The First Vampire

Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: 241 Seize Power (Part 1)_1

Chapter 241: 241 Seize Power (Part 1)_1

Translator: 549690339

The dim candlelight, the open coffin, made the atmosphere in the tent somewhat eerie.

Colin, Vera, and Scholar Doan stood around the coffin, their faces solemn.

“This is definitely not my father’s remains,” Vera stated with certainty. “There is not a trace of arcane fluctuation on it, it’s just a common stone statue. If the body were truly petrified by a Forbidden Spell, this situation wouldn’t occur.”

Colin slapped the coffin lid heavily, angrily stating, “Surely, this is the Morrison Family’s trickery!”

Vera’s eyebrow lifted slightly, asking with a puzzled tone, “But why would the Morrison Family do this? What use is stealing my father’s remains to them?”

Colin hesitated for a moment, but still did not speak of what he had seen in the underground cave of the clock tower at Phoenix Butterfly Fort.

After all, that involved his biggest secret, and even to his beloved, Colin was reluctant to confess to it.

At least, not now.

“I suspect that the Morrison Family is secretly in contact with people like Knight Nelson,” Scholar Doan surprisingly said.

“Hmm?” Colin was slightly taken aback, quickly asking, “Why do you say that?”

Scholar Doan calmly said, “My Lord, didn’t you notice that when Knight Nelson said that he wanted to pay his respects to the Duke’s remains, it was right after you had made the proposal to retreat and return to Winterfell City.

It was as if he had already known that the moment the coffin was opened, a replaced corpse would be seen, thereby preventing us from fully proving the fact that the Duke was indeed dead.

Then, they had a good excuse to refuse suggestions from Duke’s heiress like Miss Vera.”

Colin nodded thoughtfully, finding Scholar Doan’s words quite reasonable.

In retrospect, Knight Nelson and others’ behavior indeed seemed as if they were already aware that the coffin contained a false corpse.

“So, why would the Morrison Family, and Knight Nelson, want to do this?”

Upon hearing Colin’s question, Scholar Doan stroked his chin, pondered for a moment, and then replied:

“I think their motives should be twofold.

Firstly, the Uman Clan’s submission boosted Knight Nelson’s confidence, prompting him to intend to defeat the Dwarves. Looking at it this way, it’s likely that Count Uman was involved in this conspiracy.”

Upon hearing this, Colin couldn’t help but nod. He recalled Count Uman’s performance when he saw the coffin – his pretentious behavior was indeed like he knew in advance that the Duke’s corpse was fake.

“Secondly…” Scholar Doan continued, “If Knight Nelson and Count Uman manage to defeat the Dwarves together, then they will become the true heroes of the North Territory.

At that time, they might even have a say in who inherits the position of the Northern Duke.

It’s predictable that they would nominate Young Master Joyce as Lord of the North territory.

After all, it’s easier to control a child like Joyce than Miss Vera who has her own opinions, and is also married to a strong Lord…”

“Hehe.” Colin suddenly laughed, not knowing if it was because of the small compliment Scholar Doan gave him at last, or the irony of Knight Nelson and others overestimating their abilities.

That said, Scholar Doan had provided an excellent analytical perspective.

Originally, Colin thought that the Morrison family had acted of their own volition, wanting to conduct some secret research by stealing the Duke’s body.

But now, he thought that their motives is probably not so simple and it seemed more than just the Morrison Family was behind this conspiracy.

At least, there was a high probability that Count Uman was involved. This guy held a grudge against Colin and certainly didn’t want to see Vera successfully assume the position of the Northern Duke.

So he will definitely scheme to prevent the Golden Lion Legion from falling into Vera’s control.

“Count Morrison is so ambitious! Humph! Then he can forget about marrying Cousin Nina!”

Seeing Vera’s angry look, Colin suddenly laughed.

He hadn’t expected that her thoughts would turn to this at this moment. She truly had an adorably odd way of thinking.

After patting Vera’s head, Colin turned to Scholar Doan again. Seeing Doan’s calm and composed demeanor, he asked:

“Scholar Doan, when you persuaded me to come here, didn’t you think of the chance that Knight Nelson might not follow orders?”

“Of course I did.” Scholar Doan replied confidently, “I did have a backup plan at the outset.”

“Oh? Do elaborate.” Colin’s face lit up in anticipation as he quickly probed.

