After defeating Roshe,

Kang-hoo and Park Dong-jae completed their management of the magic stones and loot, then departed the dungeon for the city center.

Kang-hoo had reserved a hotel in the heart of Gyeongju city, and Park Dong-jae also had business downtown.

En route, they liquidated all their items at a marketplace.

From previously unsold items to everything they had amassed from the dungeon this time, they sold everything.

The resulting balance was approximately 5 billion won. It was somewhat disappointing, especially considering it had once exceeded 100 billion won.

His level had now reached 110.

He felt quite pleased with this upward trajectory.

This was, indeed, the growth pattern typical of Named Ones.

The strategy of gaining experience, either through monopoly or minimal sharing, was part of their rapid development process.

Many Named, including The Thirteen Stars, almost invariably adopted this approach.

As a latecomer, Kang-hoo had to make up ground more extensively and swiftly, which required extra diligence.

While Park Dong-jae was busy selling some items at the market and acquiring what he needed,

Kang-hoo was scrutinizing the skill he had seized from the boss monster, Roshe. It was a critically important skill.

【Selfish Indulgence】

【Skill Proficiency: Lv. Max】

【Selects one buff skill on oneself, increasing its efficiency by 300%.】

Roshe had utilized this to enhance his acceleration. Consequently, Kang-hoo had witnessed an alarmingly high speed.

Kang-hoo aimed to replicate this.

If he combined his own acceleration skill with Park Dong-jae’s acceleration buff and then applied Selfish Indulgence?

An unimaginably incredible speed could be achieved.

However, there was a caveat. His body needed to withstand it. If it couldn’t, it would be more detrimental than beneficial.

Nonetheless, the option to utilize it despite the risks, as opposed to not using it at all, represented a significant distinction.

Moreover, there were numerous buffs that could improve efficiency, not limited to acceleration alone.

Maximizing health recovery or dramatically reducing skill cooldowns were possibilities.

‘The skill Selfish Indulgence itself seems like a cheat. It was given as a special trait to bosses, and being able to steal it as a Dimension Plunderer feels like it’s breaking the balance.’

Kang-hoo smiled faintly.

The detailed mechanics in the original story were now proving to be a big help.

Had they tightly controlled the balance and not created such a skill for Roshe,

Kang-hoo wouldn’t be benefiting like this now.

‘It’s a bit bittersweet.’

The faint smile turned into a bitter one.

Living in this world, he was newly aware of the original story’s loopholes.

From Shin Kang-hoo’s perspective, it was a joyous development, but did it mean the author was truly sincere about the novel?

‘Back then, I was too lax, drunk on unexpected popularity.’

He had thought any content, even if a bit flimsy, would be cheered by the readers.

Even when he produced a traitor ending, he had thought it clever, expecting applause.

‘The readers wanted a happy ending. They wanted genuine writing from the author more than anyone. I was the only one lost in other thoughts. Arrogantly so.’

Though it’s a tale of a past life now, Kang-hoo decided to learn from it.

Because it’s a story he could very well apply to his current situation.

If he were satisfied with his current abilities and thought laxly, he’d eventually be devoured by the darkness of this world.

At this moment,

If Jang Si-hwan appeared before him, he would die.

Even if he was incredibly lucky and killed Jang Si-hwan, escaping death himself would be difficult.

The minimum expectation was ‘death’. The worst was dying in disgrace, with not even a body left behind.


Thanks to Selfish Indulgence, Park Dong-jae’s buffs can now be maximized to their full potential.

Once I have my own buff skill, I can use it in combination as effectively as possible.

This Roshe raid was truly meaningful. Moreover, owning the dungeon made it even more significant.

Then, having completed his purchases and sales, Park Dong-jae approached Kang-hoo.

“Hyung! Did you wait long?”

“No. I was just checking my level and experience points. It turned out well.”

“What’s your level now?”


“Anyone would think that’s a lie. Honestly, if you said 310, I’d believe it.”

“Nice flattery.”

“No, really. Hyung, you know I’ve worked with many high-level hunters.”

It’s not just talk.

Park Dong-jae was a buffer sought out by high-level hunters.

Kang-hoo realized this time that Park Dong-jae was the real deal.

“Go on, tell me.”

Kang-hoo watched Park Dong-jae with arms crossed and a curious expression. What praises would he list?

“Hyung, when you receive a buff, you adapt your combat strategy right away. If it’s acceleration, you go for mobility warfare.”

“If it’s focus, you dodge and deflect the enemy’s attacks.”

“Right, exactly! That’s why when you maximize the efficiency of a buff, your firepower improves.”

“Seems others don’t do that?”

“Most just inflate their damage and enjoy the thrill of the buff. It looks more impressive.”

“Combat shouldn’t just be for show.”

“Many hunters are too focused on appearances, too lazy to bother with complex buff strategies.”

“That’s too easy.”

“You said it.”

