Kang-hoo called Jung Yuri to arrange a meeting, and they met at Seoul Grand Park.

Since he still had time before joining Kim Su-kyung’s mercenary group, he had plenty of time to spare.

However, due to Jung Yuri’s suggestion, Kang-hoo found himself on an unexpected zoo date.

The character Shin Kang-hoo in the original work was someone who would never consider such trivial dates.

A character who, when visiting a zoo, would think about when and how the animals might be eaten.

Nevertheless, Kang-hoo didn’t want to ignore Jung Yuri’s desire to visit the zoo.

So, Kang-hoo was riding the elephant train at the entrance of Seoul Grand Park with her.

“Fun, isn’t it? Exciting, right?”


“Aren’t you thrilled? We haven’t even seen the animals yet, and I’m already excited! My heart’s pounding!”

“The weather is really nice, indeed.”

Kang-hoo’s heart was too worn out to match Jung Yuri’s childlike enthusiasm.

But the weather was so perfect that he naturally looked up at the sky.

A perfect day for a picnic.

When such expressions were used in the novel, it was a blue sky like today’s that he imagined.

“What have you been up to?”

“Dungeons. Rest. Quests. Rest.”

“So, it’s just work, home, work, home?”

“Hunters have to live like that if they don’t want to fall behind. They must constantly whip themselves.”

If he had been a hunter without ambition, he would have just leveled up enough and wandered around easy dungeons.

But Kang-hoo had no such intention.

For a hunter dreaming of a higher world, rankings, and status, rest is a luxury. It’s a common thought among many hunters.

“Relax a bit today! You’re too tense!”

Jung Yuri’s playful pats on Kang-hoo’s shoulder were filled with excitement.

Kang-hoo envied her for that.

This damned character Shin Kang-hoo had all such pure emotions eradicated.

Because in the original work, there was concern that he might become a villain straying in another direction.

Almost all positive emotions had been annihilated for this reason.

It was fortunate that he still had the mouth and muscles to smile.

So, whether it was a hollow laugh, a bitter smile, or a genuine one, he could still manage a smile.

Had this ability been removed too, he would have been no different from a robot, a mere imitation of a human.

“Shall we get some ice cream?”

“Oh! You eat ice cream? You look like you’d catch a cold just by eating ice cream.”

“What about my face?”

“You look like someone who’s received their death sentence, so pale. It feels like I should be offering you a warm cafe latte instead of ice cream.”

“So you’re saying you don’t want it?”

“No, no! Of course, I’ll eat it! If you’re buying, I’ll definitely have some!”

“Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry?”


“Two vanilla ice creams, please.”

Even while ordering, it felt awkward.

What was a normal and comfortable situation for someone else was not the same for Kang-hoo.

Maybe that’s why he found Jung Yuri’s presence, constantly exuding pure and warm energy, comforting.

After paying for the ice cream, the two began to walk slowly, holding their ice creams.

Being in the zoo, a place where there was no need to hurry, allowed them to enjoy a leisurely pace.

Kang-hoo casually started a conversation.

“You left Ground Zero earlier than I thought.”

“Yes. That time, with Sun-kyu…”

“I’m twenty-nine years old.”

“Ah! Then it’s more comfortable to call you oppa. After parting ways with Sun-kyu oppa, I visited many dungeons here and there.”

“Is there a dungeon in Ground Zero that you can tackle personally?”

“Well, not exactly mine, but there are some dungeons that my grandfather owns, you know?”

An unexpected story popped up.

Kang-hoo didn’t know who Jung Yuri’s grandfather was.

However, owning dungeons indicated considerable wealth or ability.

In the original work, the only thing mentioned about Jung Yuri was herself, but who was her family?

Jung Yuri continued speaking.

“Anyway, I was greatly inspired by you, oppa, and worked hard in the dungeons. And I thought about it.”

“Wanted to go out into the world?”

“Yes. I thought I could give it a try. I realized I’m a pretty decent hunter! Not lacking at all!”

“You’ve gained enlightenment.”

“Right. I’ve broken free from the shackles of negative thoughts!”

That seemed good.

Jung Yuri is someone who can be proud of her abilities.

Kang-hoo subtly encouraged her to come out into the world because he recognized her value.

Of course, it was also partly to create a counterforce against the Jeonghwa Guild in the mid to long term.

Probably, Jung Yuri will grow well on her own without any extra attention.

With a level much higher than Kang-hoo’s, she is already far ahead in the race.

“How much has your level increased?”

“About 10? I’m not sure if that’s a lot or a little.”

“You practically lived in dungeons then.”

“Yes, right! Hahaha!”

For a level 250 hunter, raising 10 levels in such a short time is not easy.

Such growth suggests that the dungeons provided by her grandfather were quite exceptional.

Moreover, it’s likely that her grandfather provided various forms of help, like assigning a supporter.

Who could her grandfather be?

Curiosity prevailed over the desire to hold back the question.

But before he could ask, Jung Yuri added something.

“Now I’ve regained my curiosity about the world. Of course, my feelings of revenge towards Chae Gwanhyeong remain the same.”

