The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 77: Crisis Is An Opportunity (2)

“An explosion occurred in a dungeon filled with speed-type monsters.”

As I moved towards the epicenter,

I quickly grasped the characteristics of the rampaging monsters.

Usually, when a dungeon explosion occurs, the inherent traits of the monsters become greatly amplified.

If there were monsters with tough exteriors, they would emerge with even thicker skins.

Those swift in movement would dart about as if their speed had fast-forwarded two or three times.

If the monsters were capable of magic, they would wield significantly more mana than usual.

This explosion had affected the swift-moving ones.

It created a situation ripe for damage to those unskilled in mobile warfare.



Two hunters, oblivious to this, charged at the monsters and were instantly beheaded.

Two mantis-like monsters snipped off their heads with their pincers, severing them cleanly.

Under normal circumstances, such an attack would be entirely avoidable, but the monsters’ speed was so overwhelming that the hunters were struck down helplessly.

“This will make for good training,” Kang-hoo thought, taking the situation lightly.

He approached the battle with seriousness but didn’t allow fear to take hold from the start.


“Let’s run! These creatures are too strong!”

“Hey! If we run, these monsters will rampage through the streets like mad!”

“So what! Kenax will handle it. Stop playing the hero and let’s just run, idiot!”

The hunters reacted instinctively, opting for a realistic escape.

‘In such a situation, dungeon licenses are meaningless anyway. Should I go in?’

Kang-hoo had the bigger picture in mind.

Though he didn’t know which dungeon it was, if an explosion had occurred, there must be middle bosses and a main boss inside.

Defeating them would yield enhanced rewards and skills, far greater than usual.

There was much to gain from this situation, and he felt tempted.

With the explosion, the relevance of a strategy license was nullified.

Pop! Pop!

His enthusiasm soared to new heights with a fresh target in sight.

Yet, the monsters causing chaos outside the dungeon took notice of Kang-hoo, drawing a few of them in his direction.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Crack! Crackcrack!

“Wow, that’s fast.”

He realized why the hunters, who had earlier lost their lives, had failed to react in time. The monsters’ velocity was simply astonishing.

Even Kang-hoo struggled to dodge as they assailed him from all directions at once.

Had he not performed an immediate backward dodge, he would have been cut down from any side.

[Wind Thunder Array]

He activated the Wind Thunder Array to launch a wide-area attack.

Facing such swift monsters, engaging multiple adversaries was challenging.

Thus, implementing a strategy to simultaneously weaken them was vital to prevent the fight from escalating in difficulty.

Crunch! Crunchcrunch! Crisp!

Squeak! Screech!

The Wind Thunder Array proved highly effective.

In a moment, five mantis-like monsters within the range of the attack sustained numerous injuries.

Sharp gales tore at them, and sporadically, ‘electric currents’ from the Wind Thunder Array would detonate.

Their bodies seized up and shook, as though they were undergoing electric shocks, exhibiting signs synonymous with electrocution.

Kang-hoo certainly didn’t let this chance slip by.

[Flash Blade Throw]

He unleashed the Flash Blade Throw, a technique that focuses all one’s power into a singular, hurled dagger, perfectly suited for these circumstances.

The dagger vanished from sight almost imperceptibly and then impaled the mantis’s forehead in the blink of an eye.


That marked its demise.

He then collected the blood essence using Mollis Maniche, thereby settling the confrontation.

It was an effective unilateral trade-off of damage.



This time, he magically summoned one of the beasts directly before him.

Having provided a tracking service, he now performed a summoning.

The mantis, caught off guard and forcefully summoned by Kang-hoo, had no chance to escape.


At the center of its abdomen, Kang-hoo smoothly embedded a blood essence just as it attempted to attack with its pincers.


Kang-hoo drew a large red line from the mantis’ abdomen’s center to its left shoulder.

It was a simple display of brute strength, with no skill involved, yet the power was immense.


Following the wound, body fluids, blood, and viscera—everything spillable—spilled out.

The mantis couldn’t even twitch and died standing, a case of shock.

“Wow, damn. What is that guy?”

“Why is he dragging the monster right up to him and gutting it? What was that electric field he just laid down?”

“Who is that guy?”

“How should I know?”

The watching hunters were astounded.

Considering the scene where hunters screamed and died everywhere, this was a surreal sight.

“Should we also join in? If we follow him, we might be able to kill some monsters too?”

A shrewd hunter recognized Kang-hoo’s uniqueness and devised a plausible plan.

Seeing Kang-hoo’s knack for handling monsters, they wanted to pick up the leftovers.

After all, killing seasoned monsters would mean experience and rewards.

They figured that since Kang-hoo was alone and they were many, he wouldn’t dare complain even if they blatantly clung to him.

No matter how skilled a hunter is, they are powerless against numbers.