Park Dong-jae sighed.

In this regard, Kang-hoo prompted him to think creatively, not just as a simple buff shuttle.

He reminded him of the obvious yet forgotten fact that he was a ‘buffer.’

Some might not find such meaning in it.

But for Park Dong-jae, Kang-hoo was the first outsider to appreciate his true value.

“Habitual combat eventually leads to accidents. I don’t want that kind of fight.”

“That’s why! I think I should prioritize staying in touch with hyung for a while.”

“If there’s a dungeon to raid, anytime.”

“Don’t worry. I have more connections than you think. With some negotiation, we could even visit dungeons owned by others.”

“Can I owe you for that?”

“It’s cheap compared to the life you saved for me. Leave it to me!”

Kang-hoo chuckled at Park Dong-jae’s earnest appeal, patting his chest.

Innocent, and sometimes naive to a fault?

Certainly, there was an untainted purity in Park Dong-jae, much like Jung Yuri.

Park Dong-jae and I parted ways then.

I was supposed to go to a hotel in the city and enjoy a cool cocktail.

But Jeon Se-hyuk and Ban Se-yeong urgently called Park Dong-jae for a dungeon raid they had scheduled.

So, as soon as I entered the hotel, I took a half-bath and watched the hunter news on the bathroom TV.

As expected, today’s headlines were plastered with pharmaceutical company issues.

This time it wasn’t an explosion.

The lead senior researcher at Jeondong Pharmaceuticals was killed in an ambush while moving to a safe house.

“It’s an inside job.”

Definitely a collaboration with an insider.

Someone in the car carrying the senior researcher, or escorting it, must have leaked the information.

The Hunter Public Safety Bureau has urged the cessation of indiscriminate acts of terror and vowed severe punishments for hunters who kidnap and kill researchers, but

sadly, no lawbreaker is intimidated by the mere roar of a paper tiger—it’s just fodder for gossip.


Lee Ye-rin called.


-Sun-kyu! Or should I call you Shin Kang-hoo now?

“Whatever is comfortable. I’ll understand as long as you’re not confused.”

Since Kang-hoo had already informed his acquaintances about his real name, their reactions were not surprising.

Just in case, Kang-hoo added,

“But I mentioned putting off requests related to the pharmaceutical company.”

-Oh! I’ve already delayed those, no need to worry about that.

“So, what then?”

-It’s not about the pharmaceutical company but a completely different type of mercenary request.

“What is it?”

-It’s a request from a raid team looking for a bleeding dealer. Just keep the bleeding consistent.

“What’s the compensation?”

-50 billion won upfront, 50 billion upon completion, and first choice of any drop items from the boss monster.


It’s an enticing offer.

Of course, that’s the preliminary judgment. I need to hear more details.

-The dungeon’s level range is between 350 and 400. The raid team consists of 9 members, and they’re looking to fill one more spot.

“Can you disclose who made the request?”

-Yes, it’s the Gru Guild of Jeju Island. You know, the guild that has a tight grip on Jeju Island.

“Of course.”

Kang-hoo nodded.

Gru Guild.

Famous for monopolizing all privileges within Jeju Island and having members of various nationalities.

Notably, they’ve publicly declared “perfect neutrality.”

Thus, they are neither cooperative nor uncooperative with the Jeonghwa Guild.

Nor do they provide any special privileges to Jeonghwa Guild members for activities within the island.

In other words, if you’re not a Gru Guild member, they treat all outsiders with the same standards.

In the original story, there wasn’t much interaction between the protagonist, Jang Si-hwan, and the Gru Guild.

Because they had neither ill will nor goodwill towards Jang Si-hwan. They weren’t interested in matters outside Jeju Island.

-How about it? Aren’t you a bit intrigued? It’s about dealing bleed damage, not just DPS. I think with your current level, Kang-hoo, it shouldn’t be a problem. Shall we proceed?

“Just a moment.”

Kang-hoo pumped the brakes on Lee Ye-rin’s fast-moving proposal.

The conditions are good, but the deal seems too easy.

Aside from the high dungeon levels, there’s also the issue of a severe shortage of mercenaries recently.

Moreover, conceding first pick of the boss monster’s drop items implies…

The dungeon itself must be challenging.

With mercenaries in high demand and the dungeons being tough?

The negotiation table needed a reset.

Kang-hoo continued,

“Let’s adjust the terms. Double the upfront and completion payments. And add a priority pick for the mid-boss too.”


Lee Ye-rin seemed to choke a bit, perhaps finding the proposal too radical from her perspective, given her role in mediating and collecting fees.

But now, the requesting party found themselves at a disadvantage due to the disrupted supply-demand dynamics.

However, to ease her burden and facilitate negotiations, Kang-hoo offered her a concession.

“Here’s a pitch: I can ensure the bleed doesn’t stop, to an almost cruel extent.”

-I’ll consult on that right away.

The renegotiation began.

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