The Fox Goddess

Chapter 563 Making The Training Harder For Fumiko Part 1

After the short prayer, the two finally had their dinner, and in between their eating, they happily had a chat together about some random stuff that Fumiko could think of. She was mostly asking Yuki about what they were going to do here and stuff that she should do so that she could be stronger. She was already training under Yuki's training guide that she gave for her to follow and she has already been doing it for a few weeks now and it was already showing some results as day-by-day she was clearly getting better. But if she wants to be even better and by training she can achieve it.

"Yuki, I have a question. I already have been following the guide that you showed me for more than one week now and it is great, but I feel like it now needs to be changed. Since most of it is just basic training that consists of me fighting with a Dummy, and getting my Elemental Mastery higher, also you make me cultivate by meditating. Isn't already time for you to increase my training in my Dummy Training, I can already defeat an Essence Lord, also I can use my Nanobots for more than 3 hours now. Also, does the meditation also work, because from what I know, it only helps my heart and mind to be in a calm state, does that really work?" Fumiko asked curiously while she savored the food with all her heart. She finds everything on the table delicious.

"Well, I can't refute your words. You're definitely acing the fights and Elemental Mastery, which is of course a good thing, but the thing that I am worried about is your cultivation of your heart and mind. I know that you sometimes slack with that, but I can understand since it is boring, but you actually need it." Yuki answered before stopping to sip her wine before continuing.

"I'm going to be real with you… do you really think that when the time comes, can you kill someone?" Her question made Fumiko stop mid-way from her eating because she hadn't actually thought of that yet, deep inside she was still an innocent human. She doesn't have any experience in that kind of field and even though she has already seen Yuki kill people both on Earth and here in the Immortal Realm, she feels scared about it.

She was also given the chance to see Kurokami in actions, she has seen her beat up a person, even almost killing that man. She was also scared at that time because she didn't expect that the gentle and kind Kurokami would have that kind of side just like Yuki.

"You don't know yet, do you? That is why I'm trying to mentally prepare you, by having your mind and heart in a calm state, it would be easier to do a lot of things. Killing is just one of them, though I'm not saying that you should kill someone calmly because frankly, I think that is just straight up impossible." Yuki explained once more as she got real with Fumiko there, she then continued once again.

"Killing is not that simple, it can be deadly even if you're not the one who got killed. Let me tell you this… Once a person has tasted what it means to really kill a person, they wouldn't be able to escape it. They would be forever hunted by it, it can be either guilt or the intent of wanting to kill someone again, but the outcome would be entirely on that person's choice." Her words made Fumiko completely stop, she then shockedly looked at Yuki's face to confirm if what she said was just true.

"Is… is what you said really true? How… why does it seem more complicated, I see you doing it so effortlessly though?" Fumiko asked confusedly because there was something she could understand, why would the person who killed be the one to get killed themselves?

"Why would I lie to you? Also, never compare me with anyone, especially in that range. I dare to say it, I might be the most ruthless person in this world. As for your question, yes it is true… because I have seen one already. A person who was so arrogant and confident in his skills, he destroyed everyone around him, but when it was finally time to put it to the test, a real battle. Do you know what happened?" Yuki asked as she slowly floated towards Fumiko with a glass of wine in her hands.

"Wha… what happened?"

"Well, he died. Even though they came victorious, he still died. Not on the battlefield though, but it was because he committed suicide. As for the reason why, he was someone who couldn't bring themselves to kill someone, and just because of the pressure of that time, he was forced. But after that victory, he went crazy, saying that he could hear dead people's voices in his ear. It made him mad because he just wanted to stop it, and it did when he ended things once and for all~" Yuki smiled lightly as she made a motion of slitting her throat describing how that man died.

"That… that is sad. He died because of all the guilt that he faced after killing so many lives… Are you saying that I might become that person if I'm truly not ready yet?" Fumiko asked with a scared tone as her body was shaking, but before Yuki could comfort her, she dropped her the cold truth.

"No doubt. I know and you know that you are soft, too soft. Killing someone will break you inside out. That is why I want your heart and mind to be calm at all times so that when that time finally comes, you will come out on top." Yuki said before she finally wrapped her arms around Fumiko to calm her down as she was already feeling terrified.

To calm her down even more, she begins to narrate the story of how she personally trained Yumie, it was actually just the same as how she does it with Fumiko. The only difference was that Yumie was fighting with real opponents, and though she was not killing them it was enough. She then goes and tells how Yumie was the same, she was also afraid of killing someone because she already knows how it can be disastrous for her.

"Really? Was Yumie just the same as me? I can't see it though, because right now she seems already so different from what you have described just now… so how did she change?" Fumiko asked.

"Easy, she trained hard. Of course, it took a lot of time, but she got even just by training. Though… the training for her was something she is never going to forget. I remember nicknaming that training to something funny. "Something worse than Hell", it was funny~" Yuki chuckles as she remembers the name that Yumie gave it.

She then goes ahead and tells Fumiko how Yumie managed to overcome her fear which lightened her up because it means that there was really a chance for her to be better. But after hearing what kind of training she went under, she felt scared once more.

"Training 6 days a week with only having one break… Also, you practiced her by making her kill Beast who is already dying right?"

"Yes, very simple, right? At least with an already dying person/beast, there would be less guilt because I just made her think that she would put them out of their misery. Once I saw that she had gotten quite used to it, I made it harder. I made her to be the one to hunt and kill our food, though it took a few days before she succeeded, I say that it was still great." Yuki gave her the reason why she chose a beast that was already in a half-dead state which made Fumiko think that she was correct.

"And finally, she had her first ever true kill… It was when we were attacked by a cultivator, she killed someone there. Now look at her, she's no longer that weak and too kind lizard."

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