Upon arriving at Yangpyeong Station, I intended to take the Gyeongui-Jungang Line.

A group of hunters emerged from the station and ran towards Moonseong Villa, which was exactly where Heo Jeong-tae’s house was located.

“Head to Moonseong Villa! Hurry!”

“I’ll secure the CCTV footage!”

“Don’t worry about the cost, just get it no matter what!”


Even without explicit confirmation, their earnest running and fluttering coat tails made it evident that they were from the Jeonghwa Guild.

The only issue warranting such urgency to obtain site data from the CCTV was the incident involving Kang-hoo and Heo Jeong-tae.

‘Really fast.’

If the fight with Heo Jeong-tae had lasted a bit longer, or if the report had been delayed, I might have had to face those people.

Eventually, there would be a formal intersection with the Jeonghwa Guild, but…

Kang-hoo thought it was unnecessary for it to be now.

While waiting for the train,

Kang-hoo pondered the future after Heo Jeong-tae’s arrest by the Hunter Public Safety Bureau, a departure from the original story.

Certainly, Heo Jeong-tae’s future would change.

Firstly, Chae Gwanhyeong would no longer consider using him.

This could mean that the Hunter Murderer, Heo Jeong-tae, who had been a loyal tool for Chae Gwanhyeong, might not appear at all.

Though he might walk the path of a murderer in a completely different form, there would be no need to coordinate with the Jeonghwa Guild.

‘This is how you nip it in the bud.’

That’s what Kang-hoo thought.

This change might not seem significant now.

However, as these changes accumulate, they could turn into a massive butterfly effect, flipping the future upside down.

What if Jang Si-hwan and his gang are deprived of the opportunities they should naturally seize, and their minions are eliminated one by one?

The power that should belong to them in the future would diminish accordingly.

Conversely, Kang-hoo would catch up to them with an equal amount of power.


Kang-hoo smiled.

The destination he was now heading to on the Gyeongui-Jungang Line, impulsively decided, was ‘Yangsu Station.’

This was because the dungeon where Jang Si-hwan had his fun adventures in the original story was located at Yangsu Station.

It was a turning point prepared by the original author to resolve Jang Si-hwan’s ‘mana shortage.’

Thanks to congenital mana hypersensitivity, Kang-hoo never experienced thirst for mana.

Although it came with severe side effects, when only considering its positive function, it was practically infinite mana.

Kang-hoo’s interest in the dungeon at Yangsu Station wasn’t due to mana.

It was about who the middle and main bosses were.

The dungeon and monsters were around level 75, which was manageable for Kang-hoo.

Among them, the skills that could be plundered from the two bosses were:

[Shadow Step]

[Skill Enhancement (1-time)]

Especially the skill enhancement that could be obtained from the main boss had the potential to transform a skill into an ‘ultimate ability.’

Since only skills at maximum proficiency could be upgraded to ultimate abilities, it was a truly valuable opportunity.

[The train will depart shortly.]

He could see the backs of the Jeonghwa Guild hunters getting further away through the train’s departing window.

Even if they checked the CCTV footage at the scene, they would likely only see his back.

After all, he had considered that when planning and moving during the fight with Heo Jeong-tae.

Of course, his hairstyle or clothes might have been exposed, but that could easily be altered.

‘Anyway, before Jang Si-hwan arrives.’

He was determined to seize every opportunity for gain.

Kang-hoo had no intention of forgetting this overarching principle.

No matter what, he would claim all elements that could aid in Jang Si-hwan’s growth for himself.

Be it fate, human connections, or hidden hidden pieces, all must be taken.

Descending at Yangsu Station and moving along, not too far away, one encounters Buyongsan, a mountain by name.

Although not particularly high, its rarity of human presence almost rendered it a no-man’s land.

Even before the era of hunters, the area near Yangsu Station was tranquil compared to the rest of the capital region.

However, now with unstable public safety, few people lived here.

Only the elderly, who had spent almost their entire lives here, remained, tending to their small gardens.

Even the hunters of criminal organizations saw little value in troubling these old folks.

‘Within 100 meters of Buyong Huangju Farm. A rock resembling the profile of a wolf serves as a marker.’

He recalled as he moved.

The dungeon, barely emitting any mana, was impossible to find through mana tracking.

It was an undiscovered dungeon. Entering it would make one the first visitor.

He had to venture deep into an overgrown area with untrimmed bushes and weeds.

Fortunately, his clear memory of relevant clues prevented him from wandering too long.

Moreover, Buyong Huangju Farm, even active in the evening, provided adequate lighting in its vicinity.

‘Found it.’

After about 30 minutes, he located the dungeon entrance.

The entrance, nestled between rocks and crevices, was a place one could easily miss without a deliberate search.


Kang-hoo re-gripped his dagger and prepared his spear, ready to draw at any moment.

The ‘Strong Impact Spear’ taken from Heo Jeong-tae would be useful in many ways, a versatile tool for quick responses.


He then entered the dungeon.

The dungeon’s sky, greeting its first ‘visitor’, opened with the gloom of greyish-white clouds.

Fitting the assassination-oriented nature of the middle boss, the basic monsters of the dungeon also revealed their characteristics.

The Black Masked Men.

Reminiscent of martial arts novels or movies, these faceless figures covered more than half of their faces, appearing thus.

