Chapter 458: The Shock u0026 Tragedy caused by the disappearance of the Mysterious Peak(1)

The sudden disappearance of something like the Mysterious peak caused horror around the Anga continent.

The reason for horror wasn’t only the disappearance but also the number of lives that died tragically with it.

The duration between the sudden shaking of the Mysterious peak and its disappearance was only around a minute, so only the beings above Tao Manifestation were able to teleport out of the range of the mountain in that time, while the remaining people died.

In figurative terms, the number of deaths caused by the sudden disappearance of the Mysterious peak crossed a Septillion mark, almost 22% of the total population on the Anga continent.

The losses didn’t end with the number of deaths or the complete extinction of a few races of flora and fauna, but in fact, it was the least cared loss for many since people were replaceable with time. But the significant and valuable resources exclusive to the Mysterious peak were the cause of terrible situations across the Anga continent.

Many organizations, Kingdoms, and even one Empire lost everything in only a span of a minute due to the disappearance of the Mysterious peak.


“Where is my father?” A person belonging to the race Duenli adorned in golden robes angrily asked. He was the crown prince of the Xanad Empire, the next in line to be the Emperor of one of the only five Empires on the Anga continent.

Duenli was one of the races exclusive to Visteerna. The majority of their members lived on the Anga continent, where they had an Empire to call their own.

Duenli had humanoid structures but with only one eye without any eyebrows. The single eye had a grey sclera, yellow iris, and brown pupil. Their eyes were exclusive to their race and one of the most beautiful in the Primal dimension.

“Your majesty, his majesty had left when the Mysterious peak had suddenly begun shaking out of nowhere, and he’s yet to return,” The minister respectfully answered.

“Damn it,” The crown prince couldn’t help but curse as their Empire had just lost everything that allowed them to have a stable footing on this continent and become one of the Empires.

“Did we find the source of it all?” The crown prince asked another question. He was the crown prince, the next in line to be the Emperor. He couldn’t lose his cool here as these situations tested the mental limit of people.

“Yes, your majesty,” The prime minister respectfully replied. He then gestured to the figure standing next to him to explain it to the crown prince.

The figure nodded. “Your majesty, it all started from the southern end of the Mysterious peak,” The figure informed the crown prince. At the same time, he waved his hands as a screen appeared in front of him, showing the map of the Mysterious peak. The area around the Bisan Kingdom and the neighboring Kingdoms were circled in red, marking it as the epicenter.

“Did we send someone to check it?” The crown prince expressionlessly asked.

“No, your majesty!” The minister replied.


“Your majesty, the Emperor is nowhere to be found, and we can’t send Immortals to check it without his approval,” The minister respectfully replied.

The Xandar Empire followed the Faith system of cultivation, so the Empire had a limited number of Immortals since promotion in cultivation depended upon the faith of the citizens of the Empire.

Even though the number of Immortals in the Xandar Empire didn’t cross a hundred, they still were able to secure their resource points in the Mysterious peak from other Empires and strong cultivators.

The reason for it was the advantage the Faith system provided to the cultivators. In the system, the closer they stayed to their believers, the stronger they were.

For this reason, there were 99 cities in total in the Xandar Empire, each one having an Immortal leading and the Divine figure of the respective city, giving them absolute strength there. Even the strongest characters of the Primal dimension weren’t able to overpower these figures in a quick amount of time.

No cultivator less than reaching Divine King(The Immortal equivalent of the Faith System) would be able to find anything related to the disappearance of the Mysterious peak. The Faith system similarly had a disadvantage; the far they went from their believers, their invincibility would disappear, and they would have equivalent strength to regular Immortals.

So as not to let a decrease happen in the already limited number of Immortals, only the Emperor had the power to order them to move. Even if the Divine Kings wanted to go somewhere, they had to ask permission from the Emperor.

“Damn it!” The crown prince couldn’t help but curse as even he couldn’t order any of the 99 Divine Kings to search for the reason.

In the Xandar Empire, the crown prince only had a status when it came to position, but not in strength. Since only the Emperor was eligible to be the highest level Divine figure in the lives of the citizens and the Divine Kings, only they could become an Immortal in the entire royal family, becoming the 100th and the strongest Immortal of the Empire.

“Your majesty, I have terrible news,” A hurried voice suddenly rang in the hall. Soon a figure could be seen as he came dashing into the hall, forgetting the etiquette of bowing to the members of the royal family first.

The minister wanted to reprimand the person, but the crown prince stopped him and gestured for the person to inform him of the terrible news.

“Your majesty, his majesty is dead. The prayer and beliefs of the citizens had started returning to the sword of the first Emperor,” The figure informed, bringing a look of horror and shock to everyone’s faces presently located in the room.

The sword belonged to the first Emperor that founded the Xandar Empire. The owner of the sword would be the receiver of the faiths and beliefs of the hundreds of trillions of citizens spread across the Empire.


Hearing the terrible news of his father’s death, the crown prince couldn’t help but stumble to the ground.

The minister and other figures presently located in the hall rushed to the prince, but he gestured for them to stop and just sat there blankly looking around him for a few seconds.

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