Hidden Skill

A skill that cannot be acquired through ordinary means. It stands as a unique ability within the world of hunters.

Take, for instance, a black mage skill that serves as a lesser counterpart to ‘Blood Flower,’ a technique frequently utilized by Kang-hoo.

Consider mana burning as another example.

By maximizing your proficiency in mana burning and further enhancing it with hematite or upgrading the skill, it becomes possible to burn a portion of the mana emanating from your opponent, inflicting damage in the process.

Of course, it doesn’t hold a candle to Blood Flower, which triggers explosions by igniting blood, yet the principle behind it is somewhat similar.

However, the nature of a hidden skill is such that it manifests in a form uniquely suited to its wielder during the activation process.

Given that the manifestation process is intentionally designed to be both challenging and meaningful, locating similar skills proved to be a daunting task. If one were found, it was likely also a hidden skill.

Hidden skills lay in wait for their rightful owners somewhere in this world, concealed within a ‘hidden rift.’

Jang Si-hwan was astounded to discover he had acquired such a hidden skill.

He was equally thrilled by the potential power. What kind of skill would be bestowed upon him, a mage?

This marked the beginning of Jang Si-hwan’s journey to uncover a hidden skill, as narrated in the original story—a tale intertwined with destiny.

The skill bestowed aligned perfectly with its discoverer. In the original narrative, Jang Si-hwan came into possession of a skill known as ‘Great Crimson Flame.’

This magical ability summoned a pit of fire, as large as a house, from the sky—a diminutive version of Meteor.

‘There’s just one issue. It might not be a grave concern, though.’

Before mastering the hidden skill, Kang-hoo highlighted a potential problem.

The acquisition of a hidden skill triggers a notification sent to all hidden skill holders across the globe.

Fortunately, the acquirer’s name or appearance remains confidential.

However, the name of the skill and the class of the acquirer are revealed.

That means, by looking at the skill later on, it’s possible to infer that the hunter who received the notification at that time is this particular hunter.

And there’s one more thing.

Owners of hidden skills could steal each other’s hidden skills.

The method was simple: they just had to kill them. If you killed an opponent who owned a hidden skill, it naturally passed on to you.

For this reason, in the latter part of the original work, hunters with hidden skills waged a bloody war against each other.

Of course, the victor was The Thirteen Stars.

‘It’s not like I can’t make sauce because I’m afraid of worms. Even if I can’t eat it, it’s still worth trying.’

Kang-hoo proceeded with the learning process.

It would be foolish to give up on a hidden skill out of fear. No, it was unthinkable.

Learning one hidden skill summoned from a hidden rift, analyzing the acquirer’s disposition.

Succession is in progress.

‘White Day Slash/Black Moon Slash’ has been activated.

The following information is transmitted to all hidden skill holders by the hidden rift:

‘White Day Slash/Black Moon Slash’ acquired.

Assassin class.

“Two names? Does that mean it’s two skills?”

Unlike the basic skill window, the hidden skill was displayed in a separate hidden skill window.

Usually, one acquires one skill, so the divided name was strange.

However, it also felt like it was one skill with the way it was notated.

He examined the detailed tooltip.

Condense magic power or dark energy for up to 10 seconds, then release a crescent-shaped blade energy forward.

The longer the condensation time and the more energy, the stronger the power, and upon blocking, a flash (magic power) or darkness (dark energy) zone is created.

“I see.”

Kang-hoo nodded.

White Day Slash uses magic power, while Black Moon Slash uses dark energy.

The structure of manifestation is the same, but the name changes depending on which power it is based on.

Moreover, blocking White Day Slash causes a blinding effect, or a ‘flash’ effect.

Blocking Black Moon Slash creates a temporary zone of darkness where nothing can be seen.

“To think I would get a dark energy skill like this.”

It was surprising, yet the fact that I had acquired it felt incredibly satisfying.

Since it uses magic power and dark energy separately, it might be possible to use them consecutively depending on the situation.


It seemed like it would place a significant strain on my mana sensitivity.

Kang-hoo immediately assumed the posture.

The basic action, acquired naturally during the skill learning process, was drawing an arc with a dagger.

But this was just the basic action; the skill mechanism remained unchanged even if the action varied.

So, carelessly, I condensed the dark energy to its maximum in a posture where I extended the dagger forward.

“Oh no.”

100 units of dark energy vanished in less than 2 seconds.

Then, how much dark energy could Black Moon Slash possibly contain? I was curious about the maximum.

“Ugh, as expected.”

An intense headache surged through me.

The overload was several times worse than that caused by Shadow Step, which would be second only in causing such a reaction.

The next moment,


A sorrowful sound emanated from the dagger, and a crescent-shaped blade energy in a dark red form was released.

The swiftly flying blade energy sliced a thick tree 15 meters away in half cleanly.

If there had been a person, they would have been cut in half while standing, in a powerful attack.

“Great beheadings and lightning-speed dodging have their limits set by the skill coefficient. But this is truly a finishing move skill.”

The assessment was complete.

It’s an attack skill whose destructive power can increase proportionally to the skill caster’s ability.

Ordinary hunters often refer to such skills as ‘finishing moves,’ a universal and straightforward term.

“I’ll need to refine this. I need to practice a lot.”

Kang-hoo wore a satisfied expression.

Regardless of its power, it’s a unique skill in the world that only I possess. And there are no limits to its firepower.

“You know a lot. It’s clearly a coincidence, yet you don’t seem surprised at all.”

At that moment, Dimension Plunderer casually initiated a conversation.

There probably isn’t another being that observes me as intently and constantly as she does. She must hold a great deal of affection for me.

