The Fox Goddess

Chapter 556 Hungry And Looking For The Town Tavern

"Have you calmed down now?" Yuki asked with a light smile on her face as she didn't want to tease the woman in front of her anymore because she might run away again. Just as she was about to suggest they scope out Soulside town, she heard a grumbling sound somewhere, but with her incredible senses she already knew where it came from, and a chuckle couldn't help but escape from her lips that made Fumiko's face to burn in embarrassment as this was something she wasn't expecting at all.

Even though she didn't feel hungry a few hours ago, her stomach growled signaling that she was now hungry, it would have been fine if there was no one around her. But the problem was that there was one person who heard her and even if it was just one person, it made it more embarrassing and awkward, especially when that person who heard it was Yuki.

"Stop laughing at me, is it wrong to be hungry?" Fumiko asked angrily as she stormed off without caring anymore and behind her was Yuki following her from behind, afraid that she might get lost, and just as she guessed, Fumiko was indeed lost after walking for at least 10 minutes.

They were now in a less crowded place in Soulside town and when Fumiko finally noticed that she was lost, she sighed and slowly turned around to see Yuki following her from behind with a light smile on her face.

"I know what you are going to say, just please don't… Can't you just help me find something to eat than making fun of me?" Fumiko cuts Yuki before she can even say anything to her and Yuki only finds the whole thing cute since it was that cute part of Fumiko that was interesting for her. Unlike Kurokami who was very smart, had a very good sense of awareness, and was a fast learner, Fumiko was quite the opposite of her. Fumiko was indeed smart, but as for the other two, it was simply bad since she was basically clueless in her surroundings which made her lose most of the time, plus she was slow too.

Though Yuki is not making fun of Fumiko because of it even if she is slow, her comprehension is not on the same level as Kurokami, which is really impressive for her. Because in reality, her comprehension and understanding were at the very top if she was given enough time, she even dared to say that it rivals Aria or Rory. It was just she was a slow learner which balances it out for her. Even her critical thinking was amazing, it was just she easily panics when she is under pressure and doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself.

"Of course, why would I not help my lovely wife when she is hungry? After all, it's my responsibility to take care of you~" Yuki chuckled lightly, clearly teasing her to Fumiko's irritation. But she already had no other way as she was already hungry and could only yield to Yuki's teasing as she just nodded her head.

"Alright, let's find yourself some food. But I'm still going to ask you, would you prefer if we get our own food or just buy some here?" Yuki asked as she still wanted to know what Fumiko would prefer right now, would it be her cooking or the food that was there? However, she was already quite sure that she would want to experience and taste the food here since it was entirely different.

Even Yuki is curious about it and even though it was wrong to speculate, she was guessing that almost all of the food here was blood-based. After all, they were Vampires. Kurokami was just the same, even if she could eat normal food, she would still choose not to because it was off-putting for her. She would rather drink blood, but of course, she only drinks Yuki's blood.

"I… I actually want to eat some of your food now that you offered it. I only got to have your food thrice in my life and I want to taste it again, that is if you are really going to cook. Of course, eating out would still be fine." Fumiko answered expectantly as she proposed exactly what she wanted. As for Yuki's reaction, she was somewhat shocked by it as she was fully expecting her to choose to eat outside. Considering that Fumiko always wanted to try every kind of food, she would not hesitate because she was quite a foodie. She loves to eat.

"Oh, is that so? Then we should get our own ingredients now. Here are 10,000 Red Gold Coins, it should be more than enough here, but if it isn't, then you can just call me, then I'll give you more." Yuki said as she grabbed Fumiko's hand to take her Spatial Ring before loading it with money. Fumiko's reaction was priceless for Yuki because she saw her face lighting up as she already could tell that this was the most money she had ever held in her life and because of it, she decided to give her more. More than what she initially gave her.

"You're so shocked by this little money, I wonder how you are going to react if this is what I gave you?" Yuki said as she took out a single Purple Gold Coin and handed it to Fumiko's hand.

"What- is… is this what I think it is?" Fumiko asked as her hands were shaking violently, her hands suddenly felt as if they were carrying a mountain even though in reality there was just a single piece of Coin there. But what that Coin could do was immense.

"Of course, now I'm not called the Ice Devil for no reason now. Plus you already know from those two idiots that the money I have is already close to infinite right? Though then again, there might be a higher currency than this Purple Gold Coin, but at the end of the day, it would be useless. Because I'm still going to be the richest person known to the Immortal Realm~" Yuki said such a bold statement that she may be the only person who really has the arrogance to say it and when Fumiko heard it, she only smiled as it was normal for Yuki to say something like that.

She remembered when Yuki said something close to that, but it was something sinister. Even remembering was scary for her.

"There will be a day when I pay the pain that my Mother and I got from that man and I swear… once that day comes, he would rather wish that he is dead." When she heard that, she was shocked and felt afraid of Yuki for the first time because that was the very first time she saw and heard that side of Yuki which was so new to her. Because even if she was so cold and indifferent, she had never heard her have so much hatred for a person.

"I believe in you, but please. Can we get some food now?" Fumiko pleaded again as she was just feeling so hungry now and the longer she stalled, the hungrier she got, and the idea of Yuki cooking for her made her even hungrier. And what is worse is that they would still have to buy the ingredients which would waste more time and of course, the cooking time is going to be fairly long too. So Fumiko only wanted to do everything as soon as possible so that she could finally eat.

"Yes, go on now. Remember, I gave you the money, so you can decide what we will eat. You can also ask the vendors what would be good and please, don't try to be scammed. Yes, if you are going to ask, I'm not coming with you for now because I will find us a place to live, it's better for us to separate for now so we can do things quickly." Yuki chuckled lightly as she explained why she was not coming with her which Fumiko quickly understood and only nodded her head in response and after saying goodbye, she finally took off.

"Now… where is the Bar, or maybe Tavern may be the right word?" Yuki smiled as she casually walked in another direction, looking for the Tavern to gather information about this place. She is still going to find a place to live, it's just she is going to do that after she finds the Tavern.

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