The Fox Goddess

Chapter 418 Handmade Gift

After Yuki disappeared in front of them in a blink of an eye, all of them were speechless and were left with nothing. They don't even have a say to do something in their current situation as the main person who called them here has already left. And with that, all of them chose to part ways as they still have their own business to attend to. Especially Lian who has now inherited the title of Goddess in Mystic Dragon Heaven, but it was not just her, all of the Royal Family was also affected by the sudden inheritance that she received from the God of Mystic Dragon Heaven, Vantil.

"Now, now. Don't be sad that your Mother left, I'm sure that she is busy and going to sort some things out. You know her more than most people, right? Yumie, Katsumi, Aika, Anna, and Fumiko. It's just her personality, I'm sure that she is in her headquarters and already making plans for the incoming war. And… you don't want to disappoint her right by getting injured in the War? So all of you better train yourself, so that when the war comes, she wouldn't have to worry about all of you so much." Ayame smiled gently as she even gave each and one of the little girls a head pat before turning her attention to the two women.

"Well… even though I and Serene can't help in your training because your fighting style is far from what we normally do. You know, it's hard for us to be in contact with the Mortals because of the rules that are set on us Gods, and if we are caught violating the rules we are going to be stripped of our title and have our Magic sealed. But, if you have any questions, you can use this Transmitter Crystal to communicate with us." Ayame added as she took a blue crystal that Serene took out and handed it to Fumiko's hand.

"Also… I hope you can make my request come true. Please… please stay with Yuki. I only hope that Yuki can find a person that would love her unconditionally, no matter what kind of person she is. I wish for her to have endless happiness. Because even I am scared for her… I know that she has forgiven me for what I did to her, but no matter what she says, that guilt would haunt me forever because I'm the sole reason why she is like this. She is an untrusting cold woman who doesn't show any emotion outside, even as her Mother I cannot read what she is thinking because she hides it. I don't even know if she is in pain or not and that thought crushes my heart to a million pieces because… Because even if she has forgiven me, I still think that there is a barrier between us." So, please… I beg of you two to stay by her side because you are only one of the few people who she can love again." Ayame pleaded softly, but she soon began to choke on her cries as she needed to take a few seconds to take a deep breath.

"She is naive to love, and what she only knows is to keep to herself the love that she is getting from you two. I hope that you two can show her endless love that I wasn't able to do. She has already received too much pain, and I don't want to add any more pain to her." Ayame said with a bitter smile hanging on her face as it looks like she even forced herself to say the last sentence.

"I… Goddess Serene, you don't have to worry, I- no. Both I and Fumiko promised to stay with Yuki until the very end of our life, even if she decided to be evil we will stay with her until the end. Simply because we love her unless she is the one who chose to cut ties with us…" Anna said with a smile that seemed to brighten up everything around them, soon after Fumiko also followed in.

"Yeah, that's right. I have no intention of ever leaving Yuki, she was the one who lightened up my dark life in the past, and. Now I will do the same with her. I will be Yuki's supporting light forever." Fumiko said with absolute confidence as she even looked straight into Ayames eyes as if she was committing herself to do what she just said. But she meant everything that she just said, she was not just saying it to put Ayame at ease, she will fully commit herself to Yuki, and that fact will not change.

"I'm glad… I'm glad that my daughter has found people like you that she can lean on. What both of you said put me at ease, well then… I have said everything I wanted to say, we will take our leave now. I hope all of you can live a happy life, then we'll leave now." Ayame said with a heavy sigh as she slowly wiped her eyes with the handkerchief that Serene gave her.

"Ummm… Goddess Ayame, can I say something to you before you leave?" Fumiko stopped Ayame and Serene before both of them could cancel out their Avatar.

"Ah, no need to be so formal to me. You can call me Mother, it is also the same with you, Anna. Feel free to call me Mother since we are going to be family from now on." Ayame said with a smile. She wasn't comfortable being called Goddess by her daughter-in-law since they are going to be technically family in the future and being called something so formal doesn't suit her taste at all. She would rather be called Mother by them than to be called Goddess, it was also the same thing with Yuki's three daughters, she asked them to call her Grandma.

"Hahaha… alright then, Mother. I would like to ask you something, your answer can also bring something positive to your relationship with Yuki. Have you ever given something to her?" Fumiko asked with a clear bit of nervousness.

"Yeah, back on Earth I have given her some stuff… No, wait… Hahaha-, I see what you mean now. I indeed gave Yuki some gifts when she was a child, but all of the things that she received from me were just some half-hearted stuff. I'm a bad Mother, huh?" Ayame began to laugh at herself as she cried even more when the realization struck her. She did give some gifts to Yuki when she was still a child, but all of the things that she gave her are not even worth mentioning because all of it was not thoroughly thought of, and the best gift that she has given her is probably the white snake, besides the snake, there was nothing left worth mentioning.

"Then… how about giving her a gift now? But I'm not talking about a gift that can bring her more power, but a heartfelt gift. A handmade gift is the best thing that you can give her." Fumiko gave Ayame a piece of advice that can change the scale of her relationship with Yuki. If she gave Yuki a gift that she made herself, maybe her view of her would be better and she could come closer to her than ever. But there was another problem ahead and that is that she doesn't know what to give to her daughter because it seems that she has everything that she could ever want, and with her current income, she can practically buy anything she wants in the Mystic Dragon Heaven.

"Mother, I know what you can give her! I know her the most, I know what she likes and dislikes, well some of it." Fumiko was happy that she was able to lift Ayame's mood once again by bringing up this advice and she even prepared to give what kind of gift Ayame could give to Yuki.

"Yuki easily gets irritated by the dirtiness that is around her. In short she is germaphobic, maybe you have already seen this side of her where even if she massacred everything that is around her, she is perfectly clean. But even if blood gets on her, it would be her blood. So maybe you could give her a set of gloves, preferably the color black since she hates light colors. So when you see someone touching her and see her irritated face, you must immediately bring that person away from her or else he/she will die." Fumiko said as she recalled some event when she saw Yuki's germaphobia act up, it was when a random person accidentally touched her hand, resulting in his hand leaving his arm.

"Germaphobic!? So that's why, that's why she seemed pissed when I also accidentally touched her hand. But why didn't she do something to me?" Anna asked with a slightly pale face as she remembered her first meeting with Yuki.

"Was Yumie there when you touched her, if she was then that is your reason. Because like I said, she became much softer than before. If it was in the past, even if a little kid was in her surroundings, she would just block the kid's eyes before killing the person. I guess Sophia is an exception since she is particularly close with her." Fumiko explained as she also begins to think of other reasons, but she can't think of any other reason besides what she first came up with.

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