“So you’ve developed the will to stand against the world.”

“Right. I won’t take revenge without thought. I’ve sorted out many things. I’ll sharpen my knife quietly.”

Jung Yuri’s eyes, which had been bright throughout, flickered with a hint of killing intent.

It was strong enough to momentarily startle Kang-hoo, who was watching.

“Eat. It’s melting.”

“Ah! What am I saying in this zoo full of innocent animals! Sorry, oppa.”

“The zoo isn’t a sanctuary. Say what you want. But where is your grandfather?”

Kang-hoo subtly changed the subject.

“My grandfather? Oh, to be precise, he’s not my biological grandfather. He’s the grandfather who adopted me!”

“So, not a stepfather, but a step-grandfather?”

“Yes, that’s right. He said he didn’t want to take the place of my biological mother and father. He wanted to leave it as is.”

“I see. Did I ask an unnecessary question?”

“No, not at all! I don’t resent my biological parents. Anyway, my grandfather is at Ground Zero.”

“Ground Zero?”

“Yes. You must have heard about it, oppa? He’s cultivating Solarkium!”

“Ah, that person?”

“Yes! My grandfather!”

“I had a hunch, and it turned out to be true.”

Jung Yuri’s grandfather is Master K.

The only one in the country who can cultivate Solarkium.

A person Kang-hoo thought he could consult about his innate mana hypersensitivity.

That person turns out to be Jung Yuri’s adoptive grandfather. Fate connects in unexpected ways.

Even as the original author, who knows the content inside out, there are things beyond my knowledge.

The unconscious or areas not covered in the original work create their own threads like this.

Despite being in the world I created, there are unpredictable elements.

Of course, I know the main storyline, the major backbone, so it’s not a big issue.

Honestly, the fact that there are unpredictable parts was rather intriguing.

It brought a sense of tension.

Not everything will flow as expected, a literal, just-right amount of tension.

Anyway, if Master K is her grandfather, Jung Yuri’s value is much higher than Kang-hoo had thought.

As Kang-hoo pondered in silence, Jung Yuri tilted her head and asked,

“Why? Do you have a bad history with my grandfather?”

“No, quite the opposite. I often bought necessary items from Master K.”

“He would welcome you if you helped me! Tell me anytime you want to visit!”

“Good. That’s great.”

Kang-hoo nodded.

Meeting Master K through Jung Yuri as an intermediary could facilitate a smoother interaction.

His existence was quite important to Kang-hoo.

The supply of Solarkium was a secondary issue; it was his wealth of knowledge and experience that was valuable.

There was also Mihai Banku from Romania, recognized by Han Seo-yeon.

But it was uncertain whether he was a benevolent hunter or not.

That’s why Master K, somewhat pre-vetted(?), seemed more trustworthy, comparatively speaking.

After that, walking along the main route of Seoul Grand Park, Kang-hoo and Jung Yuri had many conversations.

Through these, he guessed that Jung Yuri’s adoptive grandmother was also an extraordinary person.

Jung Yuri didn’t elaborate, but it was clear her grandmother was also a hunter.

Moreover, she seemed like a powerful figure in the guild, influential yet not publicly known.

Kang-hoo unexpectedly gained a lot of information from Jung Yuri.

He felt good knowing she trusted him enough to share deep thoughts without reservation.

The concept of trust.

Having someone who trusts and believes in you is truly a happy thing.

On the other hand, Kang-hoo questioned himself.

Did he truly trust anyone 100%? The answer was a definitive no. He always viewed others with a degree of suspicion.

A close friend to share heartfelt friendship with.

A love that doesn’t calculate or weigh.

He had none of these, only business relationships.

‘I’m lonely.’

The conclusion was simple.

Lonely and isolated.

Kang-hoo hoped that one day, he would find a friendship or love worth sacrificing his life for.

Wouldn’t the world seem much brighter and more beautiful then?

At some point, Kang-hoo stopped getting lost in complex thoughts and enjoyed his zoo date with Jung Yuri.

He laughed at the cute animals and fully savored the sweetness of delicious snacks.

After the possession incident, for the first time, he allowed himself a proper pause in the relentless race he had been in.

During this pause, there was someone who made him feel not so alone.

Although it wasn’t long, the half-day date became a meaningful recharging time for Kang-hoo.

Once he met Kim Su-kyung’s mercenary group, the stage would shift to a battlefield of blood and flesh.

After the date, at the exit of Line 4 Daegongwon Station, where they would go their separate ways, they exchanged farewells.

“Oppa, contact me whenever you need me. Of course, I can’t answer if I’m in a dungeon!”

“It was fun.”

“Oppa! Smile more! Earlier, your smile made you look so handsome! Really!”

“Did I smile?”

“Didn’t you realize? You were smiling so brightly earlier!”

Not smiling being the norm, he hadn’t even realized he had smiled.

It couldn’t have been a forced smile.

Because he was fully immersed in the time spent with Jung Yuri.

“Anyway, I’ll contact you again! Thanks, oppa!”

Kang-hoo waved his hand in response.

And when she was far enough away, he muttered his true feelings.

“I’m thankful too.”

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