“You’re suggesting leeching off him?”

“Exactly. He’s too busy with monsters to care about what’s happening behind him.”

“Yeah. Look at him, a lone wolf. If we gang up, we might find a way to leech off him more than we think.”

“Heh heh. Let’s go. And you know what? If you’ve got skills, you should help other hunters in a spirit of partnership, right?”

How skillfully they rationalized their own actions.

A group seriously spouted such nonsense, yet everyone vehemently agreed, nodding their heads.

Anyway, unpleasant flies were buzzing around Kang-hoo.

Meanwhile, Jang Si-hwan continuously washed his hands in the most secluded bathroom of his house.

This place, rarely used for its intended purpose, was located far from central areas like the study or living room—in the ‘outskirts’ of the house.

Despite this, he had a reason to use this particular bathroom, so he was there.


Water poured down, ceaselessly washing the red blood from Jang Si-hwan’s hands.

In the bottom right corner, blood from another source kept flowing into the drain.

It seemed this wasn’t his first murder, as Jang Si-hwan showed no interest in the corpse.

He just kept muttering to himself while looking in the mirror.

“Why don’t you just rest peacefully inside? I mean, rest forever in the dream I created.”

His voice, cold and detached, was quite different from the usual Jang Si-hwan.

Even his eyes were different.

Not the sad, melancholic eyes, but those filled with the madness of a murderer.

It was a gaze uncharacteristic of the usual Jang Si-hwan.

“This isn’t the world I dreamed of. Stop trying to break me down. This isn’t it!”

“But you seem to quite enjoy the dream I created. You’re increasingly getting lost in it, aren’t you?”

“No! That’s not true!”

“Relax and indulge in the dream. Leave all the complex and difficult thoughts of a collaborator to me.”

“No, I can’t… I absolutely can’t…!”

A fierce argument between two distinct selves erupted from the same mouth.

But soon, as always, the altered ego of Jang Si-hwan emerged victorious.

Unbeknownst to Kang-hoo, this was how the original Jang Si-hwan had already laid the groundwork for the collaborator ending.

The original story itself was a grand delusion.

Everything he believed he was fighting for—the cause and justice—was a complete delusion.

A delusion so complete because he had created it himself.

The real Jang Si-hwan was more cruel and brutal than anyone, indifferent to justice and a true villain.


Knock knock.

There was a knock at the door.

The only person who could be there as an outsider in Jang Si-hwan’s house was Chae Gwanhyeong, his close friend.

As Jang Si-hwan finished washing the remaining blood off, he said,

“Come in.”

“Ah, the smell of blood! Ease up on the killing, man! Even disposing of the bodies without a trace is a job for me.”

“I never asked you to dispose of them. If it bothers you, just leave them here. They’ll rot or whatever.”

“Then the place will reek of rotting corpses. Great living environment, huh?”

“If you’ve come to nag, just leave. My head hurts enough as it is.”

“Is that madman still talking to you?”

“What. It’s not the first time. Don’t worry about it.”

The white towel he was drying his hands with remained heavily stained with blood.

Chae Gwanhyeong, who had a bit of a cleanliness obsession, deliberately looked away.

He couldn’t bear to look at the blood-smeared towel.

He brought up a new topic.

“Elizabeth says she wants to join us.”

“Did she say that herself?”

“Yes. She says she empathizes with our cause.”

“The Saint of Salvation has finally decided to save the world. She should have done that earlier.”

Jang Si-hwan laughed.

Elizabeth, the Saint of Salvation.

A healer-type hunter who traveled through Africa and conflict zones, healing and helping people.

Curing the sick, aiding the poor, and healing the incurably ill.

She was truly an icon of a saint, hence the nickname Saint of Salvation went undisputed.

Such a hunter expressed her intention to join The Thirteen Stars. Another faithful collaborator had been added.

Meanwhile, at that moment.

‘Is human greed and envy inevitable? I thought they were only scavenging crumbs, but now they’re crossing the line.’

Kang-hoo frowned deeply at the hunters who were not only hindering his path but also subtly threatening him.

Initially, he had thought they were just attacking the seasoned monsters he hadn’t completely dealt with.

Since they were an obstacle in his path, he didn’t mind them too much.

In fact, the hunters following him and finishing them off was somewhat convenient.

But then, at some point,

subtly, as if by mistake, someone launched a skill attack at him.

They apologized in shock and embarrassment, but it was a chillingly precise attack that targeted his vulnerabilities.

Thinking of the relationship as that between a crocodile and a plover bird had been a good start.

But the plovers, forgetting their role, now coveted the crocodile’s flesh.

And Kang-hoo had no intention of showing mercy to those who hindered him.

His gaze remained forward, but he focused all his killing intent behind him.

And then,


A clear crossing of the line—a magic skill attack aimed straight at the back of Kang-hoo’s head.

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