways. Unlike before where she would practically throw herself up at him, the girl right then only gave her a bland smile.

"You don't really have to come home brother Don," Simione replied politely and the ambiance went down awkwardly.

"My grandson, is that for Sisi?" Madam Silicia took special notice of the bouquet of flowers that he was holding. Lyndon then for some reason felt lost and unconfident, as if he didn't know how to act right in Simione's presence anymore.

Truth was, all these years, he was so good to Simione because he felt like he owed her something. Even after so many years, he felt so guilty for her. The moment he took Sisi to his home, he became her world. The girl looked to him in a different light, previously, he was just like a brother to her but the moment Lyndon saved her from the streets, he became her savior. Pressured by Sisi's adoration for her and her grandparents' fondness of the girl, Lyndon made her his girlfriend and promised her a future with his name and protection. He was all willing to do this, hoping to ease the guilt in his heart but it didn't depart from him.

All these years, Lyndon's conscience haunts him and this feeling followed him everywhere and this affected his well being. This was even the reason why his once flourishing career in ballet became just a complacent one and if not for the demand of male ballerina's in London, he would have no projects of whatsoever. This was actually the opposite to what he dreamed for and yet he was too proud to accept defeat and so even after his so-s0 ballet career, he refused to give up.

It was because of this guilt that he became more close to Feather. Alone and struggling abroad, Lyndon was lonely and miserable and this was where Feather took in and gave him warmth. His guilty conscience was something he could not tell his family, all the more Simione and so Feather, who knew everything, took charge of comforting him—by words, by the warmth of her body, by the company of a woman. Feather made him forget his guilt every night by warming his bed and so this was how his affair started with her.  Feather gave him her all, her virginity, her love, her devotion. She even helped flourish his dying career in London . How can he refuse her then?

However now, when Simione knew of his betrayal, Lyndon somehow woke up from his foolishness. It was also this time that he learned that right then, she wasn't just someone he loved out of guilt. He loved her. He learned to love her overtime and even with all his ventures with Feather, just one tear from Simione's eyes melted his heart and wanted him to become better.  When he left Devon City weeks ago after their breakup, only then did Lyndon realize he made a serious mistake. Indeed, Feather was the one keeping his bed warm and was comforting him, but it was only with Simione that he could see his future. It was only with her that he could find hope out of all his misery. However, he had hurt her already and so he wished then to reconcile with her.

"Yes, these are for you Sisi," Lyndon stretched his hand to give Simione the bouquet which the girl accepted yet even then, the awkwardness didn't die out.

"Hmm…we made reservations to celebrate Sisi's graduation. How about we go there now?" Grandfather Williams told Lyndon with the intention to alleviate the awkwardness. 

"Right. We should go there now. Your friends are coming too Sisi right?" Madam Silicia asked. The two children obviously didn't look alright so the old couple just tried their hardest to make them somewhat comfortable.

"Yes, grandmother. Gabriella and Lucilla will head straight to the venue," Simione relayed. She had seen the two earlier but prior to this day, Lucy had told her that he couldn't stay long because he had an appointment with a client while Gabriella had some things to take care of in the Monteria household. However, they both promised to celebrate it with her and that they will just head straight to the restaurant that Madam Silicia booked. The two girls were actually her batchmates but Simione took more subjects than them every semester so she ended up graduating one year ahead than the two. Hopefully next  year, the two can graduate together.

"Let's go then," Lyndon concluded and walked toward Simione to escort  her. However before he could, Simione locked her arms toward grandfather William's arms to avoid his charge and so he retreated. With how Simione ignored him in the Comis village and how she refused to communicate with him right after, he already knew wooing her would be hard. He just hoped that he could still forgive him for what he did.

The family went out of the graduation venue and waited for their ride in the entrance. Grandfather Williams had already called to inform their driver that they will wait for him there but before their car arrived, a familiar car halted just in front of the four of them. Feather immediately climbed down and approached them.

"Good noon to you, grandmother and grandfather Tang," She greeted. 

"How shameless could you be? Today is Simione's graduation and we are celebrating it and your presence was only ruining our happy occasions. Could you really be this desperate?" Madam Silicia immediately chided her.  She really disliked Feather. Even before when they were young, she did not have an inch of love for this heiress.  She didn't even know why Lyndon ended up having an affair with her as even when she had a pretty innocent face,  Madam knew well of her bad temperament. They were after all friends with the Han's for many years prior to Feather's birth.

"Feather, what are you doing here?" Lyndon immediately grabbed her elbow with the intention to grab her away. God! How did she even know he came home when he specifically did not talk to her after he left. 

"Don, It hurts," Feather felt wrong by how he treated her. The boy had never treated her like that before and had never ignored her. However, after he went to Comis Village and left the country, he ignored all her messages and refused to communicate with her. 

Was he seriously throwing her away? However, she did think he loved her already because he willingly cheated on Simione to be with her and their affairs went on for years. Feather made so many sacrifices for him, even went as low on entertaining big sponsors and VIPs in London that demanded her presence just so she could build a connection for him. So most of Lyndon's sponsorship in ballet was because of her and her efforts and yet at the end, he still cannot let go of Simione.

"How care you come here. It's Sisi's graduation," Lyndon glared at her and Feather's face went into a mess.

"Lyndon," Grandfather Tang chided him. He was always against violence so even when he himself didn't like Feather, he can't just let someone hurt her, not even Lyndon himself.  "Let go of her. Perhaps she came to apologize,"

"That child didn't know how to apologize," Madam Silica was tempted to roll her eyes at it. If only she wasn't keeping a sophisticated character.

"Grandfather, grandmother, I know you don't like me. However, I really came here for good intentions," Feather explained herself. "My grandfather already learned of my relationship with Lyndon,"

"Don Benedicto you mean?" Grandfather Williams shook a little upon such words. The Don was his long time friend and he had not spoke to him for a long time as he was thinking he had forgotten about their friendship already when he decided to take Simione into his home.

"Yes. I guess he got worried and so he flew to Devon City today to take care of this. He wanted to have lunch with Lyndon and you, grandmother and grandfather,"

"What?" Madam Silicia dropped jaws at this. She never expected in her lifetime for Don Benedicto to accept the Lyndon for Feather. Don Benedicto was the richest in their circle and he was respected by everyone. "You mean he is here in Devon City?"

"Yes grandmother and he wants you meet you now, both of you,"

"William?" Madam Silicia turned to her husband trying to signal him something. Truth was, it had been long that grandfather Williams wanted to talk to Don Benedicto about business. Previously, before their relationship was strained, Don Benedicto always advised and helped grandfather Williams with his business. Now, they kind of need his help again and so Feather's invitation was thinking.

"We are to have lunch with Simione," Grandfather William pressed on it. "We were not able to celebrate it because of you and Lyndon's shamelessness," the old man pointed at Feather. "And you dare come here and invite us today. Despicable woman,"

"Grandfather just came home and he will be leaving first thing tomorrow," Feather reasoned. "I just volunteered to send you the invitation,"

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