The Fox Goddess

Chapter 550 What To Do First

"One day… I'll definitely find something about you and I'll know the reason why you are so hated by everyone," Yuki said to herself as she looked back at everyone with her normal look on her face she no longer wanted to put this face of her being irritated to everyone because it just seemed so childish for her to keep it going.

"Now… does anyone here want to say anything else before we go our separate ways?" Yuki took a deep breath before asking to make sure that everyone was in the same boat as what they were about to do, which was splitting up for their whole stay in Nightingale.

"No, I think what you have said is absolutely fine, and just as you said Yuki, it might be better for us considering this is a higher-tier heaven. It would be better for us to build our strength separately because it would be more efficient and faster. Plus I also like that idea because… it gives me a lot more time to get ready to introduce you to my family, and I'm really sorry for not telling you anything Yuki, please don't hate me because of it, I'm just afraid of what would be the outcome of it." Kurokami wasn't against any of that and just apologized for not being able to tell what is her situation with her family, and it was just as she said, she was afraid of the outcome that it would bring.

"No need to be afraid… I'm always here for you and just as I told you before, it's right for us to keep secrets between us. I'm fine with it because I also have my secrets that I don't share with anyone." Yuki smiled warmly as she opened her arms and hugged Kurokami tightly to give her assurance that she would not feel angry towards her because in her mind, being mad over something like that isn't just not worth it. After all, she can understand her secret.

"Thank you… thank you for saying those words to me, it really means a lot to me. I'm really glad to be with someone like you." Kurokami buried her face in Yuki's little body as she calmed herself down by the sweet scent of Yuki. And without anyone knowing, she was already using her Magic to talk with Yuki using telepathy because after hearing Yuki's words of measurement, she decided to say something about her family, though still not all because if Yuki knew everything, she might go on a rampage and kill everyone.

That was something she didn't want to happen because she was afraid of what it could cause to her family, especially Yuki. She has already heard the story of Yuki going on a rampage because of the kidnapping case and hearing that she was near death because of what happened made her heart drop. Kurokami wasn't ignorant of the rule of eliminating the person who was already in Stage 4 of Wrath.

"I'm sorry again, but this is all I can tell you for now. Just know that, I'm actually an Illegitimate Child who wasn't blessed with anything, let's just say that I'm not the favorite child." Kurokami with a lump in her throat as saying those words were heavy for her to say as this was exactly why she was afraid to say it. She was afraid that Yuki would be disgusted by her because she was an Illegitimate Child and when she raised her head, her lips were suddenly sealed by Yuki.

"I know what you are thinking… just know that I don't really care about that. I don't even care if you were to be a commoner, I loved you because of who you are, not your status, background, or wealth." Yuki said after parting lips with her while looking straight into her eyes. She wasn't concerned by any of that because it was not going to change anything about her feelings for her, Yuki was even thinking of using the background of her also being an Illegitimate Child but decided not to because it might backfire on her.

"Yeah, I know… but I just couldn't stop myself from being afraid of it. You know me… I get very anxious easily, I always get too emotional." Kurokami was brutally honest with her words which made her feel even more sad but at the same time felt easy because she finally let out what she had been feeling for a long time already.

"I know… but don't worry, you'll learn and get better as time passes. It doesn't matter how long it would take, the thing that matters the most is that you changed."

"Now, everyone! Since all of the things that should be said have already been said, we shall now depart. I hope everyone will get stronger when we meet again, and there has been a change of plans now though. Instead of meeting once a week, we are not going to meet once a month so it would be longer. So while everyone is in this adventure, make sure to build a good foundation, and never try to break through if you think your foundation is not good enough. Make it the peak before you try to Rank up." Yuki carefully said to everyone. She also changed a few of her plans which now shortened the time of their meetup.

After saying all the things that should be said, she watches everyone leave with a smile on her face, and when everyone is finally gone, she looks to her right and sees Fumiko staring at her.

"It's just the two of us now. Should we also start on our travels?" Yuki asked with a playful smile on her face as she teased Fumiko about needing someone to look after her because out of everyone, she was the one who needed the most looking after. Though she was just teasing her about it, it was actually a serious matter because it wouldn't be good if she was alone.

"Why do you keep teasing me?" Fumiko puffed out her cheeks as she slapped Yuki on the shoulder she was just too embarrassed to be teased again because Yuki was making it seem like she needed an adult to look after her even though she was an adult herself.

"No, I'm sorry. I was just having too much fun teasing you because you look so cute. Just like now, you are so cute that I can't resist myself from doing this…" Yuki said as she held Fumiko's nape and pulled her in closer for a kiss which made Fumiko stop whatever she was doing, and when the kiss finally ended, her entire face went red. When she finally realized what happened, she raised her hand and hid her face immediately.

"Why are you so mean?" Fumiko asked as he refused to show her face again.

"Alright… I'm really sorry, okay? I just couldn't hold myself back after seeing you so cutely. But on a serious note, what do you want to do for now? Should we explore the City that is nearby us or just go straight and sign your name to be an Adventurer?" Yuki finally stops as she already has what she wants and asks Fumiko what she wants to do first.

"Wait, Yuki. Before choosing, is it safe for us to travel into this land? I mean… this is the land for the Vampire Race, while you are a Fox and I'm an Angel, is it right for us to travel with ease? Wouldn't we get hunted down because we are not Vampires?" Kurokami had one concern and asked immediately as she was worried that something might go wrong while they were there.

"No… actually you don't have to worry about that because if anyone were to look at us right now. It would seem that we are siblings. You are the big sister while I'm the youngest and this is because of what Momozano did. She already knows what kind of reaction the Vampires would show if they were to see us, so that is why she used her powers to make disguise for us. She made us look like vampires for our entire stay here, and the only ones who could see it were the people around us. This is why you can still see me as my regular look." Yuki explained that there was no need to worry about which eased Fumiko's nervous nerves.

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