145 Chapter 145-recovering

It was raining, and the entire Xianghe city was covered in a layer of rain and fog. The smell of gunpowder and explosives mixed in the rain and fog made the city not so peaceful in the early spring.

There was no thunder in the sky; however, the constant explosions of rocket missiles across the city shocked everyone’s nerves like thunder in spring.

Rumble, rumble, rumble.

The roar of the tank sounded in the familiar Street. There was a burnt Volkswagen on the street, which was directly knocked away by the tank that drove into the street and crushed into iron pieces.

Xia Pingan stood on the turret of the tank, allowing the cold rain to fall on his face. He squinted at the familiar yet strange Street in front of him. His long-distance vision ability completely covered the surrounding streets.

At this moment, Xianghe city was a little strange to Xia Pingan, even though he had lived in this city for many years and was familiar with every street and building in the city.

From time to time, Xia Pingan would see the buildings that had been turned into ruins by the war and the fire, as well as the wreckage of the cars on the streets.

Behind Xia ping ‘an were two whole battalions of Warriors and hundreds of Summoners.

In the other directions of the city, young master mo and the summoners of the demon-suppressing guard were divided into four teams. From the East, West, South, and North, they were like four sharp knives stabbing into the city. They were clearing the last demons in the city.

This was the seventh day since Xia Pingan returned to Xianghe city. It was also the third day of the operation to recover Xianghe city.

In these three days, hundreds of Summoners and thousands of soldiers gathered in Xianghe city, under the command of Xia Pingan and the others, cleared the monsters from building to building, from garage to garage, street to street.

Two days ago, there were still magic fire spiders running out, but it was raining today, so the magic fire spiders in the city had all hidden. At most, you could see magic liquid spiders and magic rats on the streets.

Because of Xia Pingan’s long-distance vision ability and his prestige among the soldiers of the 87th Division, Xia Pingan, who had brought people to Xianghe city, became one of the commanders of this recovery battle without any dispute.

Young master Yan Mo, who had the ability to see from a distance and was very familiar with Xianghe city, was also the commander of this battle. The other two commanders were Summoners from the demon guards. They also had the ability to see from a distance and could control the entire battlefield.

The four groups of people coordinated their movements and steadily advanced step by step, completely restraining those demons.

sniper team one and lightning strike team one and two, take note. In the alley to the left of the immense strength building on the East Camp Street, there are three Phantom Spirits, seven demon rats, and a magic liquid Spider hiding. Summoners, prepare to lure the enemy.

Xia ping ‘an’s voice was transmitted to the various teams behind her through the military walkie-talkie on the battlefield.

The sniper team was in charge of The Phantom monster’s demon spirit, while the Thunder Strike team used rocket launchers and individual cloud bombs to deal with the demon rats and the demon liquid spiders.

As Xia Pingan raised his hand, the advancing team stopped. A Summoner directed a slave soldier in front of the tank to rush into the alley that Xia Pingan had mentioned. After more than ten seconds, the slave soldier ran out of the alley, followed by three Phantom monsters, seven magic rats, and a magic liquid Spider.

The sniper team’s gunshots rang out, and the three Phantom monsters ‘demon spirits were hit by the runic bullets. They instantly burned and turned into ashes.

A few rockets were fired. The magic liquid Spider that had just rushed out of the alley was hit by one of the Rockets before it could launch its attack. Its stomach was blown into pieces, and the corrosive liquid in its stomach splashed everywhere. The corrosive liquid splashed on the nearby demon rats, causing smoke to rise from their bodies and making them squeak.

The heavy machine guns began to roar, and the demon rats that were rushing toward the team were shot by the heavy machine guns until they were bleeding.

However, when those demon rats were 50 m away from the team, the heavy machine gun stopped. At the same time, some slave soldiers rushed forward and killed those demon rats easily.

Xia ping ‘an put away the corpses of the demon rats and the magic liquid spiders, then asked the team to continue moving forward. When they arrived at the street where the giant strength building was located, Xia ping’ an ordered everyone to stand guard.

there are demon rats on the third, seventh, 13th Floor and the roof of the giant strength building. Teams one, two, and three are going to clear out the moans.

After Xia ping ‘an gave the order, tu polu took his big knife and a few Summoners, each leading a team of Warriors into the building.

there are large groups of fire spiders in the underground parking lot and sanctuary of the giant strength building. Teams four, five, and six will follow me into the underground to clear them. The rest of you, stay on the defensive and search for survivors in the nearby buildings and clear the bodies of the victims.

Humans had a strong ability to survive. After coming to Xianghe city, Xia Pingan discovered that some residents of Xianghe city locked themselves up in their homes and family shelters. They relied on the stored food at home and collected some rain and snow water to survive at home for a few months.

Therefore, searching for survivors had become one of the team’s missions.

As for the bodies of the victims, there were many places in the city. Many of the bodies had rotted and had to be dealt with. If they were not dealt with, even if they took over the city, the plague might break out.

After Xia Pingan finished speaking, he jumped down from the tank and led a few Summoners and a few small teams into the underground garage of the giant strength building from the entrance of the garage. They began to clear out the big spiders that were entrenched in the underground garage and underground sanctuary.

Xia Pingan summoned a Black Tortoise the size of a millstone to clear the way.

The Black Tortoise shook its head and quickly rushed to the underground parking lot. Xia Pingan then led his men in. After that, a few explosions were heard in the underground parking lot. In less than ten minutes, Xia Pingan led his men out. All the demonic fire spiders in the underground parking lot had been exterminated.

Tu Poya and the others also came out of the building with the bodies of the demon rats. Two soldiers were injured, but their injuries were not serious. They were immediately transferred to the hospital at the back after going downstairs.

The team in charge of the search also came out. There were no survivors here, but there were two bodies that had been properly disposed of and handed over to the people behind to bury.

The four teams were advancing bit by bit like machines, plowing through every street and every building in the city inch by inch.

A day later, Xia Pingan once again used the high-temperature bombs and aluminite combustion bombs in his space warehouse. This was because in an underground shelter in the city, a large number of magic liquid spiders and magic fire spiders had gathered, which were very difficult to deal with.

A few fuel-air explosives and dozens of aluminite bombs were stuffed in. Xia Pingan blew up the underground shelter by himself.

The explosion shook the entire city. It also symbolized everyone’s determination to recover Xianghe River!


The battle to recover the Xianghe River progressed steadily day by day. Although there were casualties in the battle, it went smoothly on the whole. Compared to the organized humans, the monsters in the city were more like low-intelligence beasts.

In only five days, there were no more monsters in Xianghe city.

When the four teams finally met at the city square in the center of Xianghe city, all the Warriors and Summoners who participated in the battle were excited and reveled.

Xianghe city was finally restored!

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