“I guess I’m just lucky.”

I replied nonchalantly.

In reality, it’s because I know everything, allowing me to see through the obvious loopholes in this world.

“I’m curious. Go ahead and open that book next to you. I’m not the only one curious.”

Though Dimension Plunderer was the only one speaking, why did it feel like the Pure Black Pathfinder was beside me?

In fact, the only joy that the bored constellations in the great war find is in watching the life of their contractor.

It would be a lie to say they aren’t interested when Kang-hoo is growing so rapidly every time they look.

I then placed my hand on the remaining book.

I already knew what this book was about.

“You can add 3 more main constellation slots.”

“The constellations contracted in these slots will be treated as main constellations and will rise in rank along with the contractor’s growth.”

“Additionally, benefits can be provided to the contractor, and a community can be formed with other main constellations.”

Adding more main constellation slots.

In other words, the one-on-one love between Kang-hoo and Dimension Plunderer is over.

Of course, the balance had already been broken from the moment Pure Black Pathfinder joined, but it’s accelerating.

“Damn it.”


A short and powerful word from Dimension Plunderer, realizing that there would be more competitors, pierced Kang-hoo’s ears.

It was a reaction typical of her.

A short while later.

Exiting through the exit, Kang-hoo was once again confronted with the dry air of the familiar Hell of Judgment.

In a realm beyond anyone’s knowledge, he had achieved great feats.

And now, in a distant place, Jang Si-hwan was engaged in fierce combat.

The destiny that had bestowed upon him wings upon reaching level 800 had disappeared forever.

Losing the chance to add a main constellation slot was a devastating setback.

Many high-ranking constellations will not form contracts unless they are offered a main constellation slot.

In the original narrative, after Jang Si-hwan added slots, he formed contracts with three constellations ranked within the top 35.

From that moment, Jang Si-hwan transformed into an unstoppable entity.

In a world where leveling up at the highest ranks takes at least a month, he accomplished the miraculous feat of advancing one level per day. This was the ultimate manifestation of the protagonist’s privilege.

‘For now, Dimension Plunderer and Pure Black Pathfinder. And, if approved by the Great War, even the Strategist of the Wasteland.’

Currently, three main constellation slots are firmly secured.

Dimension Plunderer is an existing main constellation contract, Pure Black Pathfinder is a result of a twisted contract, and the Strategist of the Wasteland is a unilateral contract that offers benefits without overlapping slot usage.

Therefore, the newly added slots can be fully allocated to new constellations.

Deciding who will fill the remaining three slots requires further deliberation.

The constellations of the Great War will soon recognize that Kang-hoo possesses numerous main constellation slots.

Offers will start to arrive soon. The Disaster - Dark Constellation is likely seeking an opportunity.

‘Through this event, Jang Si-hwan lost between nine to fifteen constellation benefits.’

Of course, seizing future value doesn’t immediately close the gap between him and me.

But it effectively halts his growth and significantly boosts my momentum to catch up.

A long race remains unpredictable until someone crosses the finish line.

“Looks like my work here is done.”

Kang-hoo dusted off the dirt on his clothes and checked the map again.

The information was meticulously organized and detailed.

With this, cross-verification should pose no problem. If anything, I might even receive praise.

Having decided on the rendezvous point with Jin Hyo-young, Kang-hoo started walking faster than ever.

His steps were lighter than before.

At that time,

In an old castle struck by thunder and lightning, along with heavy rain that had started in the morning,

A man and a woman were having a conversation.

Just by looking at their dress code, the stark contrast between black and white, and the aura they exuded, their relationship was clear.

If anyone outside saw this pair, they would doubt their eyes nine out of ten times.

Her attire, starting with a trademark pure white dress, was white throughout.

Her name is Elizabeth.

The very Elizabeth whom people call ‘the Saint of Salvation,’ also a member of The Thirteen Stars.

The term ‘holy’ fits her better than anyone else.

However, opposite her sat a man to whom the terms ‘corrupt’ and ‘sinister’ suited perfectly.

Vincent Meyer.

In the world of hunters, he is famous for selectively killing only the most capable hunters.

It would be right to make a murderer pay for their crimes, but the problem is that he’s too strong to be dealt with.

The unlikely combination of an angel and a demon was blending into the subtle aroma of black tea.

Elizabeth said, “A hidden skill acquirer has just appeared. Who could it be? It doesn’t seem like one of our members.”

“It’s from the assassin class, so it’s not from our side. Who could it be? Interesting. El, any names come to mind?”


A nickname, a short form for Elizabeth.

It’s a natural abbreviation given the length of her name.

“Japan? Maybe Kusanagi Itsuki is capable?”

“But he’s supposed to be in treatment right now… No, there’s no information about him going into a dungeon.”

“Vincent, what do you think?”

“Any news from Korea? If Jang Si-hwan entered a mega-dungeon like the Hell of Judgment, there could be hidden rifts.”

“But the Jeonghwa Guild doesn’t have any usable assassins. Above all, individual action would be impossible.”

“We don’t know that. There could be one ant messing around in the strategy team.”

Vincent’s eyes gleamed blood-red.

Hidden rifts never appear in small and insignificant dungeons.

They usually manifest where many hunters gather, causing unseen imbalances.

For Vincent, who has been collecting data on such matters for a long time, Korea was the most suspicious region.

At this moment, the only place with a major strategic issue happening is the Hell of Judgment.

Someone with a hidden skill that even Jang Si-hwan hasn’t obtained… is somewhere in the Hell of Judgment.

Vincent licked his lips, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

After taking a sip of his tea, he turned to Elizabeth.

“El. How about we take a trip to Korea this time?”

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