Scholar Doan glanced at Colin and said leisurely, “My lord Viscount, the backup plan I’m referring to actually revolves around one person. I believe you should have noticed who he is.”

Colin’s eyes darted, instantly thinking of Knight Kambening who had remained silent amongst the three high-ranking commanders of the Golden Lion Legion.

Before leaving, Colin had exchanged glances with him.

Clearly, Knight Kambening had something to say to Colin.

“You’re talking about Knight Kambening, aren’t you?”

“Exactly!” Scholar Doan snapped his fingers and explained, “Actually, when the Duke initially appointed the commander of the Golden Lion Legion, he kept one thing in mind.

You must have noticed as well, Knight Kambening doesn’t see eye to eye with Knight Nelson and Knight Louis. No, it is more than just that.

In fact, Knight Kambening and Knight Nelson have a grudge against each other- it’s all old news now, but the Duke interspersed Knight Kambening with the Golden Lion Legion led by Knight Nelson, making him one of his lieutenants to keep the Legion’s senior ranks from becoming monolithic.

In this way, Knight Kambening has become an eye that cannot be bought, observing Knight Nelson on behalf of the Duke.

And if Knight Nelson makes a mistake, then…”

Colin cut in decisively, “Then Knight Kambening becomes the alternate commander of the Legion!”

Scholar Doan slowly nodded, revealing a sinister smile under the flickering candlelight.

Upon hearing this, Vera seemed to collect her thoughts and her eyes widened in surprise. She lowered her voice deliberately and asked, “Are you… intending to kill Knight Nelson?”

Colin’s gaze flickered, he reassured, “It’s not necessary to kill Knight Nelson, we just need to wrest control of the Golden Lion Legion from him. As for Count Uman, well, he has to die!”

“But… but Count Uman has already surrendered, hasn’t he?” Vera still seemed to hold illusions about Count Uman and even Knight Nelson, “Can’t we let Count Uman and Knight Nelson fight the Dwarves? If they win, wouldn’t the rebellion in the North Territory be totally quelled?”

But Colin shook his head decisively, “You’re too naive. Even if they could defeat the Dwarves, then after their victory, the first one to be dealt with would be the Angler family, and of course, you. This would ostensibly clear the way for Joyce’s ascension to power.

Besides, the Golden Lion Legion is the last bargaining chip of the St. Hilde family. Why should we hand it over to others and let it become their stake on the table?

If this gamble is lost, then surely, Winterfell City will not be safe either. By then, North Territory would truly need a new family to rule.

In this situation, retreating to Winterfell City with our forces is the safest choice. We can’t let Knight Nelson lead the Golden Lion Legion into the abyss for his selfish desires.”

Only then did Vera nod silently, though still somewhat reluctant, “Then, what about Count Uman? Since he has already turned from darkness to light, isn’t it unnecessary to kill him?”

Colin had to speak again, “Do you still remember when I left home alone and ran into you at the Mirror Lake camp?”

“Of course I remember.” Vera nodded, puzzled as to why Colin brought this up at this time.

“Do you know why I left home alone?”


Colin’s face darkened as he said fiercely, “Because I was the target of assassination in my own castle’s bedroom! The assassin was a knight from the Angler family!”

“What?” Vera was shocked and instantly followed up, “Who masterminded this?”

“Count Uman,” Colin spit out, “I later found out that my father had fallen on the battlefield. Therefore, if I were to lose my life too, then the nobility held by the Angler family would fall upon my sister Kaitlin. And Kaitlin…”

“Married to Walra Uman!” Vera came to a realization and said with hatred, “Count Uman dared to assassinate a nobleman! Absolutely humiliating for a knight! He deserves to die!”

“Indeed!” Colin smiled again, “So, we must not let Count Uman and Knight Nelson’s conspiracy succeed, even if it means resorting to the most extreme measures!”

“Right.” Vera nodded emphatically, without feeling any guilt about killing allies.

Upon witnessing this couple finally coming to an agreement, Scholar Doan breathed a sigh of relief and solemnly said,

“Lord Viscount, wresting the command of the Golden Lion Legion from Knight Nelson’s hands won’t be a simple task. We need to plan carefully.”

But Colin laughed confidently,

“Don’t worry about that, I already have a plan.”

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