Chapter 405 – Title

Chapter 405: Title

After learning of the Aisad in the woman's memory, Aakesh decided to check on them right away.

No one knew where Aisads lived, but the headquarters of their controlled organization, Demonic-Fire, was known to many.

Being one of the top five organizations of the Primal dimension gave the leaders a title exclusive to them.

'Dimension Sovereign' was the title exclusive to the leader of the five organizations. It was only not a name granted to them, but it was approved by the Void beats, the strongest creatures of the Primal dimension.

The Void beast's approval meant there were no conflicts between the top five organizations, but they also gained advantages from it.

The Void beast would help them defend once against any enemy of the organization, irrespective of their strength and background.

Earlier, Aakesh didn't need to worry about the Void beast since Nielle was only one of the top organizations, not top-five. If Nielle turned out to be linked to the Demonic-Fire, the situation would become more troublesome than Aakesh wanted.


Like other top races, Aisads have their own sets of controlled Universes. They had more than a million Universes in their control.

In those million Universes under their control, there was a Universe that was bigger than the combined size of thousands of Universes.

The Universe was Demonic-Fire, the same name as the organization, and it was also their headquarters.

Aakesh had finally finished the hunt of every member related to Nielle in any way from the memories he could search. It was now time for him to either go to the other bases he had learned about or directly to the Aisad's controlled Universe.

From the planet Tortoal, the Universe Demonic-Fire was several decillion(10 to the power 33) lightyears away. Even for Aakesh, covering such distance wasn't going to be easy or short.

Even in the best case, it would take him hours, if not days, to complete that journey since he didn't have a skill that could help him cover that amount of distance in only a few teleports.

The planet Tortoal was a significant hub on this Universe, so it must have travel portals. The traveling would cost him money, but it would make his journey shot, and that's what he wanted.

Aakesh had seen the knowledge and location of travel portals into many memories he had forcefully searched, so he didn't have to ask for its direction. Following his memory, he discovered the nearest travel junction on the planet after travel of a few seconds.

When he reached there, Aakesh found only very few people, and that too were strong beings. Even the weakest of the lot was an intermediate Tao Palace. There was also a grim silence present there while the Immortal level guards were in attentive postures.

Aakesh didn't have to think of a reason for the lack of people as he himself was the reason. How can so many killings go unnoticed on a planet where several organizations had bases and were one of the most important planets in the Universe.

The only saving grace was that Aakesh was quicker than the law enforcers of the planet, and he committed the killings in several places, or he would have to fight them, making the situation more troublesome.

Aakesh then joined the queue of around twenty people and began waiting for his turn.

The travel portal here wasn't directly connected to the travel portals of anywhere near the Universe Demonic-Fire. For him to go there, he needed to take several turns and then use a few teleports for him to reach there.

Aakesh felt thankful for searching the memories of so many people, or he wouldn't have known the way to reach there and would have to ask someone for help, making Aisads aware of him coming there.

After waiting for a few minutes, Aakesh's turn finally arrived.

"State your identity, travel destination, and purpose," The guard asked, while the other guards had their eyes on him and the bow tied on his shoulder. If Aakesh dared to make any move right now, the guards would attack him.

"Aakesh, a store owner, planet Matarot," Aakesh expressionlessly informed the man, not telling the purpose. Many like Aakesh didn't like to share their purposes or lie, so they usually hid it. Aakesh also handed over a card to the guard.

The guard expressionlessly took the card and read it. It was the address and the name of the store.

"Okay, you can leave," The guard said since hiding the purpose of the visit wasn't a big deal. They were here to protect the portal from any harm. They weren't responsible for what happened elsewhere.

Aakesh nodded and handed over the payment of thirty supreme Primal stones to the guard. He then took a step forward, but he suddenly remembered something and stopped in his tracks.

As the blue-skinned man suddenly came to a halt, the guards pulled their weapons out and got ready to attack. Any wrong move and they would use everything to neutralize the man.

Aakesh turned around. Seeing them ready to attack, he ignored it.

Aakesh then looked at the group of cards and commented, "If you want to enter a new world, you should come to the store. Our store sells the product worth the price."

The system always requests him to promote the store, so now that he was outside, he decided to do the promotion in front of the guards. Since he was a store owner, he needed to act like one too.

The guards were taken aback by the sudden promotion of the blue-skinned man. At first, when they heard the identity of the man, they didn't believe it much since they couldn't soul-search their memory or make them fall into an illusion to know the truth. These processes were just designed to give a sense of doing duty for the guards when they weren't in a battle.

"Okay, if we have time, we would check it," The guard nonchalantly replied.

Aakesh didn't mind their reaction as he couldn't force them to enter the store. He then turned around and went to the portal.

The portal looked similar to the virtual portal in the store but was several times bigger and felt weaker in comparison.

After Aakesh left, one of the guards asked for the card Aakesh had given to learn the address since he remembered that the man had talked about a new world.

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