The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 54: Test Of The Constellations (1)

[The constellation 'Master of Mobile Warfare' applauds your splendid battle performance.]

[The constellation 'Apostle of Justice' endlessly supports you in your quest for righteousness.]

[The constellation 'Cunning Flatterer' acknowledges that its new contractor is a much more impressive person.]

Along with the Dimension Plunderer’s suggestion, other constellations also sent positive feedback to Kang-hoo.

The Master of Mobile Warfare and the Apostle of Justice were constellations that had been consistently supporting him.

However, it was a pity that contracts had not yet been formed with them.

There’s a huge difference between support and a contract.

Perhaps because the great constellation, the Dimension Plunderer, was in the main position, there seemed to be a high barrier to entry.

It could be said to be the greed of a constellation wanting to completely own all its contractors.

“Let’s rest for just a day.”

Kang-hoo requested a rest.

Challenging the test of the constellations now would likely result in immediate failure due to his exhausted state.

Failure in the test meant death, not just a simple defeat. There was absolutely no reason to take such a risk.

[Take all the time you need.]

The Dimension Plunderer did not rush Kang-hoo.

She wished for her contractor to be in the best condition for the test.

She genuinely cared for Kang-hoo.

Kang-hoo was certainly a contractor with the highest potential and prospects.

She did not want to lose him to other constellations under any circumstances. He had to be her contractor.

Thus, the test of the constellations was just around the corner.

Considering the statistic that most hunters take the test around level 150, Kang-hoo was facing it much earlier.

At just level 51.

In other words, this also meant that the Dimension Plunderer highly valued Kang-hoo.

Constellations never impulsively propose tests. They must have deemed his current abilities sufficient.

Afterwards, Kang-hoo safely arrived at Pyeongtaek Station and decided to take a day off in a secure hotel.

He checked in during the morning, yet the room’s blackout curtains made it feel like night.

As he lay on the bed, Kang-hoo reviewed his battle with Cha So-hee.

“It was definitely not easy.”

He had been able to launch an early decisive move because he had sensibly found an opening.

Had Cha So-hee been a little more cautious and accurate, the battle would have lasted much longer.

The flames had been a significant burden.

Being in a state of maximized firepower had been particularly troublesome.

He hadn’t sustained any injuries because he had never taken a direct hit, but even a slight touch could have melted anything.

The fact that just a few drops of the small fire potion had left a scar on his shoulder was even more alarming.

“If Cha So-hee is this tough, I don’t even want to think about how much harder someone like Kang Dong-hyun would be.”

Kang-hoo’s expression turned bitter.

In truth, if he significantly lowered his standards, Kang-hoo was a hunter to be feared.

He was overwhelmingly powerful.

However, for Kang-hoo, who was always looking higher, no level ever satisfied him.

Defeating Cha So-hee merely led him to think of Kang Dong-hyun, which elevated his goals even further.

Should the day come when he defeats Kang Dong-hyun, his sights would then turn to individuals like Chae Gwanhyeong or Jang Si-hwan.

His fierce competitive spirit and sense of purpose would not wane until he reached the top.

“Did you check your mail?”

Kang-hoo opened the mail app.

He wondered if it was too soon, but still clung to some hope.

“Didn’t you read it?”

The read receipt indicated that the message had been read, and there was even a response.

[Who are you?]

Though the reply was brief, Kang-hoo took it as a positive sign.

If Lee Hyun-seok had thought the email was just nonsense, he would have read it and not responded.

In Korean, this is termed ‘read but ignored.’

But asking who it was implied that the information might be credible, yet the source was uncertain.

Kang-hoo sent a reply immediately.

[Be careful with Moon Yoo-seok. You naturally supervise your subordinates, right? Trust Moon Yoo-seok only 90%.]

He offered no further details.

If Lee Hyun-seok conducted a thorough investigation of Moon Yoo-seok, he would likely discover more weaknesses than he anticipated.

Simply placing a few trusted individuals to observe would reveal details of Moon’s betrayal within days.

“I’m really tired.”

After sending the message, Kang-hoo threw his smartphone to the foot of the bed and drew the blanket up to his forehead.

All he desired was to sleep soundly.

The confrontation with Cha So-hee had taken its toll on his already sensitive body.

He needed restorative sleep.

“Ah, right.”

Recalling something, Kang-hoo reached for his smartphone and opened the music app.

[The Father of Music]

[Listening to classical music increases physical recovery speed by fivefold.]

“The benefits of the constellation should be fully exploited.”

This was due to the constellation that enhanced healing.

While resting, playing some classical music was a simple task.

Soon, the sweet melody enveloped his ears, and a peaceful slumber enveloped him like honey.

Meanwhile, Kang Dong-hyun was viewing a video in his private quarters, undisturbed.

The footage was recovered from the deceased Cha So-hee.

It had been recorded by a small device attached to the front of the sports bra she wore.

The footage only covered the encounter between Kang-hoo and Cha So-hee at the train station.

Subsequently, Cha So-hee’s fiery assault destroyed all the CCTV and circuits, leaving no further evidence.

