Doctor Sora ended up not saying a word to him and their dance went awkward. She never expected Hawk's rudeness and right then she felt like she was not an ordinary village man. He had some aura in him, something she could not bear then. With such, her long anticipated dance didn't go well and she ended up looking at their companions with a fake smile. All of them thought they settled somewhere and went on dancing with other women that nobody seemed to have cared about them anymore.

When the music finally ended, Doctor Sora breathed with relief. She let go of Hawk right away and went to go somewhere, feeling very humiliated. Nurse Leah however who didn't know what happened went to Hawk to demand her turn. Unlike Doctor Sora, she wasn't really trying to seduce Hawk as her superior had already expressed her likes on him and so she didn't make extra efforts to be close to him and just enjoyed the dance like how others did. She finds Hawk's companion somehow boring though as the man seemed very uninterested to start up a conversation that their dance went a bit awkward as the dance advanced. When the music ended again, Nurse Leah faked a smile at him and said, "Thanks Hawk!"

She withdrew and went to Simione who was sitting on the sidelines. There were chairs put on the side of the dance ground and this was where she sat alone. "Cat it is your turn now,"

"No thank I don't feel like dancing," Simione refused but then nurse Leah was persistent.

"Come one Cat, Hawk was trying to be fair with the women. Just cooperate and have fun," She said and turned to Hawk who was standing anticipating Simione's acceptance.

Cat didn't want to appear a killjoy so she stood and went to Hawk whose eyes shone bright at her obedience. Hawk took her hand carefully, rested it on his shoulder and pressed her close to  him like the men and women were dancing. Hawk even dragged her to the side of the dance floor that was somewhat not visible to their companions.

Simione just sighed and glided with him, not really much interested about dancing nor with the man who was trying his best to keep her steady on his arms. 

"Have you been crying," Hawk asked, really curious what she was sad about.

Only then did Simione notice the man was looking at her. She glared at him and responded in an annoyed tone, "No and if ever I was, it's totally none of your business,"

"Come on Cat, you can tell me what's wrong. Had the girls been bullying you?" Hawk asked again, obviously referring to Doctor Sora and Nurse Leah.

"No!" Cat denied it as it was the truth. The two, although she didn't like their vibe, didn't really treat her wrong. "Of course not Hawk. Besides, do you think I can be bullied?"

"Not sure," Hawk studied her face, trying to find some cues of what was running through her little head. "Perhaps. Perhaps not,"

"Well I tell you I can't," Simione said straight. She was not a child anymore that people can poke on to and lie upon. She's an adult now and she has gone through so much in life that other people's bullying won't matter nor crush her bones anymore. 

"Then who made my beautiful Cat cry?" Hawk asked, very tempted to caressed her cheeks. However he didn't want to take a risk and let his companions know how he treated her, they might find it offensive since as per their knowledge, Simione was married.

"Nothing. Seriously Hawk? Can you stop these?"

"Sto what?"

"Stop these pretenses," Simione was getting mad over his concern. Did Hawk Monsanto forget that he had rejected her and choose Feather? What the heck was he doing then, trying to be a gentleman when her heart was a mess? Hawk Monsanto should stop or else she'll fall hard for him more. "Stop these 'you care for me act' and stop being annoying gentlemen to me because just to remind you, you had a girlfriend whom you chose over me just a week ago. Let's not forget that,"


"I am so done with you to be honest!" Simione cussed and squeezed herself out from his grab even before the dance ended. Very annoyed and displeased, Simione left hurriedly before anyone would notice they had been arguing. Hawk however chased her as she walked through some offbeat path back to old Sunny's house. 

"Cat wait let's talk," Hawk tried to reach her and he was able to, when he successfully outran her and grabbed her hand. "Stop for a moment and let's talk,"

"What is there to talk about Hawk Monsanto?" Simione was already pissed at his insistence. Truth was she was fighting hard to control her feelings for him and this was the very reason why she wanted to be away from him. Because of that fucking song Spin used to sang to her—which Hawk Monsanto just sang an hour ago, her feelings for him were aggravating that she was becoming upset about it. Upset about her own feelings. "I want you. You don't want me. End of story,"

"Cat that's not it. I wanted you too, I just to make you understand that things on my side—"

"Hold it there and say no more," Simione got only more annoyed. "You wanted me even when you chose Feather already. Seriously Hawk? What do you want? To continue having me as your 'other woman'? And how about if you two get married, what am I then? Your mistress? Paramour? Your second choice? Ahahahhahah" Simione ended up laughing it. "I can't believe how outrageous you can be!

"Look Hawk," Simione flipped her loose hair back and put her hands on her waist. "I know I was the one who went up to you and started this crazy affair. It was my fault, I'm sorry. I was bored and I've got nothing and thought it would be fun to seduce you and that was it. Few weeks later I started to feel something and for fuck sake you made me believed you felt the same! I don't know, perhaps I was just hallucinating. I told you I want you, for real. I want to become your woman because I was falling already and I don't want to make things real with Feather on the line so I  made you choose. You didn't choose me! You didn't…" 

"...and so I walked away and accepted my defeat with grace," Simione added. "I just didn't ever fucking believe that I want I considered and almost fell for was this shallow that even when he made his choice, he still kept coming back and wanted to sin against her partner more. How pathetic is that? I'm sorry but I'm not that low, I finally had woken up and I don't want whatever you wanted,"

Simione's words struck right through Hawks chest. It was hardly an insult, it was all facts but he still couldn't see his way through it. "Cat, I need to understand that I did not intend to hurt you and whatever we have...this friendship...I wanted to keep it,"

"We are not friends, Hawk!" Cat was trying hard not to scream at him, "Clearly we are not. What we have is an affair and I'm so done with it,"

That was the last words Simione uttered and she went on with her path, leaving Hawk on the way yet Hawk still followed him, persistently.

"God!" Simone wiped her face frustratedly. She turned back at him, looked at him helplessly with her honey-colored eyes that drowned Hawk to its beauty. Even when it was dark in the part of the village, he saw her clearly.

"Cat listen, if you would just listen—"

Hawk did not anymore finish his words because right then, he saw Simione walking—half running to him, cupped his face with her two soft hands immediately and kissed him unexpectedly. Simione's warm mouth covered his hat for a moment, he lost his breath and what was left was the girl's smell. She smelled like a combination of honey and lemon. Her lips were warm and wet, signifying indeed that she had been crying a lot. She kissed her deeply, passionately and modestly. Unlike all her previous kisses that were always wild and hot, her kiss this time was slow but tasteful.

Hawk wrapped his hands on her waist right away, making sure she would not withdraw as her kiss was something he did not expect he could again but desperately wanted so. He pressed her hard on him and answered her kisses the way she had been kissing him. They tasted each other's mouth and sucked in each breath as the moon above beamed at it. It was such a perfect night for a lover's kiss and the breeze brushed into both of their shoulders with a little cold that immediately evaporated into their hot sophisticated kissing.

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