Chapter 425: The Void beasts(1)

“If you stop talking, only then he would be able to speak,” One of the three Void beasts that had been silently sitting couldn’t control herself hearing the other Void beasts and flared up.

“Oh!” A Void beast exclaimed in surprise and couldn’t help but laugh to cheer the air that had turned hot after the sudden burst of one of their fellow members.

“Go ahead, Oxen, tell us the purpose of the urgent calling,” The female Void beast commented, seeing that everyone had fallen silent after her outburst.

Oxen was the Void beast that had accepted the summon of Geoffrey earlier than other Void beasts and then had returned with a failure as he had no interest in dying over a promise to an organization.

“Thank you, Talia! Only you could have made these brutes silent by your manly voice,” Oxen thanked the female Void beast, supposed to be Talia, and then added a joke in the next sentence.



The Void beasts began laughing in response to the joke, but their laughter came to a sudden stop as an angry glare surveyed them.

The Void beasts were Immortals, and since there was none in the Primal dimension that could defeat them, they were invincible too.

Like Titans, they also traveled across the Primal dimension in disguises or slept in the void to pass their time. So whenever they met, there was always a laughing aura around them since all of them originated from the same source, and they had no enmity.

“The reason I called for this urgent meeting is that I’ve learned something which was impossible before today,” Oxen told the group before Talia could flare up again and punch him.

The laughing aura in the room suddenly turned solemn, as the Void beasts had never seen such a weighty face of Oxen. He didn’t look like he was joking at all.

They didn’t interrupt Oxen and waited for him to continue.

“You know about the promise we have with the top-five organizations,” Oxen said.

The other ten Void beasts nodded and waited for Oxen to speak more.

“I was the first to accept today’s summon of the third-ranked organization,” Oxen began sharing his experiences.

“When I reached there, the organization had an intruder attacking them. The scene looked weird to me since the damage had not reached an extent where summoning for us was necessary, but since it was a promise from us, I accepted the request of the creature and went to attack him.”

“The intruder was peculiar. I couldn’t identify his race, and similarly, his power system was different from the inhabitants of the Primal dimension. Unlike Qi, Prana, or Mana, his power system had no such distinction. His energy level was equivalent to an early Tao Palace, and the bow he had, gave him enough strength to evenly fight back against Immortals,” Oxen continued his experience. The other Void beasts intently listened with surprise, hearing the description of Aakesh.

“At first, I asked the intruder for his information, but instead of telling me, he took the initiative to attack.”

“I took his fighting as a joke since even with having the ability to fight back against Immortals, the intruder was nothing.”

“But then something strange happened. The intruder aimed his bow toward me, and the next moment, an arrow stronger than anything I’ve ever seen appeared on the bow.”

“The arrow had black tail feathers and a black-colored arrow shaft, while strange unrecognizable patterns were engraved on it in blue. The arrowhead it had was similar to a blade,” Oxen told the group of Void beasts about the appearance of the Absolute arrow.

(A/N: I haven’t introduced the features of the single-kill Absolute arrows when it was used as I felt here, it would make much more sense to explain it. If you believe it would’ve looked better in the war chapters, then please do tell.)

“Just by looking at the arrow, I felt myself getting pierced in every portion of my body,” Oxen commented. His voice had a slight tremble as he still remembered the feeling of hopelessness as if it had only happened a moment earlier.

The Void beasts, intently listening to Oxen, finally had a change of expression. It was unbelievable to them that something existed in the Primal dimension that could make the Void beasts fear for survival.

“How did you succeed in killing the intruder then?” One of the Void beasts asked as from what Oxen described, him returning without even a hint of injury is no less than an impossible task.

Oxen, who had been looking toward his fellow beasts, had a change in expression hearing the question. He moved his eyes away and started looking at his foot.

“I didn’t kill the intruder,” Oxen commented. His eyes still looking at his foot, as he couldn’t match his eyes with the Void beasts due to his embarrassment.

The other Void beasts didn’t have to guess for an answer as Oxen further added, “I surrendered myself and requested the intruder not to shoot me.”

“Surrender!” The majority of the Void beasts exclaimed in surprise as they couldn’t believe what they just heard.

“What about the organization you were summoned to protect?” A Void beast asked.

Oxen, instead of answering, gave a look of ‘Can’t you guess?’ to the Void beast.

“You did well. Our only duty is to protect the Primal dimension from any harm, and for it to happen, we need to survive. No promise or oath is bigger than our duty and hence our survival,” A Void beats, who was silent from the start, opened their mouth and commented.

“Now, forget about the organization and let’s talk about the intruder and the arrow,” The Void beast further added.

“He told me his name is Aakesh, and he operates a store on Visteerna,” Oxen commented. He then waved his hands as ten cards similar to what Aakesh had given him appeared in his hands. He then passed them to all the ten members.

“Just this,” A Void beast asked as the card had nothing but the store name and address on it.

“Yes, he refused to talk to me, and when I pestered him, he told me to come to his store if I wanted to ask for things,” Oxen replied what Aakesh had said to him.

“So, what do you think should be done?” Oxen then asked the question.

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