Kang Dong-hyun habitually installed recording devices in gifts to his trusted followers.

It was a longstanding practice.

The demise of his faithful henchmen didn’t concern him much.

Even if they were lost, his intention was to use them for information collection until the end.

Without blinking an eye, Kang Dong-hyun thoroughly reviewed the entire battle between Kang-hoo and Cha So-hee that the device had recorded.

His conclusion at the end of the video was simple.

“Cha So-hee was bound to lose.”

The defeat was inevitable.

Kang Dong-hyun thought that even if the fight had lasted longer, Cha So-hee would have died.

The variety of skills Kang-hoo used was beyond expectations.

His movements were highly flexible, and his skill set was not limited to that of an assassin.

“A hunter at level 10 changed this much in less than a month after leaving prison?”

Kang Dong-hyun deeply inhaled his cigarette.

The strong tobacco felt life-shortening with each puff, yet its charm was irresistible.

Kang-hoo’s growth rate was extraordinary. Even the term ‘super-promising’ seemed inadequate.

It was too fast.

Such explosive growth was rare even among hunters who stood out internationally.

And those who grew so rapidly invariably became famous hunters.

It was like the case of Casey Rex from the Fortuna Guild in the U.S., a symbol of the elite course.

“This is unbearable.”

Kang-hoo’s remarkable skill had been sufficiently proven by Cha So-hee’s death.

However, after watching the video himself, the desire he had tried to suppress about Kang-hoo resurfaced.

It was impossible to just pass by a rough diamond that could become a gem if well polished.

So, he decided to change his strategy.

Previously, he had planned to relentlessly chase Kang-hoo with his hunting dogs and corner him.

Now, he was considering a completely different approach.

When Kang Dong-hyun pressed a button, a woman from the waiting room entered the office.

She had navy-colored long hair and a striking red headband.

“Did you call for me?”

“Yeah. There’s something I need you to do.”

“Please tell me. I’m ready to do whatever you ask.”

“Get close to this guy. Whether it’s as lovers or something casual, any kind of relationship will do. Just get close to him.”

Kang Dong-hyun turned the monitor to show her Kang-hoo’s face and information.

She nodded, asking:

“Is this about love this time?”

“Yeah. With such looks, wouldn’t your heart flutter a bit? He’s quite handsome.”

“Definitely makes my heart flutter. I might even really fall for him, you know?”

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s go for the long game.”

Kang Dong-hyun exhaled the cigarette smoke leisurely and shrugged his shoulders, a gesture indicating he had plenty of time.

He had slept for a full 12 hours.

When he woke up, it was already 9 PM, as if an entire day had been deleted.

Having checked out, Kang-hoo met with Lee Ye-rin and sorted out all the items he had obtained from Cha So-hee.

After selling those, along with items he couldn’t dispose of earlier, he earned a total of 10.5 billion won.

Balance: 10.6 billion won.

It was a massive amount, enough to buy a grade 3 item on the spot.

As soon as the item trade with Kang-hoo was complete, Lee Ye-rin presented him with a designated request form.

Unlike regular requests, this one was bordered in gold, giving it a more prestigious feel.

“This is the designated request I mentioned earlier. It’s the second request from the client who assigned the Gong Tae-su case.”

“What about the client’s information?”

“Are you joking?”

Kang-hoo nodded after throwing the playful question.

The lifeblood of a mercenary group is trust.

A mercenary group that discloses client information carelessly cannot sustain itself.

It becomes a target of ostracism.

An enemy to other mercenary groups.

Therefore, it was impossible to extract information about the client unless they themselves requested or permitted the disclosure of their information.

“The basic fee is 3.5 billion won, with an additional 1.5 billion won.”

“Ratheus Jaseok mining. I know it’s a Jaseok that is found only in certain dungeons.”

“Right. The client even meticulously attached the location and map information. That’s good news.”

“Well, it seems like bad news at the same time.”

Kang-hoo frowned as he checked the surrounding situation indicated on the map.

The reason for the news being both good and bad was the same.

The meticulousness was problematic because it included information he wished he hadn’t known.

‘Wait, this looks familiar.’

He scrutinized the contents.

Upon examining the location, he naturally connected it to the original work.

A memory came to the surface.

‘If I remember correctly, this is an Imbalance Point, right?’

It was a place also known as an Unbalance Point, near the Jaseok mining site.

No, it was actually in the same dungeon.

The location was just slightly different, but it would be easy to find if he tried.

It was called so because it was a place that offered excessive experience points and benefits due to its imbalance.

It also had a connection to Jang Si-hwan’s fate.

In the original work, it often appeared as a narrative device to continuously fuel his growth.

‘Minimum level 20. Depending on the accumulated imbalance, it can even rise to 30.’

The reward for the request was one thing, but an even greater temptation awaited Kang-hoo.

Especially if it was a ‘fate’ that could hinder Jang Si-hwan’s growth.

He had to be greedy for it.

He absolutely had to claim it for himself. He couldn’t let it slip away!

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