“This will be fun.”

Kang-hoo crouched down.

He didn’t need to seek them out.

It seemed they would approach on their own.

Swish, swish, swish.

Around ten masked figures used nearby rocks and trees as stepping stones, approaching from various directions.

Their flamboyant movements, weaving left and right, seemed somewhat skillful.

However, Kang-hoo’s excellent dynamic vision flawlessly tracked each masked figure’s movements.

And when several masked figures used a front runner as a shield to leap into the air.



Kang-hoo swiftly extended the Strong Impact Spear he had drawn from his waist, striking a masked figure.

Although it didn’t extend indefinitely, it could rapidly stretch to its full length.

Before the masked figure could reach him with an extended arm holding a dagger, Kang-hoo preemptively blocked the path.

He had thought it was just a strike, but the attacked masked figure lay dead, bleeding profusely.

Killed in one blow.

“Assassins are all like that. Light as feathers, easily shattered.”

Kang-hoo brushed his own body.

It was sympathy for their condition. Despite gaining some muscle, the inherent fragility of an assassin couldn’t be helped.

“I particularly dislike extreme social distancing.”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He swung the spear.


In the midst of this, one of the masked figures trying to approach low to the ground was struck on the head by the spear and collapsed.

If he couldn’t track their movements, controlling them with the spear would be meaningless, but now, it was a different story.

Since he could see their movements with his eyes, using the long spear to block their path in advance was easy.

With the absolute difference in length between the dagger and the spear, the masked figures were at a clear disadvantage.


Having quickly subdued two, Kang-hoo now used a surprise leap to engage them closely.

While the masked figures were disoriented, not expecting Kang-hoo to enter their midst,

Swoosh! Stab! Swoosh!

Kang-hoo’s dagger lightly pierced the throats of three masked figures with minimal effort.

A ‘light’ stab, yet for them, it was a ‘heavy’ blow, a one-way ticket to death.

As soon as he closed the gap and began lashing out with his spear, they had no way to respond.

The ten masked figures, unable to even graze Kang-hoo’s clothes, all lay dead.

“How dull,”

Kang-hoo snorted.

Level 75 standard monsters were no longer a challenge.

At this rate, he felt confident he could handle level 100 dungeons without any issues.

Advancing rapidly,

Kang-hoo continued to overpower the masked figures blocking his path, quickly reaching the dungeon’s midpoint.

Given its small size, progress was swift. There weren’t many monsters either.

It was a dungeon obviously designed for Jang Si-hwan’s opportunity.

About 20 minutes after entering, the middle boss appeared.

His name was Zanyoung.

Unlike the masked figures, which seemed like a copy-paste of a common model,

He was quite impressive with long black hair, red glowing eyes, and a melancholic gaze.

“Shadow Step,”

Kang-hoo reminded himself of the skill he could plunder from Zanyoung.

Zanyoung’s Shadow Step skill was incredibly overpowered for a middle boss’s skill.

But that was no issue, as only Zanyoung could use it, no matter how overpowered.

However, with Kang-hoo’s ability to plunder, it became an ultimate skill to be taken at any time.

‘That’s my bread and butter, Shin Kang-hoo.’

Kang-hoo had never forgotten his identity.

The fastest way for him to grow stronger was to take skills like Zanyoung’s, inherently overpowered by their mere existence.

Especially by augmenting his skillset with abilities others couldn’t possess, everything became a weapon.

It was like constantly adding cards to use in the numbers game of battle.


Kang-hoo waited for Zanyoung to approach first.

While a skirmish with him seemed appealing, he didn’t want to expend too much energy.

He was more concerned about the main boss than Zanyoung. It wasn’t easy to predict.

“Heh heh.”

Seeing Kang-hoo not making an aggressive move, Zanyoung moved with a laugh of unknown reason.

The next moment.


Zanyoung’s enlarged shadow soared high into the sky, then split into three directions.

It was Shadow Step.

A skill that disperses three shadows in any desired direction, allowing him to move to the location of the shadows.

The shadow’s speed was extremely fast, and it could hide itself in darkness.

For an opponent, it was one of the trickiest skills to deal with.


Kang-hoo responded immediately.

Illusion Technique!

A skill that could create five illusions, two more than Zanyoung’s three shadows.

Amidst the confusion caused to Zanyoung, he chose one shadow to move to.

In the blink of an eye.

Kang-hoo caught a slight flicker from the shadow Zanyoung had decided to move to.

The visual disruption caused by the neat Illusion Technique created a short but distinct tremor.


Without hesitation, Kang-hoo chose one of Zanyoung’s shadows and pounced.

If it were a wrong choice, it would leave his rear completely vulnerable, a worst-case scenario.

‘But I can see it.’

It wasn’t the case for Kang-hoo.

His exceptionally keen dynamic vision.

And the strategy naturally ingrained from designing a monster like Zanyoung as the original author.

Neatly combined in his mind, providing him with 100% strategic confidence.

There was no way he could be wrong.


Without looking back, Kang-hoo’s thrown dagger pierced right through the center of Zanyoung’s forehead.

The entire blade buried itself in, leaving no doubt about the fatal blow.

[The following skill can be plundered from the target activated by Plunder.]

[Shadow Step]

“I’ll make good use of it.”

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